How To Think Correctly

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well said dbp , or as i call him , pompous , long words poorly understood muddled together insome "mystical" way that us dunces fail to underdstand ( our loss i've been assured), has anyone read the rubbish he has at bottom of his posts , stuff to feed roses on.
Splitlink said:
No, you are not going mad, This is just an example of what happens when a group of posters decide to get intellectual. I don't think that there is all this profound thought going on in the heads of successful traders.

Successful trading is the result of correct thinking. Get a healthy trading account and you need not worry about whether you are thinking correctly, or not.

So here is the first clue to How to Think Correctly.

Start trading correctly.


So how does one learn how to trade correctly?

Most think that trading is just a matter of reading some books, take a few courses, set up a few fancy charts, put a few bob in the account, and hey presto, I am now a trader.

Reality check!

Trading is all about who you are as an individual, and as an individual, who you are is how you think. So thinking correctly has everything to do with trading.

How can one possibly trade correctly, unless one first learns how to think correctly.

It is just not possible - no matter what your views are!

Now, learning How To Think Correctly is actually the hardest part - the act of trading is actually the easiest part.

In order to learn How To Think Correctly, the first step is acknowledgement of the above facts.

Without acknowledgement, then one is keeping the door closed and may only ever see the small glimmer of light through the keyhole.

The first step is learning How to Think Correctly, may be to look at the History of mankind, and see where the acts of certain individuals, who had the ability to Think Correctly, had a profound effect on cultural evolution.

Remember, when we are trading, we are dealing primarily with the the way people THINK, so it should be apparent, or common sense I would say, that to get an understanding of how the THINKING process actually works ,can only benefit ones trading, not make it worse!

We can all learn How To Think Correctly, but very few will get to the level where spontaneous thought is an integral part of all they do. Most will keep the door locked all of their lives, and then wonder why they have been given what they have.

What one ends up with in life, is entirely dependant on the way one thinks.

Open your mind, and then anything in life becomes possible.

Oh, this is also the reason why so many traders can't copy successful traders to the extent where they can achieve the same results - mostly due to the fact that they are concentrating on what the trader is doing, instead of looking at the way the successful trader is thinking :idea:

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henry766 said:
well said dbp , or as i call him , pompous , long words poorly understood muddled together insome "mystical" way that us dunces fail to underdstand ( our loss i've been assured), has anyone read the rubbish he has at bottom of his posts , stuff to feed roses on.

My thoughts:

There is a very fine line dividing sense from nonsense.

We all know about the mad scientist! And what about Van Geogh?

The great majority are unaware of its existence, or, choose to ignore it.

History has shown this to be correct.

Consequently they succeed in misdirecting themselves to choose the wrong side of this line, for reasons best known to themselves.

Lack of knowledge, for whatever reason - suppression, culture, religious beliefs, etc,etc,

This is a source of amazement to those very few able to correctly logically deduce and reason, viewing nearly everything you will encounter here as nonsense, pure nonsense, that the majority ultimately embrace.

There will always be those that are intellectually more advanced that others, and this will mostly be a direct consequence of their social upbringing.

History has also shown, once the power of authority is removed, we suddenly see the emergence of "Gifted" individuals, whom for no obvious reason, apart from the way they think, suddenly come up with new ideas and inventions that have changed the way we develop as a society. There is always an untold story in History, and to discover the real truth, as with anything in life, we must be prepared to delve more deeply into the subject in question.

For example, we are all TOLD that Marconi invented the Wireless Telegraph, and that Edison invented Electricity. Are these hard facts?

Well, in the case of Electricity, we must go back to 600BC

"Thales of Miletus writes about amber becoming charged by rubbing - he was describing what we now call static electricity"

To see the full History, or evolution of Electricity, look at the above link.

Point: The majority take everything that they are shown at face value. This is one of the biggest mistakes, IMHO, that prevents any person from developing so that they can operate to their fullest potential. Every one has the ability to do whatever they so desire in life, but it will normally require a major shift in the way the one thinks. This is primarily due to the way we are brought up, and the society in which we are living. Creative thought is the one thing that every human being possesses, but the majority, fail to use it, as they have, for a better word, been brainwashed by the ruling authorities, and for a good reason, so that the ruling authorities can maintain their power and wealth.

Think back to many events in History - is not what I say factual?
CYOF said:
My thoughts:

There is a very fine line dividing sense from nonsense.

