How To Think Correctly

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orion69 said:

You and few other members from here were refused membeship to the "Elite club" because the commitee voted against you and that you were NOT suitable.


Is Dr Price a member ?
orion69 said:

You and few other members from here were refused membeship to the "Elite club" because the commitee voted against you and that you were NOT suitable.

[a case of sour grapes on your part i think]

🙂 pmsl Bulldozer, I don't think anyone who has read our earlier exchanges to your previous [banned] incarnations will be fooled by that one! I'm about as likely to seek membership of your farcical group as boil my head! I see you are now a committee, did that require the growing of extra heads? Lets hope some extra brain was injected at that stage.
orion69 said:
Dr Price,

One of the accounts that i manage for a client ...........[ ed.= made billions, obviously]......

Seriously though Bulldozer, shouldn't you feel shame at these blatant attempts to extract cash out of newbys who read your crap and don't know better than to send you their hard-earned, never to see it again. Where is the 'Vendor' tag, at least display that until the mods finally get round to banning you again.

I've lost more money on one trade than you can ever hope to see in a lifetime! Don't dare come this site and have the nerve to talk psychology to the elitists.
Dr. Price said:

I've lost more money on one trade than you can ever hope to see in a lifetime! Don't dare come this site and have the nerve to talk psychology to the elitists.
If you wish to be considered elite you should pick your friends with more care.

I would not have thought your apparent inability to manage stops was anything to boast about.
peto said:
🙂 pmsl Bulldozer, I don't think anyone who has read our earlier exchanges to your previous [banned] incarnations will be fooled by that one! I'm about as likely to seek membership of your farcical group as boil my head! I see you are now a committee, did that require the growing of extra heads? Lets hope some extra brain was injected at that stage.

Seriously though Bulldozer, shouldn't you feel shame at these blatant attempts to extract cash out of newbys who read your crap and don't know better than to send you their hard-earned, never to see it again. Where is the 'Vendor' tag, at least display that until the mods finally get round to banning you again.

Miss Peto

All monies made from membeships is given to 3 charities.

Over 90% of applicants for the "ELITE CLUB" are rejected along with their money.

As for the VENDOR TAG I'm selling nothing but crap!! I strongly recommend you dont try to enter again and we and the charities have no need of your donations.

Happy new year young IB trader!

Dr. Price said:

I've lost more money on one trade than you can ever hope to see in a lifetime! Don't dare come this site and have the nerve to talk psychology to the elitists.

Dr Price.

How do you know the size of Peto's trades, or indeed how much money he's seen. Are you his broker, his bank manager ?, Im sure as a doctor, your conclusions are based on the analysis of factual data, so perhaps you would care to enlighten us.

I wont comment on Peto's suitability to comment on psychological issue's, but he is of course 100% correct regarding the vendor tag. Bulldozer is technically a vendor, and as such should declare himself as such

orion69 said:
As for the VENDOR TAG I'm selling nothing but crap!!


😆 CLASSIC!!!! :cheesy:

I love it. Proof, if ever it was needed, that all he sells is crap. Straight from the horses mouth.
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These recent exchanges are a perfect example of history repeating itself. Someone presses a few buttons (i.e. mentions options) and a previously banned member returns. It’s always exactly the same set up, with the same conclusion, and what’s even funnier and even more ironic, is that it always involves the same crowd who discount technical analysis as garbage :idea:
peto said:
If you wish to be considered elite you should pick your friends with more care.

I would not have thought your apparent inability to manage stops was anything to boast about.

Stops? Oh, like the guarenteed ones with SB firms, for the £2/pt 'monkees' like yourself. The elitists are doubled up with laughter. Do you realise one of the elitists was a key figure in the Glazer take over at Manchester UTD. This is big money were talking about here, Peto.

