Mr. Charts said:
"I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people."
Sounds more like the Austrian bride of Loius XVI, than yet another celebrity icon.
Seriously, isn't the concept of suffering being good for the soul merely another ploy of the clerical classes to keep the downtrodden masses in their place. It is not only a Christian concept but has been taken up by some other religions since.
So what's the connection with trading?
Such religious concepts long since entered the popular culture and one of them is that you need to suffer big trading losses before you can be successful. Good for the soul, they say. I don't agree.
Another example of incorrect thinking which almost everybody adheres to. Tell them facts and if they are not already part of the received wisdom, then they are disregarded and the messenger is ridiculed or ignored.
Worse still, facts are treated like views and are perceived on the basis of moral relativism - the curse of our times.