We all know about the mad scientist! And what about Van Geogh?

The great majority are unaware of its existence, or, choose to ignore it.

History has shown this to be correct.

Consequently they succeed in misdirecting themselves to choose the wrong side of this line, for reasons best known to themselves.

Lack of knowledge, for whatever reason - suppression, culture, religious beliefs, etc,etc,

This is a source of amazement to those very few able to correctly logically deduce and reason, viewing nearly everything you will encounter here as nonsense, pure nonsense, that the majority ultimately embrace.

There will always be those that are intellectually more advanced that others, and this will mostly be a direct consequence of their social upbringing.

History has also shown, once the power of authority is removed, we suddenly see the emergence of "Gifted" individuals, whom for no obvious reason, apart from the way they think, suddenly come up with new ideas and inventions that have changed the way we develop as a society. There is always an untold story in History, and to discover the real truth, as with anything in life, we must be prepared to delve more deeply into the subject in question.

For example, we are all TOLD that Marconi invented the Wireless Telegraph, and that Edison invented Electricity. Are these hard facts?

Well, in the case of Electricity, we must go back to 600BC

"Thales of Miletus writes about amber becoming charged by rubbing - he was describing what we now call static electricity"

To see the full History, or evolution of Electricity, look at the above link.

Point: The majority take everything that they are shown at face value. This is one of the biggest mistakes, IMHO, that prevents any person from developing so that they can operate to their fullest potential. Every one has the ability to do whatever they so desire in life, but it will normally require a major shift in the way the one thinks. This is primarily due to the way we are brought up, and the society in which we are living. Creative thought is the one thing that every human being possesses, but the majority, fail to use it, as they have, for a better word, been brainwashed by the ruling authorities, and for a good reason, so that the ruling authorities can maintain their power and wealth.

Think back to many events in History - is not what I say factual?
Yes, emphatically absolutely.

What is more, is that 22nd Century thinking is already here, but not widely disseminated due to fear, sheer fear it will not only not be understood, but rubbished.

It results in a very sorry state of affairs.
CYOF said:
So how does one learn how to trade correctly?

Most think that trading is just a matter of reading some books, take a few courses, set up a few fancy charts, put a few bob in the account, and hey presto, I am now a trader.

Reality check!

Trading is all about who you are as an individual, and as an individual, who you are is how you think. So thinking correctly has everything to do with trading.

How can one possibly trade correctly, unless one first learns how to think correctly.

It is just not possible - no matter what your views are!

Now, learning How To Think Correctly is actually the hardest part - the act of trading is actually the easiest part.

In order to learn How To Think Correctly, the first step is acknowledgement of the above facts.

Without acknowledgement, then one is keeping the door closed and may only ever see the small glimmer of light through the keyhole.

The first step is learning How to Think Correctly, may be to look at the History of mankind, and see where the acts of certain individuals, who had the ability to Think Correctly, had a profound effect on cultural evolution.

Remember, when we are trading, we are dealing primarily with the the way people THINK, so it should be apparent, or common sense I would say, that to get an understanding of how the THINKING process actually works ,can only benefit ones trading, not make it worse!

We can all learn How To Think Correctly, but very few will get to the level where spontaneous thought is an integral part of all they do. Most will keep the door locked all of their lives, and then wonder why they have been given what they have.

What one ends up with in life, is entirely dependant on the way one thinks.

Open your mind, and then anything in life becomes possible.

Oh, this is also the reason why so many traders can't copy successful traders to the extent where they can achieve the same results - mostly due to the fact that they are concentrating on what the trader is doing, instead of looking at the way the successful trader is thinking :idea:


As db said, this is a psychology thread and trading should be discussed somewhere else.

The last I wrote was on page 29. 24 hours and 32 posts later later we are on page 33!

Why is it that we wish to debate such a subject to such an extent? I suggest that it is a desire to demonstrate our ability to express ourselves intellectually on a subject that is even more difficult than trading shares.

That goes, in particular, for Socrates, who considers his writings to be the last word in literary expression.

Why then, are we spending so much time on this, when we should be concentrating on trading techniques? I believe that many posters are more interested in composing and writing posts than they are in trading shares. I do not believe that dedicated traders will spend hours writing here .

We do it because, like poor grade university students, we delay the study of what we should be doing until a later date. By concentrating on the improvement of our trading techniques to a level where we make money is the way to correct thinking.

