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FAQ How Difficult is it to Trade?

Personally the hardest part about trading is NOT trading. Avoiding that temptation to get in when you think it's a "banker" but doesn't fit in with your trading strategy.

I find these are actually my worst trades and it's taken me a long time to learn to sit on my hands.
Yes, impulsiveness can be a problem so the emphasis must be on maintaining rigid discipline at all times.

Get your wife to whack you over the head with a baseball bat every time you make an impulse trade.

You will soon become disciplined.
Once you have yourself sorted out it's not difficult, at all. Getting rid of the phobias and temptations is the difficult part.
Making serious money from any type of business is as easy as falling off a log, any fool can do it but most dont have the psychological makeup or willpower to do what it takes.

Trading however is just the most ridiculously difficult way to make a living known to mankind. Doing what needs to be done will probably cost you your health, your relationships with family, friends, partner etc, a substantial financial sacrifice in terms of loss of earnings, and possibly even your sanity.

Dont say I didnt warn you
I think about trading like I think about surfing!

I you can ride that big wave you will end up making a lot of money!

Some waves are difficult to catch / ride, and on some of them you might even lose your life.
Personally the hardest part about trading is NOT trading. Avoiding that temptation to get in when you think it's a "banker" but doesn't fit in with your trading strategy.

I find these are actually my worst trades and it's taken me a long time to learn to sit on my hands.

I found the answer to this one is to run a demo account, whenever I am not sure, or it does not meet my creteria 100%, I trade on the demo it gets rid of that mouse click temptation!
but there have been times when my gambles have proved right, Would you believe I sold cable at 1.7450.on the demo 🙁🙁🙁
If 90 % of traders fail, then I guess that's a clue to how difficult it is.
The thing is trading is very counter intuitive. A bit like a golf, the harder you try and hit the ball the worse you play. To do either you have to discipline yourself to act in a way that does not feel natural.
Keep on practising until you over ride all the natural intuitive stuff. The problem is that by the time you realise this , you won't have any money left.
Re: How difficult is it to trade?

It's not an easy thing to be a trader because it's a big risk. You are investing money, time and effort. It is difficult to anyone who is not willing to learn how to trade but it's not rocket science. If you work hard and learn the market, it shouldn't be that difficult.

It's not easy to start any business though. I have often met people who have large debts taking years to pay off because their businesses failed. Any sphere of operation - import/export, decorating, opening a shop, financial advisory services, you name it.

Those are just more acceptable things to most people in society, so perhaps they perceive the risk to be smaller.

I guess it's why parents advise their children to become lawyers, doctors and accountants. Good money for low risk.

So what was the conclusion of this thread though anyway? An open verdict?

In comparison to other professions, to become a successful trader, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means occupations like dustman, streetsweeper, McDonald's staff and 10 is astronaut, armed forces commander, international drug baron, I'd say it was 8/10.

On the one hand, you can start trading if you decide to, you don't have to persuade Goldman Sachs or Deutsche Bank to employ you first, which is presumably very difficult and I'd imagine only 1 in 20 or even 1 in 50 people who apply are given trading positions.

But after starting, 9 out of 10 or perhaps 19 out of 20 hopefuls will lose their capital and stop. So if you think about it in comparison with applying for a job at Goldman Sachs who reject 49 out of 50 candidates, it's actually easier.

There's a poll at the moment asking how many people are actually active full time traders making a living at it. The answer is anyone's guess. It might be a lot less than we think. only 19 (50% of people who answered the poll) say they are, but almost 1000 people have read the thread - so assume the rest of the 1000 are people who are trying but not succeeding, that's 1 in 50.
Re: How difficult is it to trade?

As an ex forex and money market trader now doing my own thing( and yes I am one of the 19 in the other poll-never done anything else .) it is painfully obvious why most but not all fail. .Truth is we as home traders are trading blind. That is why most fail. We are clueless as to the positions of the major players who can move a market in an instant . There is no substitute for sitting on a forex desk and listening to **** bank trying to unload a huge or maybe not so huge position regardless of what the MA or Fib tells you and acting accordingly. Traders talk to each other constantly and we at home don`t get a sniff until its happened. Trading is a high kudos profession and I guess thats why most people fancy a go but hey so is being a Surgeon but I wouldn`t try it without years of experience. Majority of people just plain shouldn`t be doing it end of.
Sorry for rant
Re: How difficult is it to trade?

