How To Think Correctly

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blackcab said:
This is interesting. Could you explain what you mean by "the universal consciousness of all mankind"? Is it something to do with:

a) The sum of human knowledge (if you could add everyone's brains together)

b) The perceived pool of humanity's knowledge (the consensus - what "everyone" regards as true - received wisdom)

c) The collective unconscious of Carl Jung

d) Something spiritual, religious, supernatural, 'other worldly'

Or something else? I'd like to hear.


Hi Blackcab.

Heres my reply to your post above.

Its G Formulae its NOT Religious or Supernatural. Without it you would not be able to think correctly!
G(i) is the General Fibonacci series. It has the same recurrence relation as Fibonacci and Lucas, namely G(n+2) = G(n+1) + G👎 for all integers n (i.e. n can be negative), but the "starting values" of G(0)=a and G(1)=b can be specified. It therefore includes both series them both as special cases. To make it clear which starting values for G(0)=a and G(1)=b are being used, we write G(a,b,i) for G(i). Hoggatt and others use the letter H for series G. For example:
If G(0)=0 and G(1)=1 we have 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,.. the Fibonacci series, i.e. G(0,1,i) = F(i);
G(0)=2 and G(1)=1 gives 2,1,3,4,7,11,18,.. the Lucas series, i.e. G(2,1,i) = L(i);

If you like i will post an easier one later.

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blackcab said:
This is interesting. Could you explain what you mean by "the universal consciousness of all mankind"? Is it something to do with:

a) The sum of human knowledge (if you could add everyone's brains together)

b) The perceived pool of humanity's knowledge (the consensus - what "everyone" regards as true - received wisdom)

c) The collective unconscious of Carl Jung

d) Something spiritual, religious, supernatural, 'other worldly'

Or something else? I'd like to hear.
Sorry, no time now...too busy...later.
"If you like i will post an easier one later".

Sorry, i cant send an easier one. I have just received a call not to reveal more.

blackcab said:
This is interesting. Could you explain what you mean by "the universal consciousness of all mankind"? Is it something to do with:

a) The sum of human knowledge (if you could add everyone's brains together)

b) The perceived pool of humanity's knowledge (the consensus - what "everyone" regards as true - received wisdom)

c) The collective unconscious of Carl Jung

d) Something spiritual, religious, supernatural, 'other worldly'

Or something else? I'd like to hear.
And I'll be intersted to hear what role books (used by "Textbook Traders") have (or don't have) in "universal consciousness". 😉
dlpirl said:
And I'll be intersted to hear what role books (used by "Textbook Traders") have (or don't have) in "universal consciousness". 😉
I have decided to give my explanation by PM to selected members.

Therefore your rudeness is rewarded ~ you get to see nothing.
I have decided to give my explanation by PM to selected members.

Therefore your rudeness is rewarded ~ you get to see nothing.

Actually, on second thoughts, I have decided not to do it at all.

A classic "can't lose" posture, not dissimilar to you can't fall out of bed if you sleep on the floor . . . 😆

Season's Greetings

CYOF said:
Good show O69 - you are asking questions, and that is the first step in acquiring new knowledge.

But, your questioning is starting off in the wrong direction!

Why do you look for confirmation from others - do you not have a mind of your own?

This is not cutting you down, btw, this is trying to assist you to think correctly, whether you know it or not!



I have just noticed your post, sorry for keeping you waiting so long for a reply.

Many thanks for your post and advice.

Greatly appreciated.



PS: You will be glad to know that your name is NOT included in my list of SEVEN to Mr charts.
rossored said:
CYOF has been banned for 24 hours as a result of this post.

Fair warnings were given.

This ban was not correct - as I was referring to what my wife calls me -but so be it, I am not a baby and we can now move on.

In future, it may be wise to at least check, or read the post a few times to make sure!
As I have some catching up to do, and I don't have much time - just a little something to keep you going :cheesy:

starspacer said:
The masses are brainwashed, educated with Lies and do not exist in the Here and Now. They never achieve trading Mastery, they cannot. They are trapped in a morphology of doubt and indecision. Evil people ignore the teachings of the Wise, for they are trapped in a dimension of time and space that does not permit them to exercise genius or Mastery. You can tell who they are. They boast about how good they are and the stellar returns achieved and so on. Perhaps, they even become a vendor (for this is promotion in that subset). They may even become ‘The Thirty’, for this gives them power to silence the few.

Truth is ineffable and immutable and transcends all. This is the route to Trading Mastery.

