How To Think Correctly

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orion69 said:

Thanks for your PM. I have sent reply.


andycan said:
Thanks orion69

We got on-screen notifications and e-mail notifications.
andycan & bulldozer, we even got a 'reply' button at the bottom of the PM ...
Dr. Price said:
Hello and greetings, CYOF. As my name may suggest i am a Doctor and lifelong student of price action within the financial markets. I've been reading this thread with wry amusement as it twists and turns on it's long road to nowhere. I'm 87 years old next month, so trust me when i say you are a fool. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but you are a fool. You are trying to walk in the shoes of the great masters, stumbling and floundering about with the finesse of a baffoon at a mensa meeting. Do you, think you will ever recieve the 'pens', like SOCRATES and Starspacer? I doubt it, not for a while anyway, judging by your text. You are like a 4 year old child tryng on his fathers attire, hoping one day you too will be of age. Now go, CYOF, and study the art of price action, it is a way of life, not just something you read about when buying a new indicator or system. Study it well and it will serve you like a nobleman, disregard it, and it will come back to haunt your tiny mind. Be at one with price or live a life of market purgatory. You have been warned.

SOCRATES I didt' know you was 87 years of age, whats with the new screen name?
starspacer said:
Above is edited.

No, no PKFFW. In the examples you quote, pure luck is at play.
I have to agree with PKFFW here. For each of us our growth edge is different. Sure there is a sense in which enlightened thought (ala Socrates) is the same for everyone, put they way to actaully get there is quite different.

I submit that the enneagram is an *extremely* useful model of the varied pathways towards non-reactionary thought.
Dr. Price said:
How can so much be offered, and yet in the name of ignorance and greed, be so misunderstood and undiscovered. The markets can liberate your soul and senses, all you have to do is open your eyes and see.
This really sums it up - let 2007 be the year of awareness

peto said:
We got on-screen notifications and e-mail notifications.
andycan & bulldozer, we even got a 'reply' button at the bottom of the PM ...
Its considered courtesy
the interaction was initially made here publicly,
nothing more nothing less
orion69 said:
Here is my case and entrance for the competition, 15 wins & zero losers. Now will somebody challenge this guy in link below and beat 15 wins without a single losing trade.

Please keep in mind FTSE expired above 6200 on 15th Dec.


Wow! Just read the 5 pages and it's blown me away. Buldozer sounds like an exceptional character in a positive good way.

It sets a target and gives one something to admire and aspire to. I've traded SG Warrants couple of times but have decided to order the book Options as a Strategic Investment - McMillan from Amazons. I'll start reading a little more about options.

Strange, how it's made me feel really good and inspired to add to this festive season.

I've really enjoyed the Light and Intuition links too.

Merry greetings everyone.
peto said:
We got on-screen notifications and e-mail notifications.
andycan & bulldozer, we even got a 'reply' button at the bottom of the PM ...

Yet another example.This one works for IB
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

Best wishes to you for 2007!

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Atilla said:
Wow! Just read the 5 pages and it's blown me away. Buldozer sounds like an exceptional character in a positive good way.

It sets a target and gives one something to admire and aspire to. I've traded SG Warrants couple of times but have decided to order the book Options as a Strategic Investment - McMillan from Amazons. I'll start reading a little more about options.

Strange, how it's made me feel really good and inspired to add to this festive season.

I've really enjoyed the Light and Intuition links too.

Merry greetings everyone.


Sorry to hear you trade SG Warrants. The odds are stacked against you. No mater which strike you chose, you have less than 20% chance of success. You cant write warrants! you can only buy them. You cant do strats ie exotics either.

Good luck with your trades.

Mr. Charts said:
"I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people."

Seriously, isn't the concept of suffering being good for the soul merely another ploy of the clerical classes to keep the downtrodden masses in their place. It is not only a Christian concept but has been taken up by some other religions since.

FWIW the Christians I track with are blowing this religious nonsense away with a vengeance!
orion69 said:

Sorry to hear you trade SG Warrants. The odds are stacked against you. No mater which strike you chose, you have less than 20% chance of success. You cant write warrants! you can only buy them. You cant do strats ie exotics either.

Good luck with your trades.


Hi Orion,

I only traded warrants couple of times. One of them was a freebie to open the account. Didn't really feel I understood them that well. Decided to stick to shares but more so on spread betting in the last 2 years coming up to my third. Also, learnt and continuing to read much more about TA and charting. Still very much text book style and prefer mechanical trading concentrating on price and 20-MA, with usual other indicators.

