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FAQ How Difficult is it to Trade?

New traders opening an account won't have problems.


First - the good news
This is that the mechanics of trading are as simple as can be. New traders opening an account with a spread betting firm won’t have any problems at all. Most trading platforms are very well designed, intuitive and simple to use.

Allied to the mechanics of trading are the methodologies that traders employ. These too can be very simple. The ‘KISS’ acronym (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) is one that crops up so often, that it’s a cliché on trading forums like T2W. So, simple to use trading platforms and simple trading methodologies are very much the order of the day.

Now the bad news
The headline question implies something beyond the mere mechanics of trading or developing a trading methodology. The sub-text is: how difficult is it to trade profitably and consistently over the long term? The bottom line is that it’s extremely difficult for most people. The reasons for this, along with how you can avoid being one of the many who struggle, are examined in the Long Answer.

I am trading options in the US with Fidelity; I did not find it easy to get permission to trade options, especially spreads. I now want my daughter, a UK resident, to open an account in the UK to trade option spreads in the US. '

Which brokerages does anyone suggest? I have found both Fidelity and TDAmeritrade to be good in the US. Thanks
I am trading options in the US with Fidelity; I did not find it easy to get permission to trade options, especially spreads. I now want my daughter, a UK resident, to open an account in the UK to trade option spreads in the US. '

Which brokerages does anyone suggest? I have found both Fidelity and TDAmeritrade to be good in the US. Thanks

I have never been their client but if they are regulated they should be ok. Marketmaker or not.
I need a UK brokerage for trading in US.

I am trying to interest my daughter in options trading. She is a US citizen, married to a French citizen and they are living in the UK at present. I am not having much luck in finding a brokerage that she can use to trade option spreads. I plan to help her learn the business, but really could use advice on getting started with a broker and permission to trade spreads. Thanks
I'm trying to learn trading but there are so many problems TT^TT

Yes agree, don't give up although faced many obstacle in business, i am also still learn and practice in forex because still also many trader they take part in this business and making more spirit to learn well like as them that already able trading for living
Just like every other business, you have to invest your time and efforts in order to make money. 🙂
It is not easy, that is for sure.

I manage to keep trading successfully after a long and hard training with my broker. I think it is so important, especially if you not coming from the finance world.
I think the secret in education, learning methods and playing with "60 second" trades to keep it light.

Very well said.
I want to add that forex trading has a long learning procedure,it can take a bit of time, but we need to be patient.You should take time to focus on learn and practice.The more you will be taught and practice the more you will be a skillful trader.
Just like every other business, you have to invest your time and efforts in order to make money. 🙂
Seems very simple, just invest and making money, but in forex business also already recorded many failure story among trader, so making money in forex also need pay attention with the risk as consideration, this is not quick way to become rich I think
Yeah, I meant that by saying 'efforts'

Yes you right, every business if we want get result hence we need making effort, while making effort in forex business might we trying to become good trader with making profit consistenltly, and if expert can become signal provider etc
have you good system for trading business....? i really frustrated to sit all time front of computer..
share me if you have ...on [email protected] or here...

Are you serious? 😕 Do you think anybody with stable consistently winning strategy will share their bread with you?
Hours of hard work, a couple of big devastating losses - the only that can help you to learn trading.
I am new to this forum and yet I am learning a lot even if I just have a little amount of time to search. I am really interested in trading and I am looking forward to know more about it.
Trading isn't really so hard. It just requires a lot of amount of patience, your ability to bear a loss, and your willingness to take a risk because of this ability.

You must be writing ironically, yes? It is the very things you have listed that make trading so hard.
I been trading on/off since 2006...still not consistent although recently I found a holy grail......only thing that could blow my account is unexpected news similar to EURCHF!
You must be writing ironically, yes? It is the very things you have listed that make trading so hard.

looks like fine ironic remark 😀, though I think it was posted by the guy/girl who known little thing about real trading experience