My good fellow, it is indeed a mystery as to how the Gods operate, is it not!
PKFFW said:
As has been mentioned you really ought to preface those remarks with in my opinion yadda yadda yadda because that is all it is.

It is the TRUTH – the REAL TRUTH and I always speak the TRUTH

Many traders do use "textbook trading" and indicators etc to make quite substantial amounts of money.

Like (someone we know, just in case I am banned again 🙄 ) is it, and the private compilations, what a bunch of suckers

I'm sure one such as yourself, who claims to speak the truth, will admit you have not met all or even many traders around the world.

3 – Who are, btw, not TEXTBOOK TRADERS

Probably haven't met all or even many of the famous ones.

As above – but they do not write books on trading, so to you, they are not FAMOUS

So for you to state as truth that one can only gain pittance returns using those methodologies you despise is a statement simply not backed up by fact.

Yeh – I am not the one who has to prove anything – it is the ones who say it is possible who have to prove it – why do you lot continually believe so much rubbish without even asking to see results. And then, along comes Socrates, with many words of real value, and what do you all do, hey SOC, put up or shut up – how ironic!.

Interesting that you admit to not being an expert and yet state over and over that you speak the truth,

Correct – I have met 3 Experts – that is all.

that you could share great knowledge with us all but wont,

Well, if you have not got the intelligence to recognise valuable information, it is your problem, not mine!

that you know how to think properly and therefore hold the keys to the kingdom etc etc etc.

Correct – and it is for ME, because I have learned how I should think, not how I want to think, but then again, you will never be able to understand this, it seems

Further to that, you admit to having been a text book trader and are now claiming it is all rubbish

110% Correct

because you could not make consistant big profits with that kind of methodology.

Yes – and when I changed my way of thinking, guess what happened!

Now, since you are no expert at this "correct thinking game" then one can only assume

ASSUME – I do not assume anything as it is destined to make an ASS of U and ME – but you can assume all you like – which you appear to be doing all of the time :cheesy:

you are not making consistant big profits from it yet.

Well, it depends what you call big profits. Big profits to me, is 2% to 5% per day. It is of no consequence what size you trade at a specific point in time, for if you can’t make 2% to 5% each and every day, you are not thinking correctly. Have I made 2% to 5% per day, consistently, yes, and I have stated it in the past, but then again, you have already admitted that you are lazy and do not do any research – you want to be spoon fed, as the majority will always want

Therefore by your logic it must all be pure rubbish too.

But you see, the normal human brain increases in size when stimulated, but, some peoples’ brain actually shrink a little, the complete opposite to the normal function. This cause them to not think correctly, and by not thinking correctly, they are coming out with statements like you do.

Actually I am yet to see any concrete, scientific evidence that the 95% number bandied about is actually fact and not myth.

Like yeh! – and answer this simple question then, which can be easily calculated from figures released by the Futures CH’s:

Why do the public majority buy options – when 85% of all options expire worthless? Come on then!

No statistical studies, no polls, nothing. In my opinion it is just another number that has been repeated often enough that many accept it as fact.

But that is the whole point – you, and your like, will always think this way, and that is why you will always stay where you are, never to even get a glimpse of what the real trading game is all about. You are blinded by the likes of (someone we know, I need to be very careful!) and his TEXBOOK TRADING – when are you going to realise that it is all a complete load of rubbish, never, it seems like, but then again, History will always repeat itself, until such time as the sun radiates it final glimmer of comfort for mankind.


How's the gambling going - or am I mixing you up with someone else?
dbphoenix said:
While I doubt this thread can be saved,

Well, what else WOULD YOU SAY!

I thought I'd quote something from the beginning of it:

Originally Posted by CYOF
When we are criticised it makes us question if we are doing the right thing,

Still valid

or hey, maybe that suggestion from another trader might actually work.

It depends on what the suggestion is – that should be obvious by now!

A lot of traders have a vast amount of knowledge in their heads - even though they may not know how to use it.

Yes – and I am now convinced that they are brainwashed so much by the TEXTBOOK TRADERS that they will never be able to use it.

On the other hand - this knowledge when passed on to another trader, may be of great assistance in helping that trader achieve some good results. . .

Only if they recognise the knowledge and are willing to open their minds, which is obvious not the case with the majority.

There is no such thing a right way and a wrong way –

Exactly, but there is a correct way of thinking which will enable one to find the best way!

it is what works for you is all that matters –

Yes, IF it works for you. If it does not, then it does not mean that you keep trying to go uphill in a go cart!