I don't know why but I'm picking up really good vibes about 2007. Must be xmas and the new year high feeling...

Yet another example.

Dr. Price said:
Laptop1, what is the reason for your strange and paranoid outburst?

Lighten up guys. I been in this game to long. I'm only having a bit of fun. Thanks for the 3 stars. now I said that. I will go to one. Psychology

Have a good Christmas to you all.
Dr Price,

What are you a “doctor” of? The more intellectual clout on this site, the better.

grantx said:
Dr Price,

What are you a “doctor” of? The more intellectual clout on this site, the better.


He he he! It always makes me titter to myself, the young and foolhardy always seem to ask the wrong questions.

..."How much can a trader make from home?" What type of silly people ask these dumb questions?

I may be 87 years of age, but, there's always room for a good laugh in my life.
Dr. Price said:
He he he! It always makes me titter to myself, the young and foolhardy always seem to ask the wrong questions.

..."How much can a trader make from home?" What type of silly people ask these dumb questions?

I may be 87 years of age, but, there's always room for a good laugh in my life.
Ha Ha Ha.....and much younger than you and have learnt a great deal....but I also have good reasons to laugh.....and I will add....that those of us who laugh last.....laugh longest.
You are truly wise Mr. SOCRATES, without you on this site, it would be merely like tring to ask monkeys to settle arguements about bananas.
Dr. Price said:
You are truly wise Mr. SOCRATES, without you on this site, it would be merely like tring to ask monkeys to settle arguements about bananas.

87 years old - you'd think you'd know better, yet in all that time you've still not found any manners.

You're in good company with T2W's other rudest member.

Enjoy your Christmas day.

Dr. Price said:
You are truly wise Mr. SOCRATES, without you on this site, it would be merely like tring to ask monkeys to settle arguements about bananas.
I must tell you about a very amusing incident since you mention monkeys and bananas.

In the last century as you know, when families lived together as a unit and large families as large units, it was customary on weekends and high holidays for the family to gather for these huge lunches and dinners and usually with a sprinkling of interesting guests or friends.

In the late 1870's one such memorable lunch took place at my ancestral home in Gibraltar, which post first world war, was converted to a girls' day school.

Now the family was gathered for lunch in the dining room and there were several guests, one of them an artistic lady (she was Queen Vuctoria's card and greeting card designer)....a lady of nervous disposition....and the family finished the soup and was on to the main course...when suddenly....there came in through the window onto the verandah ... a Rock Ape.

These apes are allowed to run wild on the Rock and are a protected species according to a legend that the Rock would cease to be British if the apes were to disappear. The are tail - less and in their antics can be very funny and almost human like as they have a knack of copying everything they see.

So this ape sat on the windowsill while the family was at lunch and this caused an altercation...

My greatgrandfather...who whose sense of humour was pacify his guest....quckly instructed another place be laid at table....but without cutlery...just a plate.

On this plate...from the fruit bowl,...he placed a banana. He then entreated everyone present to act normally and continue eating and talking...

The monkey....seeing the banana...looked round at everybody first....then decided to join the lunch party.

He quickly sat down on the chair and grabbed the banana, held it upright, and proceeded to peel it.

Looking round confidently at everyone present....including the lady guest whom I have just mentioned...who by this time...who.... what with struggling with the constriction afforded by her whale bone corset ......and all the unexpected began to get a fit of "the vapours"...

The monkey ignored this and proceeded to eat his peeled banana.

Once he finished, he threw the skin in the air and quickly exited the same way he came in, leaving the whole party in different states of astonishement and surprise,,,,except for the lady guest...who had fainted...and now had to be revived with smelling salts.

The rest of the party, though somewhat shaken or disconcerted at first, now began to see the funny side of it, and as a consequence, this actual occurence has become legendary, and is sometimes recounted with glee to this day in one of those gentlemens' clubs with leather chairs, rustling newpapers and the air wafting with pipe and cigar smoke, and so the story is passed on enjoyed by the descendants of those present at the incident.

It goes to show, when a monkey inadvertently appears, what sort of reaction is afforded, and continues to be afforded, to the event by a cross spectrum of different persons, I respectfully submit.
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the blades said:
87 years old - you'd think you'd know better, yet in all that time you've still not found any manners.

You're in good company with T2W's other rudest member.

Enjoy your Christmas day.


You dont need to have manners to trade profitably but, it helps if your looking for advice/knowledge from the older more senior members who KNOW how trading WORKS for making REAL profits!

What do the young traders know?? One young trader on here thinks £200K profit per year on £10Ml account is good trading. 🙄

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