We don't have to think and write so much about it. If you are making poor trades concentrate on making good ones. That is correct thinking.

CYOF said:
So how does one learn how to trade correctly?

Most think that trading is just a matter of reading some books, take a few courses, set up a few fancy charts, put a few bob in the account, and hey presto, I am now a trader.

Reality check!

Trading is all about who you are as an individual, and as an individual, who you are is how you think. So thinking correctly has everything to do with trading.

How can one possibly trade correctly, unless one first learns how to think correctly.

It is just not possible - no matter what your views are!

Now, learning How To Think Correctly is actually the hardest part - the act of trading is actually the easiest part.

In order to learn How To Think Correctly, the first step is acknowledgement of the above facts.

Without acknowledgement, then one is keeping the door closed and may only ever see the small glimmer of light through the keyhole.

The first step is learning How to Think Correctly, may be to look at the History of mankind, and see where the acts of certain individuals, who had the ability to Think Correctly, had a profound effect on cultural evolution.

Remember, when we are trading, we are dealing primarily with the the way people THINK, so it should be apparent, or common sense I would say, that to get an understanding of how the THINKING process actually works ,can only benefit ones trading, not make it worse!

We can all learn How To Think Correctly, but very few will get to the level where spontaneous thought is an integral part of all they do. Most will keep the door locked all of their lives, and then wonder why they have been given what they have.

What one ends up with in life, is entirely dependant on the way one thinks.

Open your mind, and then anything in life becomes possible.

Oh, this is also the reason why so many traders can't copy successful traders to the extent where they can achieve the same results - mostly due to the fact that they are concentrating on what the trader is doing, instead of looking at the way the successful trader is thinking :idea:

Yes, exactly, because all they see or are allowed to see or perhaps even allow themselves to see, ..... to percieve is what is being done, but not the intellectual mechanism that drives it.

Some types of thought......, not all mind you ....but some....for the purpose of illustration.







Supposing you are looking at an object, which is operating and you are observing it....

Say we choose a record player on whose turntable there is an LP...

How do we view this in order to understand it ?

The best way is to use all of the different AVENUES AVAILABLE to us not by daydreaming or musing, but by using all of the above diffferent kinds of thinking listed above, ALL OF THEM ALL AT THE SAME TIME ALL AT ONCE....then the understanding we are apt to get is complete.

The record is spinning on the turntable...the speed is 33 rpm....the record is 10 inches in diameter....the centre is 2 inches in diameter..

Logical thought says:~ The record player is switched on, that is why it is playing. It will continue to play until the record is ENDED.

Lateral thought says:~ The record is 10 inches in diameter and the centre is two inches in diameter....therefore the free space on the surface is 10 minus 2 = 8 ddivided by 2 equals 4 inches each side....then if we are curious to know how far the needle travels we know it is mad to crab 4 inches towards the centre of the record.

Random thought says:~ We are standing here, looking at this object, we wonder what we can observe and benefit from it and whether it could be modified or improved.

Mathematical thought says:~ The record...lasts 19 minutes and 35 seconds....the arm has travelled 4 inches...there are 33 revolutions per minute taking place ...therefore ...there are
say about 2420 grooves in total...the greatest diameter (all these calculations done in your head) is 10 inches and the smallest 2....therefore the average diameter is 4 and a half inches....then...teh estimated total length of all the grooves from beginning to end is 4.5 multiplied by 2420..............= 10890 inches = 908 feet ! (or very nearly)...amazing !

Conceptual thought says:~ since there are 33 revs per minute and it takes 19 mins and 35 seconds to play the record ...then...becasuse there are 2420 grooves it is not surprising that occasionally the needle gets caught...since the space available for it is very small....we wonder if this could be improved....

Creative thought says:~ Why have a needle ? Why have such a large disc ? Cannot a more efficient way be devised to record what is contained ine the LP and "compact it ?".
If say a magnetic tape is read on the flat side, why cannot it be read on the thin side ?
What would happen if a tape was wound tight and read from the side using an adapted head ?

What happens ? The concept of a CD is born.

What transpired ? Not just thought on its own, but a cluster of thnking as a Gestalt, which is a German word that means something that is greater than the sum of its parts.

When you apply holistic thinking like this when looking at a chart unfolding in real time, you are not just observing the chart, (as Todd Krueger says the chart is driving the price) but as a consequence of having the correct Gestalt, all is know where the price is going to go.