I must use this as my slogan.

No . Like Socrtaes, I am now convinced that trying to help the majority is a futile effort that only expends energy. On the other hand, when you converse with someone that has opened their mind, it becomes a happy medium in which to work, and a happy medium is good, not bad. Starspacer is a typical example – and I take my hat off to him – he has advanced beyond the difficult tier.
You see – most can’t even stop to think about creating a simple view in their mind of the required steps to what starspacer calls “Trading Mastery”, why?, because like he rightly says, they are all brainwashed by THE SAME OLD STUFF which is continually put out by the “TEXTBOOK TRADERS” – period. And what makes it worst, the people who put out this rubbish can’t even trade! So, if one want’s to stay at that level of trading, then that is fine, absolutely fine, and a handful will say, let ‘em at it

Now, why do Socrates, starspacer, and me, continue to post , what is been called “rubbish” by most. I will tell you why, we do it for self improvement, and with the slight hope that some may see the light, but they will be very few and far between. I must admit, at first, that I was not fully clued in and could not see the picture clearly, but I can assure you now, I see it very clearly, and all I can say is that I was, yes, myself a fool. But then again, I am not afraid to admit it, I realise that stupidity is for those with weak minds, and weak minds do not do well in the trading game, no matter how hard they think.

To acknowledge that one is learning is much more important than worrying about what one said in the past – for if we were all to think like that, well, we would be all doomed to stay as TEXTBOOK TRADERS, would we not!

Merry Wednesday before Christmas . . . 🙂


CYOF said:
This ban was not correct - as I was referring to what my wife calls me -but so be it, I am not a baby and we can now move on.

In future, it may be wise to at least check, or read the post a few times to make sure!



I understood your post correctly too. You was refering what your wife thinks of you. It puzzled me a bit why you got banned.

I hope you dont get banned again. You have much knowledge to gain from people like me.

Best wishes and merry xmas.

orion69 said:

I have just noticed your post, sorry for keeping you waiting so long for a reply.

Many thanks for your post and advice.

Greatly appreciated.



PS: You will be glad to know that your name is NOT included in my list of SEVEN to Mr charts.


I have to go now, so I am not sure if you are serious or not - I will check later.

Either way, have a nice evening, and do read between the lines.

I will leave you with a glimpse of what one needs to be reading - not the textbook rubbish -remember, that the act of trading is the easy part, the act of thinking is the hard part!

And just to reiterate, in case some are wondering, or have doubts, this type of information is never charged for, it is what life is all about, but, the majority, been brainwashed for centuries -as noted by my good fellow starspacer - fail to recognise the real meaning of "TRADING MASTERY".

Till Later.

orion69 said:


I understood your post correctly too. You was refering what your wife thinks of you. It puzzled me a bit why you got banned.

I hope you dont get banned again. You have much knowledge to gain from people like me.

Best wishes and merry xmas.


Thank you for clarifying that O69.

As you see, when there is harmony, all is well in the world.

But when self interests creep in, things suddenly go wrong.

History in the making - so as to speak 😉

Slan Abhaile
"PS: You will be glad to know that your name is NOT included in my list of SEVEN to Mr charts."

Stellar Hunter,
Thanks for your PM. I normally respond only to emails, but since I long ago figured out who you are, I have replied to the email address you didn't give me..........;-)
CYOF said:

I have to go now, so I am not sure if you are serious or not - I will check later.

Either way, have a nice evening, and do read between the lines.

I will leave you with a glimpse of what one needs to be reading - not the textbook rubbish -remember, that the act of trading is the easy part, the act of thinking is the hard part!

And just to reiterate, in case some are wondering, or have doubts, this type of information is never charged for, it is what life is all about, but, the majority, been brainwashed for centuries -as noted by my good fellow starspacer - fail to recognise the real meaning of "TRADING MASTERY".

Till Later.



If you need to be sure just pm Mr charts. He will confirm what i said.

I can assure you that your brain is in the right location. Unlike some others on here.


Mr. Charts said:
"PS: You will be glad to know that your name is NOT included in my list of SEVEN to Mr charts."

Stellar Hunter,
Thanks for your PM. I normally respond only to emails, but since I long ago figured out who you are, I have replied to the email address you didn't give me..........;-)

Thank you Mr Charts.

And yes you are correct about who i am.

Did you work out the £1.5Ml legal issue? and who the other person is?

Socco got it in one! the guy is a genius! but, the majority have not figured it out yet!

Merry xmas, happy new year and happy trading!

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