As an ex forex and money market trader now doing my own thing( and yes I am one of the 19 in the other poll-never done anything else .) it is painfully obvious why most but not all fail. .Truth is we as home traders are trading blind. That is why most fail. We are clueless as to the positions of the major players who can move a market in an instant . There is no substitute for sitting on a forex desk and listening to **** bank trying to unload a huge or maybe not so huge position regardless of what the MA or Fib tells you and acting accordingly. Traders talk to each other constantly and we at home don`t get a sniff until its happened. Trading is a high kudos profession and I guess thats why most people fancy a go but hey so is being a Surgeon but I wouldn`t try it without years of experience. Majority of people just plain shouldn`t be doing it end of.
Sorry for rant

You're so right, you have to 'know your place' in the food chain and we are playing with the crumbs brushed off the laps off the big guys...Level 2 gonna help? LOL gtf...There are 10 big international banks that *possess* about 73% of all trading volume...endex...
Re: How difficult is it to trade?

The difficulty depends on the trader. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. you never know what yours are until you try. Most people can understand the setups, it's the discipline that gets most people. And you cant tell who will have good discipline from the beginning. I have seen people I would have never guessed would be good traders, and they turn out to be fantastic. It has nothing to do with intelligence. More to do with humility.

But with a good mentor. It gets a LOT EASIER!

...good trades,

Re: How difficult is it to trade?

Difficult and takes a long time, and for some people impossible.
Re: How difficult is it to trade?

i'd say it's impossible if you waste your time reading and trying to learn from websites like this.
Re: How difficult is it to trade?

i'd say it's impossible if you waste your time reading and trying to learn from websites like this.
That is true but the point of coming on here is to see if you're doing worse than average, human nature been what it is, most people would be sort of bragging that they doing ok but I've only seen one person so far saying that and thats after 2 years of loosing. I dont see this as a get rich quick scheme but more of a long learning process, Just wondering how long is long. I only just starts so didnt expect to get to grips till 18 months anyway.
Re: How difficult is it to trade?

imho fwiw, there is no get rich quick scheme, and KISS, thats its, everybody elses opinion is worthless as far as I'm concerned, I trade my system, for me, accountable to one person.....me....nobody else, and don't really give a sh*t whether what I post meets with their approval or not or their opinions, I've being being trading 15 years now and happy with the simpliest of set ups (no mega multi indicator system etc), don't listen to everybody else's opinion, do you homework, backtest, forward test, accept your wont get 100%, (its impossible), apply a sensible R&R and MM and you should reap the rewards, despite every joe bloggs argueing the toss, if it works for you, do it, work it and smile at the doubters, explain yourself to nobody and enjoy life............... thats its, fwiw
Re: How difficult is it to trade?

its not difficult to trade.

it is fairly difficult to develop a trading plan that will make more than it loses the majority of the time.

It is even more difficult to actually trade the plan that you have developed & recognised as one that will make more than it loses the majority of the time.
Re: How difficult is it to trade?

its not difficult to trade.

it is fairly difficult to develop a trading plan that will make more than it loses the majority of the time.

It is even more difficult to actually trade the plan that you have developed & recognised as one that will make more than it loses the majority of the time.

Sorry bud, have to disagree 100%, you must be doing something wrong, you need a plan, back and forward tested and recorded to the finise detail, for every trade I take, before I hit the key, I know 2 things, the outcome of my trading plan, risk (if I get it wrong, what I will lose) and the limit (what I will take from the market), shouldn't be difficult in the slightest, your number/data crunching should give you a trading system, which if you choose to apply (given the outcome of your studies) should be relatively easy to apply, unless you doubt your own abilities to intrepret the information. Statisitics (if correct), can be applied, why would you trade if you did not trust the system you are employing to make you money, unless of course you are a gambler and are preperared to take a risk, as per my motto below:-