All you have to do is to act, and to act in accordance with your reasoning as a consequence of having done all the thinking and as a cosequence of having a complete understanding of what it is you are looking at.

Then you are not guessing.

It is not guesswork, it is expectancy.

Therefore you can see guessing represents what is uncertain, insecure,
whereas expectancy represents what is near certainty and the reasons why.
Splitlink said:
As db said, this is a psychology thread and trading should be discussed somewhere else.

The last I wrote was on page 29. 24 hours and 32 posts later later we are on page 33!

Why is it that we wish to debate such a subject to such an extent? I suggest that it is a desire to demonstrate our ability to express ourselves intellectually on a subject that is even more difficult than trading shares.

That goes, in particular, for Socrates, who considers his writings to be the last word in literary expression.

Why then, are we spending so much time on this, when we should be concentrating on trading techniques? I believe that many posters are more interested in composing and writing posts than they are in trading shares. I do not believe that dedicated traders will spend hours writing here .

We do it because, like poor grade university students, we delay the study of what we should be doing until a later date. By concentrating on the improvement of our trading techniques to a level where we make money is the way to correct thinking.

We don't have to think and write so much about it. If you are making poor trades concentrate on making good ones. That is correct thinking.

Because I have it all sewn up...from A to Z and beyond .........and what is completely outside your frame of reference you can imagine at your current state of consciousness....but I am not willing to share it with you...but only to give you a fleeting glimpse now and then of the tip of a huge iceberg, :cheesy: and just for fun, because I can, without endangering closely guarded and protected EDGES.😆
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Splitlink said:
As db said, this is a psychology thread and trading should be discussed somewhere else.

The last I wrote was on page 29. 24 hours and 32 posts later later we are on page 33!

Why is it that we wish to debate such a subject to such an extent? I suggest that it is a desire to demonstrate our ability to express ourselves intellectually on a subject that is even more difficult than trading shares.

The following will not be true for all.

Any information that can assist with the development of ones ability to think correctly may not only help at trading, but with all endevours in life.

It will be up to each individual to make use of the information as they see fit. Some will embrace, others will dismiss. History repeats itself over and over.

Because I have it all sewn up...from A to Z and beyond .........and what is completely outside your frame of reference you can imagine at your current state of consciousness....but I am not willing to share it with you...but only to give you a fleeting glimpse now and then of the tip of a huge iceberg, :cheesy: and just for fun, because I can, without endangering closely guarded and protected EDGES.😆

I have spoken before about asking questions - and what value can be obtained from reading the answers.

Now, I am thinking VSA.

If one does not understand what I am talking about, then read Socrates record player post again.
Because I have it all sewn up...from A to Z and beyond .........and what is completely outside your frame of reference you can imagine at your current state of consciousness....but I am not willing to share it with you...but only to give you a fleeting glimpse now and then of the tip of a huge iceberg, :cheesy: and just for fun, because I can, without endangering closely guarded and protected EDGES.😆

I don't want a repetitive argument with you over silly things, man. Just that the little that you have to say should be written in clear English, instead of padding it all out to impress.

Splitlink said:
I don't want a repetitive argument with you over silly things, man. Just that the little that you have to say should be written in clear English, instead of padding it all out to impress.

I am not arguing with you. I am telling you what I consider prudent to tell you and no further.

What you may want or not want is of no consequence to me.
Splitlink said:
As db said, this is a psychology thread and trading should be discussed somewhere else.

The last I wrote was on page 29. 24 hours and 32 posts later later we are on page 33!

Why is it that we wish to debate such a subject to such an extent? I suggest that it is a desire to demonstrate our ability to express ourselves intellectually on a subject that is even more difficult than trading shares.

That goes, in particular, for Socrates, who considers his writings to be the last word in literary expression.

Why then, are we spending so much time on this, when we should be concentrating on trading techniques? I believe that many posters are more interested in composing and writing posts than they are in trading shares. I do not believe that dedicated traders will spend hours writing here .

We do it because, like poor grade university students, we delay the study of what we should be doing until a later date. By concentrating on the improvement of our trading techniques to a level where we make money is the way to correct thinking.

We don't have to think and write so much about it. If you are making poor trades concentrate on making good ones. That is correct thinking.


Once again, a sensible post written by yet another member who doesn't confuse style with profundity.

