I am boiling, ready to explode, but WAIT, WAIT, the real Socrates has just appeared to me, where he is informing me that he hitched a lift form Ouspensky, on a five dimensional EMF train, to tell me, to tell you, the following:
" I took Hemlock for a reason, and for one reason only, that reason been, that at some point in the future, some people, may somehow, see, that, all that I say is TRUE, not because I say so, but because it is THE TRUTH, and THE TRUTH can never be changed. We really KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING"
Now, along the way, you will never guess who they saw hitching, it was Montaigne, and he gave Socrtaes a note to pass on to me for you as well, and it reads as follows:
" I have tried, God knows how much I have tried, but they are all blinded by their own ignorance and self desires. The true joy of life is in giving, giving with all your heart, and when one gives with all their heart, then, and only then, will Education be a reality"
And, as they headed off, you never guess what happened, YES, wait for it, Haanel stuck his head out the side window of the EMF train, which just happened to be hovering in the air, and said, with a BIG GRIN on his face:
My, I must now lie down, for I feel a weakness coming on - ohhhhhhh - ahhhhhh - zzzzzzzzzz.