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FAQ How Difficult is it to Trade?

A small capital is like demo trading , like going to a casino without the emotions and phsychology , you won't experience real phsychology until you trade large accounts.The £300 loss means nothing , compared to net worth.

Trading is hard and a competitive mental sport , that is why they failed.

You have contradicted yourself in your own post.
You say they failed because its a hard mental game and then say none of the traders are experiencing emotional or psychological (mental) stress because of the small size of the account.
So 100% failed on purely technical reasons, which is a lot more than 20% random number you imagined.

Also, if your going to pretend you know something about trading 'psychology' at least learn to spell the word correctly.

Sometimes I wish 'cut and paste' hadn't been invented. 🙄
You have contradicted yourself in your own post.
You say they failed because its a hard mental game and then say none of the traders are experiencing emotional or psychological (mental) stress because of the small size of the account.
So 100% failed on purely technical reasons, which is a lot more than 20% random number you imagined.

Also, if your going to pretend you know something about trading 'psychology' at least learn to spell the word correctly.

Sometimes I wish 'cut and paste' hadn't been invented. 🙄

You don't understand , I have not contradicted myself ,I was just confirming your statement , and stating why many had failed at your 300 game , because trading is hard mental game.On larger accounts , they will feel all the psychological demons.

A small account size is like like playing "a £300 loss comfort zone trading loss".When you get real , and live in real world , your basic minimum living pay /costs is going to be £20,000 a year on breadcrumbs .To achieve that your 300 account is going to have to make 6666 % a year , then with these targets , you will have a lot of psychological issues .

A loss feels much more painful than a win , when you lose £300 , then you lose £30,000 , your emotional impact is deadlier.If your weekly target of income is not being , your psychological demons of stress ,emotions etc kick in.

Very few will fail for technical reasons , maybe 10% who knows , but if technical was reliable and profitable , you would get the microsoft of trading .We could call t2w automated software for all trader , buy it get 1 free.

Almost 80 % are likely to fail , due to psychology.
@foroom lluzers just for the lulz what amount in your 'professional' opinion defines real trading as opposed to 'casino gambling'.

Real trading:smart::smart: :You take your trade / number of trades avoiding the type of trading on forum failures FF or forex factory , no stops used .You are going to make 400 ticks a week , you will run your losses for months , but your average weekly ticks will amont to 20,000 a year (dax is only 12,000).With this method you are guaranteed 8,000 a year on 10,000 account , using options and futues with maximum risk of 10 % of your account over a series of trades....example here


Gambling : Bet red or black on the form of the instrument, using the free 2,500 free systems on the net , use a stop loss for the forum sponsor on forex failures FF/which is a bucket shop aiming for your stop , you stop is taken out and when the market prices are extremely quick moving , moving like a roulette wheel , you lose all your money in mixed markets (80 % of the time).Then you end up on forex factory as a Vendor in their commercial section , gambling on finding new traders with losing streaks , call yourself MITtrader , post after event trades to impress new traders , ones you had illusions about making and get a few new traders to buy your mentoring courses , without any psychology threads (to tell them they will lose). 😆😆

First method of trading avoids psychological demons , second method of timing the markets will result in psychological demons attacking you.
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Very few will fail for technical reasons , maybe 10% who knows , but if technical was reliable and profitable , you would get the microsoft of trading .We could call t2w automated software for all trader , buy it get 1 free.

Almost 80 % are likely to fail , due to psychology.

Hmmm to remove ALL the psychological problems that cause everyone to fail :whistling you would need an automated system, and yet you say they dont work either.
I still dont understand - how does Anyone make money in this game?
Hmmm to remove ALL the psychological problems that cause everyone to fail :whistling you would need an automated system, and yet you say they dont work either.
I still dont understand - how does Anyone make money in this game?

You don't need an automated system , although the following system can be automated.

The stock market is well supported ....at support levels on 4 h and daily charts , buy the pull backs , then sit and wait for a week or two .

It is also supported by fed put , investor support and money printing.


Buy the pull backs to supports , using your own methods , it will make money!:smart:
You don't need an automated system , although the following system can be automated.

The stock market is well supported ....at support levels on 4 h and daily charts , buy the pull backs , then sit and wait for a week or two .

It is also supported by fed put , investor support and money printing.


Buy the pull backs to supports , using your own methods , it will make money!:smart:

Ahhh I get it, BTFD! Thanks. 😆
Ok, I'll bite. At what point does the mantra BTFD not work? BTFD is not a workable strategy into the future with any confidence. WHAT DIP? Theres a dip on EVERY PRICE. Except for that last tick reversal. (YOU can catch that rofl)WHERE? AT WHAT PRICE? It's absurd proclamation imo.

When will the cowboys say STFH (sell the &^%$##@! high?)????????????????????????????????and what high?
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Its like trading demo accounts?

Apart from the fact
It IS real money and real profits.
It is real fills and not demo fills.

Apart from that its just like trading a demo account 🙄

Check out all the people who tried and failed to make it work in the links below. Have YOU tried it? If not you don't really know what your talking about!

Demo trading is easy according to you, and if it is just like demo trading, show us how easy it is and post your efforts.

We can't see your running losses on open positions - you are only showing closed positions , you are also showing 6000 % a year returns ,it is too good to be true.You can all make loadsa money , good luck!

For traders these returns are not possible , these are all demo traders hacked into a signal sevice below.

I don't know how anyone can apportion 80% of successful trading to psychology alone. Suggests that a valid edge is only one-fifth of success? The better my edge the less i need emotional fortitude. Your mind can be a steel trap but you will lose winning only 1 out of 5 trades where your (strong)mind is holding on to losing trades. Discretionary traders ie those that are not coded may need a stronger psyche to handle the drawdowns because they can't objectively define where its all going wrong.

I apportion discretionary successful trading at worst 70% edge/30% psyche.

“80 percent of success is due to psychology—mindset, beliefs, and emotions—and only 20 percent is due to strategy—the specific steps needed to accomplish a result”

If everyone buys the dip , it works😆😆😆😆😆


Buying the dips in the indexes makes profitable traders.


Trading is very easy and very simple .Just get a set and forget strategy , on the stockmarket for free .It will take you a few days to devise , at zero cost and you wil get financial freedom.It avoids the snake oil of market timing , psychological wired to lose handicap and is very easy to learn.

Sorry!The money trees are sold out.

But it is here for free , look out here soon for free stockmarket strategy.
I'm not going to brag, it was hard to start forex trading for me. There were so many difficult things, I thought I would never be able to get the hang of them. But now, after soem time, everything is not that scary.

Buying the dips in the indexes makes profitable traders.


Trading is very easy and very simple .Just get a set and forget strategy , on the stockmarket for free .It will take you a few days to devise , at zero cost and you wil get financial freedom.It avoids the snake oil of market timing , psychological wired to lose handicap and is very easy to learn.

Sorry!The money trees are sold out.

But it is here for free , look out here soon for free stockmarket strategy.

i miss fl 🙁 what happened to him? he was awesome, fun to read

didn't believe everything he said, and didn't disbelieve everything but damn was fun reading it anyway
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everyone is talking about buying at the dips, but the problem is, how do you know it is a dip, or halfway falling?