Not chicken feed!
zupcon said:
These recent exchanges are a perfect example of history repeating itself. Someone presses a few buttons (i.e. mentions options) and a previously banned member returns. It’s always exactly the same set up, with the same conclusion, and what’s even funnier and even more ironic, is that it always involves the same crowd who discount technical analysis as garbage :idea:


Its NOT TA or stops thats makes your account fat!

Its brains and strategies my friend.

Happy new year.
orion69 said:
Miss Peto

All monies made from membeships is given to 3 charities.

Over 90% of applicants for the "ELITE CLUB" are rejected along with their money.

As for the VENDOR TAG I'm selling nothing but crap!! I strongly recommend you dont try to enter again and we and the charities have no need of your donations.

Happy new year young IB trader!


I forgot to mention to you, that not everyone is elegible. Members are known to each other face to face first. The applications are then submitted to the committee. The final approval rests with the committe who furhter extensively vet the suitability of the applicant, and then, their decision to admit or not is final, and there are no excuses and there is no appeal. The membership proceeds go exclusively to charity.

Dr. Price said:
Stops? Oh, like the guarenteed ones with SB firms, for the £2/pt 'monkees' like yourself. The elitists are doubled up with laughter.
No, I think you will find Stops are an instrument available from most brokers of any type, not usually guaranteed but generally sufficient to avoid disasters such as :-
Dr. Price said:
I've lost more money on one trade than you can ever hope to see in a lifetime!
I am surprised that so elite an individual was seemingly unaware of this.

The Doctor said:
Do you realise one of the elitists was a key figure in the Glazer take over at Manchester UTD. This is big money were talking about here, Peto.

Not chicken feed!
Wow. I am awed and humbled. I had no idea. Maybe it's time to get back to your patients now?

I'm curious though, to what do you refer to by mention of "the elitists"..... Members of the crackpot Bulldozer's group? Or Soc and his furry friends with whom he apparently titters with behind the scenes? Or some other secret society which may or not exist outside of your imagination?
orion69 said:
I forgot to mention to you, that not everyone is elegible. Members are known to each other face to face first. The applications are then submitted to the committee. The final approval rests with the committe who furhter extensively vet the suitability of the applicant, and then, their decision to admit or not is final, and there are no excuses and there is no appeal. The membership proceeds go exclusively to charity.

More bullsh!t from the bull, I fear.
orion69 said:
Its NOT TA or stops thats makes your account fat!, Its brains and strategies my friend.

I am in complete agreement, brains and strategies are generally essential, (other than of course for the few who are lucky enough on the basis of statistical probability to prove an exception to this particular rule)

I was simply commenting on the reliability of history repeating itself, and the failure of many to spot this simple fact.

zupcon said:
I am in complete agreement, brains and strategies are generally essential, (other than of course for the few who are lucky enough on the basis of statistical probability to prove an exception to this particular rule)

I was simply commenting on the reliability of history repeating itself, and the failure of many to spot this simple fact.


Are you also in agreement that the options writers have the edge over the buyers?
orion69 said:

What makes you think you have what it takes to give advice? And more importantly who on here listens to your advice?

The readers can judge for themselves. Anyone who wants too I suppose.

Most of your 400+ posts all we see is FIRST CLASS TRASH and NOT a single worthwhile trade.

There's a very good reason for not posting trades and it has to do with members doing their own research and work. FIRST CLASS TRASH you say . Why thanks, this must be better than Second or Third class trash.

For your new year resolution how about you show more respect to your elders and to the newbies? [its just advice of course your not obliged to take it.]

There you go assuming again, and as for taking your advice. 😆 😆 😆
zupcon said:
Is Dr Price a member ?

Peto, Pitscum, Bigbusiness and a few others from here are members to the free open trading forums but, NOT members of the special group. Their applications and fee to join the elite was rejected by the group.

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orion69 said:
Peto, Pitscum, Bigbusiness and a few others from here are members to the free open trading forums but, NOT members of the special group. Their applications and fee to join was rejected by the group.


Bigbusiness in league with Socco and the like.......DO ME A FAVOUR ! 😆 😆 😆
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