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FAQ How Difficult is it to Trade?

Emotions are an inevitable part of life. No body can avoid that. However, we should try to deal with it in order to trade efficiently.
i have tried so many times to come out from emotions practically when trading in live but still surviving. read more article to control emotions but honestly speaking it not worked . right now try to regular in meditation. trying to build a string which can control emotions and greediness.
i have tried so many times to come out from emotions practically when trading in live but still surviving. read more article to control emotions but honestly speaking it not worked . right now try to regular in meditation. trying to build a string which can control emotions and greediness.
Meditation really helps. Please do it.
Meditation really helps. Please do it.

yeah i try to keep meditation in my daily routine always , sometimes fail to continue but i never skip the sleeping music which really supportive to deep sleeping. you can try from YouTube.
In general, in fact - trading is not so difficult.
if you think its not so difficult please give some information which can make trading easier, because i feel , trading not too easy to bring profit consistently.

The main thing in this business is to have experience and knowledge.
In this case, it will be much easier to work and the profit will be good.
we all know this message , but its a very long time issue to have experience and knowledge by learning , that's why we fail to interest to keep learning.
Trading is not difficult but it requires patience which most traders don't have and that makes trading difficult for them.
Forex is not so easy to trade, when you earn profit you feel easy and when you loss you may feel difficult. People are making money in Forex with good sterategy and plan so if you want to become a successful trader than you need to have good discipline and have control over emotions.
Emotions actully is the most important thing in trading when you have a good state of mind ,that can help your work properly and patient . People today with a good financial background succed more, theres no question money gives confidence confidence gives you success in trading .i know many people that are barely ending the month and still trading and that what makes them greedy , pressured , which makes them have a negetive mindset . My point here is when your thinking about starting to trade make sure that your background supports you to feel comftorable .

Hope i helped

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Profitable trading is mostly impossible.
It can seem a pessimistic statement but it is proven by the extreme rarity of long and significant trackrecords.
Everyoune thinks to be profitable after 3-18 months in green but really robust traders/strategies are almost impossible to find.
Profitable trading is mostly impossible.
It can seem a pessimistic statement but it is proven by the extreme rarity of long and significant trackrecords.
Everyoune thinks to be profitable after 3-18 months in green but really robust traders/strategies are almost impossible to find.
It's not impossible. If I could give one tip to anybody wishing to trade for a living it's this; don't be greedy.
Trading can be both difficult or easy, depending upon the trader's skills.
It is nothing like impossible or too difficult, if your are well learned, you'll make it.
Trading is really hard. Trading needs good knowledge, experience, consistency, patience, discipline, emotional control and various technical skills. This is not for the people who take it as a quick way to get rich and are not willing to put time and effort into it.
Trading is hard for those who do not come with sufficient knowledge and consider it a quick money making machine. One must keep patience and give enough time to gain knowledge and skills because this is only that will help you to make your trading effective.
The difficulty level is different for everyone, I only believe that one who will spend quality time reading and understanding everything about trading, wont have much issues. Practice will surely him become profitable.
Its better for traders to decide that for themselves. However all i can say is that fx is not an easy thing, needs a lot of skill, knowledge and dedication. One who works hard will surely reap the fruits.
There is one problem that I am facing, Is it better to go with 5$, 200$ or wait train and go with 2,3k?
For those who are convinced that training, patience, and stellar money management skills are the only things that are holding you back from success in the world of speculation, I'll pass along a thought from Warren Buffet himself.
With enough insider information and a million dollars, you can go broke in a year.