Splitlink said:
Why then, are we spending so much time on this, when we should be concentrating on trading techniques? I believe that many posters are more interested in composing and writing posts than they are in trading shares. I do not believe that dedicated traders will spend hours writing here .

We do it because, like poor grade university students, we delay the study of what we should be doing until a later date. By concentrating on the improvement of our trading techniques to a level where we make money is the way to correct thinking.

We don't have to think and write so much about it. If you are making poor trades concentrate on making good ones. That is correct thinking.


To complete any successful project, you must first understand the process - or steps - that will allow you complete each task within the specified time allowed.

In reality, what happens with the majority of projects that are completed by major multi-nationals, is that, they end up wasting vast amounts of money, simply because the people in charge (and this can sometimes be the responsibility of one person) do not understand the process, and what the value of using such a process really is.

So, why are these people paid vast amounts of money, even though they clearly demonstrate their ability (or lack of) on a daily basis?

Power and authority - thats why.

And why do they want to maintain this power and authority -simple - because it is in their own interests, no more, no less.

So, do you want to continue carrying out projects (trying out trading systems) as the powers that be put forward (those who publish books and courses), or do you think it may be better to understand how the process works (market psychology - in other words, how traders think) so that you shift the balance of power!

Remember, the powers that be will always do whats best for their own interests, not yours.

Sometimes it is TIME WELL SPENT, but only if you understand what it is you are trying to understand - and I am not meaning to sound like Socrates, more like Donald Rumpsfield and the unknown unknowns 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

Food for Thought

Of the Education of Children (1580)

"Such as, according to our common way of teaching, undertake, with one and the same lesson, and the same measure of direction, to instruct several boys of differing and unequal capacities, are infinitely mistaken; and 'tis no wonder, if in a whole multitude of scholars, there are not found above two or three who bring away any good account of their time and discipline. Let the master not only examine him about the grammatical construction of the bare words of his lesson, but about the sense and substance of them, and let him judge of the profit he has made, not by the testimony of his memory, but by that of his life. Let him make him put what he has learned into a hundred several forms, and accommodate it to so many several subjects, to see if he yet rightly comprehends it, and has made it his own, taking instruction of his progress by the pedagogic institutions of Plato. 'Tis a sign of crudity and indigestion to disgorge what we eat in the same condition it was swallowed; the stomach has not performed its office unless it have altered the form and condition of what was committed to it to concoct. Our minds work only upon trust, when bound and compelled to follow the appetite of another's fancy, enslaved and captivated under the authority of another's instruction; we have been so subjected to the trammel, that we have no free, nor natural pace of our own; our own vigor and liberty are extinct and gone: "Nunquam tutelae suae fiunt."

"there is nothing like alluring the appetite and affections; otherwise you make nothing but so many asses laden with books; by dint of the lash, you give them their pocketful learning to keep; whereas, to do well, you should not only lodge it with them, but make them espouse it."

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, 1533 -1592
CYOF said:
So, do you want to continue carrying out projects (trying out trading systems) as the powers that be put forward (those who publish books and courses), or do you think it may be better to understand how the process works (market psychology - in other words, how traders think) so that you shift the balance of power!

You insist that one keep an "open mind", yet you narrow your focus to "expectancy", at the same time insisting that backtesting and paper-trading are worthless. If you limit yourself in this way, not to mention hitching your ox to Bertie's rather rickety wagon, it's unlikely that you will achieve the understanding you claim to want.

But, stranger things have happened. We'll see how things stand in a couple of years.

Db said:
You insist that one keep an "open mind", yet you narrow your focus to "expectancy", at the same time insisting that backtesting and paper-trading are worthless.

I have clearly stated my views as below.

If you limit yourself in this way, not to mention hitching your ox to Bertie's rather rickety wagon, it's unlikely that you will achieve the understanding you claim to want.

I find Socrates posts rather intriguing - and am not afraid to speak out and say so.

But, stranger things have happened. We'll see how things stand in a couple of years.

1 year - the REAL plan is already in place, and has been for some time.


CYOF said:
No offense taken at all Db.

You are 100% correct when you talk about posting when trading live - it should not to be done, in my opinion, ever. So, at the moment I am not trading.

I want to calrify what Expectancy means to me - as each may have thier own opinion.

Firstly, your Expectancy will be of no use to you if you have not identified a strategy that gives you some winning trades - let it be 60/40, 50/50, 30/70, or whatever. Your sample set - number of trades taken, must have winners and losers.

