How To Think Correctly

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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Ha Ha Ha ...Carry on writing Journals, and backtesting and implementing "rules"...funny.

Can I ask you a question ?

On whose payroll are you to persist in trying to put peoples' heads in the sand the way you do ?

Yes, bertie, hahaha. Funny. Hahaha.

Your mental health issues continue to plague you. Why not lie down somewhere, in the dark, and giggle with your voices and let the grownups get back to work? 🙂

You are perfectly correct, but is exasperating isn't it ?

The fog is so dense that nothing seems to be able to penetrate it, despite all attempts.

More misdirection, more detours, more wasted money and wasted time.

So what's this I hear about your students deserting you, bertie? Tell us it isn't true. 😱

dbphoenix said:
More misdirection, more detours, more wasted money and wasted time.

So what's this I hear about your students deserting you, bertie? Tell us it isn't true. 😱

Yes exactly, that is why on these boards there aren't 64,500 wholly successful traders, because the great majority for some perverse reason succeed in misdirecting themselves against all warnings, and make every effort to put everyone who will listen to you back to square one.

I am convinced, like several others, you are on some payroll to persist in dumbing down people, because your persistence and dedication in doing so is not normal.

Yes exactly, that is why on these boards there aren't 64,500 wholly successful traders, because the great majority for some perverse reason succeed in misdirecting themselves against all warnings, and make every effort to put everyone who will listen to you back to square one.

I am convinced, like several others, you are on some payroll to persist in dumbing down people.


And you charge people to waste years of their time.

Too bad for them.

dbphoenix said:
And that's a large part of your problem, and all the caps in the world aren't going to change that.

Engineers think that they can be successes in the market because of the way they think. Wrong.

Accountants think that they can be successes in the market because of the way they think. Wrong.

Ditto mathematicians.

Ditto statisticians.

Ditto MBAs.

If "thinking correctly" means putting pencil to paper and developing a consistently profitable strategy, fine. Otherwise, it's just piffle.

Now, this tells a lot.

If one truly believes that life experiences are only of value in ceratin ares of life - then that person has a BIG problem.

And I mean BIG.

Remember, economics evolves around industrial activity - supply and demand in the making.

Why do people think that "trading" is something that can be approached from a simplistic viewpoint.

On the other hand, there is of course some major psychological differences to the way the "public" see trading, the same way that the majority of the public have no idea how successful businesses really operate.

All they see is the item for sale on the shelf - most never even dream of thinking how that item actually got there, and all the associated things that had to happen first.

Life is not simple, nor was it ever meant to be.

But, that does not mean that someone can not be in harmony with life.

Those who are in full harmony with life, reap the benefits of same.

You are what you think - again!
CYOF said:
Now, this tells a lot.

If one truly believes that life experiences are only of value in ceratin ares of life - then that person has a BIG problem.

And I mean BIG.

Remember, economics evolves around industrial activity - supply and demand in the making.

Why do people think that "trading" is something that can be approached from a simplistic viewpoint.

On the other hand, there is of course some major psychological differences to the way the "public" see trading, the same way that the majority of the public have no idea how successful businesses really operate.

All the see is the item for sale on the shelf - most never even dream of thinking how that item actually got there, and all the associated things that had to happen first.

Life is not simple, nor was it ever meant to be.

But, that does not mean that someone can not be in harmony with life.

Those who are in full harmony with life, reap the benefits of same.

You are what you think - again!

Again, cy, best of luck to you.

dbphoenix said:
And you charge people to waste years of their time.

Too bad for them.

No you are wrong.

People waste my time and their own time by doing things they ought not to do.

As people are apt to do what they ultimately like instead of doing what they ought to,
there is no point in persisting in trying to make water run uphill.

Everything you must not do is recorded as the experiences of all those who have gone
before us and tried silly shortcuts and found they do not work, so it is stupid to persist
in emulating them.

If I have to explain this one more time it shows you are the dunce I hold the view you are.

I cannot explain it to you more clearly than this.
That's all.
Profitaker said:

Never before, has so much been written, by somebody, with so little to offer.

Quite incredible really.
You have the wrong end of the stick as well.

I have a lot to offer ~ the fact that i am not giving it is what serves to infuriate nearly everybody.

You have to work for it, and not have it handed to you on a plate, because you have to work on yourself first, which nearly everybody refuses to do.

What does this mean ?

You don't know ?

That is why you are one of several who make the really crass comments we get here.
No you are wrong.

People waste my time and their own time by doing things they ought not to do.

As people are apt to do what they ultimately like instead of doing what they ought to,
there is no point in persisting in trying to make water run uphill.

