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FAQ How Difficult is it to Trade?


I use the EMA 3x13x39 rather that MA 3x13x39.

Just saying!


Its take time to see what the charts are show a person . If there is one thing I could tell new traders is don't jump in with real money until you understand a system that you can win more times than not.

You will always have a few people who will throw out insults but that gets old too. IMHO - Don't have a lot of indicators that are just background noise.

On my charts I use more or less Guppy MMA's as my background noise. The Bollinger Bands 20, Bollinger width 20 and a EMA(4) cross the EMA(9) as a trigger. Its not perfect and there are 100's if not 1000's of ways to trade. If you stick with learning long enough you will see positive results and then you should start using you hard earned money.

I'm not a fan of MAs but hey, whatever works for you, that's what you have to go with. Everyone has a different system, and those that are similar will still have different results depending on the trader. Some like to get in an out for 20-30 pts, others like to scale is as they go, some will take half off and run the rest.

To the left you had a system which had very good money management but a heads and tails system. The heads and tail system will almost always involve a traders bias as to what the market will do instead of taking what the market has given you at the moment. I then took over the account 2 weeks ago after telling the account holder to take the massive loss, only to have recovered it in less than 2 weeks with the account holder withdrawing 2 weeks in a row. Is the market hard? Only if you want it to be. :smart:
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To the left you had a system which had very good money management but a heads and tails system. The heads and tail system will almost always involve a traders bias as to what the market will do instead of taking what the market has given you at the moment. I then took over the account 2 weeks ago after telling the account holder to take the massive loss, only to have recovered it in less than 2 weeks with the account holder withdrawing 2 weeks in a row. Is the market hard? Only if you want it to be. :smart:

Good recovery :clap:
It's not just about Indicators Phil, it's about the person, the market is never wrong, only we as traders can be wrong, and that comes back to your personality type and what you can cope with, how you see it or don't see it. I know many traders who have great systems that screw up, and had they stuck to their plan would have made a lot of money, but their belief in what could happen changed everything.🙂

what about enron the market was wrong about that
Enron was run by liars and crooks who lied and people went to jail for that.
I don't trade stocks and never will. Some can do it, but not me.
Plenty of other scams out there too, stay away from software like Back to the future trading. What a piece of garbage that is. I did it years ago when l was lacking confidence, but that was much worse than my own way of trading.
I am sorry but they could have been photoshopped or be someone elses. Do you have a username and investor password? That will reveal to us all how profitable you truly are. I will provide you with mine if you like.
Highly recommend not to! 😀 Come on, I don't think that we are here to prove something to each-other.
Exactly Vasi, no need to prove anything to anyone, l'm only here to share ideas and help new people get through the mines
l trade Forex, the S&P and Dow. I know the problems new people come across, because l've already been there, and this is not a fun game. Passion is a necessity to keep going.
Don't mind looking at the odd stock, but it's not my main focus. I like helping others.
It really is very difficult, or at least for me it is, but it is necessary to be patient and above all to leave all kinds of emotions out of the game
Emotions are an inevitable part of life. No body can avoid that. However, we should try to deal with it in order to trade efficiently.
Yes correct! Any methods that you would suggest for controlling emotions? I tried some but would love to know more.
Yes correct! Any methods that you would suggest for controlling emotions? I tried some but would love to know more.
There's not any particular method which i apply to deal with emotions but yeah for me it all depends on your willpower so face your emotions head on and proceed.
Yes correct! Any methods that you would suggest for controlling emotions? I tried some but would love to know more.
Take some break off trading when you are too emotional, go for a walk and try to meditate everyday.
Take some break off trading when you are too emotional, go for a walk and try to meditate everyday.
I agree on that. Also, I think taking regular breaks is very necessary while trading. It keeps us fresh and helps us strategize better.