Secondly, for each trade you must have defined your initial $risk% of available capital.

Thirdly, you must identify, for each trade, the number of shares, or contracts, that will equate to your initial $risk%.

Fourthly, you must record all the details for each trade taken - time, long / short, entry, initial stop, exit/s and P/L.

The main point to note here is that if you have not already identified your strategy that gives you a win / loss sample set, in other words ,if all of your trades are losers, then you really should not be trading live anyway.

A lot of what is been spoken about, testing of systems based on TA charts, comes prior to this exercise. What strategy, or style of trading, one decides to adopt is entirely a personal decision.

The reason for evaluating the results of your strategy is for improvement.

Now, they way I look at it, is that from the onset, it may be wise to understand Expectancy and what values it can give to a trader. If for instance, you start live trading, as I have just done for my attempts at the YM, and they are all losers, which mine are, then knowing key things like how many times did I stick to my stop - or did I even have my stop indentified! - can only help in developing a winning strategy.

No more - no less, and in my mind this is common sense.

So, Expectancy for ME, is not irrelevant.

In fact, for ME, it is the very opposite.


CYOF said:
To complete any successful project, you must first understand the process - or steps - that will allow you complete each task within the specified time allowed.

In reality, what happens with the majority of projects that are completed by major multi-nationals, is that, they end up wasting vast amounts of money, simply because the people in charge (and this can sometimes be the responsibility of one person) do not understand the process, and what the value of using such a process really is.

So, why are these people paid vast amounts of money, even though they clearly demonstrate their ability (or lack of) on a daily basis?

Power and authority - thats why.

And why do they want to maintain this power and authority -simple - because it is in their own interests, no more, no less.

So, do you want to continue carrying out projects (trying out trading systems) as the powers that be put forward (those who publish books and courses), or do you think it may be better to understand how the process works (market psychology - in other words, how traders think) so that you shift the balance of power!

Remember, the powers that be will always do whats best for their own interests, not yours.

Sometimes it is TIME WELL SPENT, but only if you understand what it is you are trying to understand - and I am not meaning to sound like Socrates, more like Donald Rumpsfield and the unknown unknowns 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

Yes, exactly, and the agenda of the Economic Cultural Geopolitical Complex is not the agenda of the masses no more than the Economic Military Complex is the agenda of the peoples of the West whose wishes and aspirations they believe to be sacrosanct and protected by democratic governents.
Originally Posted by Db
You insist that one keep an "open mind", yet you narrow your focus to "expectancy", at the same time insisting that backtesting and paper-trading are worthless.

I have clearly stated my views as below.

If you limit yourself in this way, not to mention hitching your ox to Bertie's rather rickety wagon, it's unlikely that you will achieve the understanding you claim to want.

I find Socrates posts rather intriguing - and am not afraid to speak out and say so.

But, stranger things have happened. We'll see how things stand in a couple of years.

1 year - the REAL plan is already in place, and has been for some time.

A. Yes, you've clearly stated your views. However, they do not pertain to what I said.

B. Whether Bertie's posts are "intriguing" or not is beside the point, which is achieving the understanding you claim to want.

C. You still don't understand -- or for some reason want to avoid -- the difference between a plan and a strategy. Anything can be a plan. "Buy hammers" is a plan. But you have no strategy. Unless and until you've tested what you intend to do in order to find out whether or not it generates a consistent profit, you may as well stuff your money in a paper bag and set it on fire.

Yes, exactly, and the agenda of the Economic Cultural Geopolitical Complex is not the agenda of the masses no more than the Economic Military Complex is the agenda of the peoples of the West whose wishes and aspirations they believe to be sacrosanct and protected by democratic governents.

🙄 🙄 🙄
I am being skyped a a very knowledgeable and extremely competent member who no longer posts as he is fed up in having to deal with dunces, who is asking me to ask you when it is you are finally going to post anything containing original thought instead of your usual regurgitated material of written provenance, the work of others ?

My reply to him "Never I fear"....."hopeless".:cheesy:

I am in constant CB Radio contact with a hugely respected and spectacularly endowed member who no longer posts because he spilt lager on his keyboard. He is asking me to tell you that you appear to have quite a serious case of head gout, and perhaps you should lie down in a darkened room for a while.

My reply to him - "That's a big 10-4 good buddy. Over!". 😱
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