Everything you must not do is recorded as the experiences of all those who have gone
before us and tried silly shortcuts and found they do not work, so it is stupid to persist
in emulating them.

If I have to explain this one more time it shows you are the dunce I hold the view you are.

I cannot explain it to you more clearly than this.
That's all.

Yes, people waste your time and their money. So they end up wasting both money and time. Net net, when it comes to loss, they rise to the top of the list. What people ought to learn not to do is listen to frauds like you.

Dunce? My, my, bertie. Time for your meds?

You have the wrong end of the stick as well.

I have a lot to offer ~ the fact that i am not giving it is what serves to infuriate nearly everybody.

Who's infuriated, bertie? You're not worth the emotional effort. Nearly all of us understand that you're just hot air. If we could just get the image of Jabba the Hutt out of our minds, we might take you at least a little more seriously. But I doubt it.

You have zip to offer, therefore nothing to give.

dbphoenix said:
Yes, people waste your time and their money. So they end up wasting both money and time. Net net, when it comes to loss, they rise to the top of the list. What people ought to learn not to do is listen to frauds like you.

Dunce? My, my, bertie. Time for your meds?

You do not understand that you do not understand, that is the problem.

You are not aware of this.

Your level of awareness is not sufficiently developed for you to understand.

Therefore it is pointless to try to raise it for you,...... waste of time.

You are best the way you are, but that does not mean you have the right to try to drag everybody down to your level, which is abysmal, Neanderthal.

You have the wrong end of the stick as well.
Which stick would that be then ?


I have a lot to offer ~ the fact that i am not giving it is what serves to infuriate nearly everybody.
Hang on. You say you have a lot to offer, but are adamant that you will not give it – so why post at all ? Why not just keep whatever it is we all need to yourself ?


You have to work for it, and not have it handed to you on a plate, because you have to work on yourself first, which nearly everybody refuses to do.
Work for “it” ? What exactly is “it” ?
Profitaker said:
[/color]Which stick would that be then ?

[/color]Hang on. You say you have a lot to offer, but are adamant that you will not give it – so why post at all ? Why not just keep whatever it is we all need to yourself ?

[/color]Work for “it” ? What exactly is “it” ?
You do not understand that you do not understand, that is the problem.

You are not aware of this.

Your level of awareness is not sufficiently developed for you to understand.

Therefore it is pointless to try to raise it for you,...... waste of time.

You are best the way you are, but that does not mean you have the right to try to drag everybody down to your level.

Poor bertie. Incapable of understanding, a remarkable lack of self-awareness for someone who's so self-absorbed, just bloat and noxious fumes. Tell me, bertie, when you were in school, how often were you "it" in a game of Keep Away? 😆

dbphoenix said:
If we could just get the image of Jabba the Hutt out of our minds, we might take you at least a little more seriously. But I doubt it.


Damn! - I'm trying to erase the picture of Uncle Albert Trotter from my mind - and now you tell me it will only be replaced by a picture of Jabba the Hut. 😆

Now, I am not sure if people realise this yet, but I always speak what is on my mind, and I always tell the truth as the way I see it.

You see, in the case of the leather jacket story, this is actually a fact.

I can back up what I say if need be - I have the card that the salesman gave me, I have the 3 jackets that I can photograph and I have his e-mail address on the card so that he can be contacted.

Facts, fact, facts, - that is all that matters in life.

Working without factual information - is the same as daydreaming.

If one wants to stay daydreaming all of their life - then so be it.

Every person gets exactly what they deserve in life - and what we end up with is entirely up to ourselves - no one else.

Remember, no one can do your thinking for you, nor should one think that the way someone else thinks may be of benefit to them.

But, that doesn't mean that one can't learn How To Think Correctly from someone else, just look back in History and ask yourself, why have we advanced to our current level of developments?

Remember the question in relation to who invented Electricity, and how we now know that we have to go back to 600BC to be able to start to gather all the FACTS that will allow us to evaluate how Electricity evolved over time.

Nothing in life just happens - and no more so with trading.

Think, think, think, and never stop thinking, and always think BIG thoughts, not petty thoughts, that are no real value to anyone.

Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest minds of our time, is not known by many.

He is often called the "forgotten inventor", but if one does any research on him, one will quickly see that the majority of things that we use today, are mostly due to the FACT that Tesla perfected what is now known as Alternating Current - or Electricity, as we know it today.

Tesla was well known to be a serious thinker - and it is on record - that , when he was asked:

"How do you go about the many inventions that you create" , he replied to the effect:

"Before I commit anything to paper, I first go over every minute detail in my mind, and only when I am happy that I have covered every single aspect that can be conceived, then, and only then, will I commit to paper"

So, do you still think that what I say is rubbish, or do you accept facts?
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