Random musings ?
Whilst you are on your night train I thought that I would like to offer some random and not so random musings on some of the topics/words that caught my eye in the previous day's worth of postings:
(a) Randomness
Random events were mentioned earlier in the thread. Are any events truly random, or is so-called randomness, merely an inability to perceive true cause and effect ? Are we burdened by the receipt of too many possible causes and effects that we cannot see the wood for the trees ?
(b) Connectivity
I hold a cup of water – where does the water end and the cup begin ? At a molecular level molecules from both pass into each other. At the atomic and sub-atomic levels we have notions of electrons, energy levels and particle/wave forms. We have the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and ideas of probability that relate to the “position” of particles. The cup is held by me – where does the cup and I end. I am surrounded by the atmosphere – where do I and the atmosphere begin and end. You, the reader, are surrounded by the atmosphere – where do you, the atmosphere, I, the cup and the water begin and end ? There is a connectivity of matter and events. How does this relate to randomness ? The markets ?
(c ) Precursor to events
What must happen before an event can occur ? What generates the event ? Think about it. What created them ?
(d) Trading events
How is your success (or lack thereof) as a trader measured ? What created that success (or lack thereof) ? What really created that success (or lack thereof) ?
I will wave Good night.
Lights out :idea:
CYOFCYOF said:I must leave now until tomorrow, and hopefully some will have the correct answer to chart 1.
Maybe, even someone will start the brief discussion, which is to prove that we are talking facts here, not mumbo jumbo.
My EMF Train No1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009 is waiting for me 😆
Whilst you are on your night train I thought that I would like to offer some random and not so random musings on some of the topics/words that caught my eye in the previous day's worth of postings:
(a) Randomness
Random events were mentioned earlier in the thread. Are any events truly random, or is so-called randomness, merely an inability to perceive true cause and effect ? Are we burdened by the receipt of too many possible causes and effects that we cannot see the wood for the trees ?
(b) Connectivity
I hold a cup of water – where does the water end and the cup begin ? At a molecular level molecules from both pass into each other. At the atomic and sub-atomic levels we have notions of electrons, energy levels and particle/wave forms. We have the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and ideas of probability that relate to the “position” of particles. The cup is held by me – where does the cup and I end. I am surrounded by the atmosphere – where do I and the atmosphere begin and end. You, the reader, are surrounded by the atmosphere – where do you, the atmosphere, I, the cup and the water begin and end ? There is a connectivity of matter and events. How does this relate to randomness ? The markets ?
(c ) Precursor to events
What must happen before an event can occur ? What generates the event ? Think about it. What created them ?
(d) Trading events
How is your success (or lack thereof) as a trader measured ? What created that success (or lack thereof) ? What really created that success (or lack thereof) ?
I will wave Good night.
Lights out :idea: