Sticky How can T2W better serve its community?

I am not quite sure what the issue is here ? There have been many members join over the years and didn't post but were still members and then years later decide to post. The reason why some members (bots) are disappearing is that they are being banned when we catch up with them. It is getting easier to spot the bots nowdays and @Sharky has put in place the need for any first post to be moderated before it appears on T2W so there should be less of an issue than we recently had.

How many of them are real? 1 or 2...
Ok, it is not a huge problem but if I want to check last 10 REAL registrations the cue is already full of junk.
We can call it cleanness
I have banned several today already and I am unsure what purpose there is in wanting to check who the latest members are ? If we had the situation we had last week then that is understandable although trying to check the over 400 new members (bots) that registered in one afternoon last week would have taken a long time. Either way banning people just because they don't post doesn't make sense to me because if a bot is able to post then that would mean we should let it continue and not ban it.
Ok let's extend it to 3 months...
The point is, you can read the forum as guest and register when you want to ask/contribute.
What's the point of thousands of fake members?
I think a real member would at least writ a comment in the "introduce yourself" thread.
I think if its possible to monitor their activity, eg, browsing threads, etc, accessing T2W regularly, they are likely real, human members.
I suspect bots just get registered, then don't browse threads.
So, maybe monitoring the "last seen" metric might help?

It is fair for newbies not to want to post if they are genuinely new to trading and want to learn first, as opposed to experienced traders who hear about T2W, and confidently post after a short time.
Not sure where to post this (why it's here!)
Can anybody help me with formatting posts. If I leave spaces on a line of text (for clarity), when the post is submitted the spaces are removed. Is there a way to stop this happening?

For example, there were 10 spaces between here: and here.
Not sure where to post this (why it's here!)
Can anybody help me with formatting posts. If I leave spaces on a line of text (for clarity), when the post is submitted the spaces are removed. Is there a way to stop this happening?

For example, there were 10 spaces between here: and here.

If this line has four spaces between words, then there is a way! And, it is ...
I dont know if this would help the community, or T2W, assuming they are different.
There is a large body of Help Topics, in the Educational Resources section, that could be visualised, narrated with visuals, or converted to a podcast-type module, and put up on YouTube, as a way of broadening T2W as a brand, and drawing in new members, maybe?
I think converting a forum into a podcast is not the solution.
The problem here is that experienced members tend to frequent 2-3 discussions ignoring everything else.
There is a huge gap between users with more than 5 years of experience and more than 2k messages and the army of noobs with few months of experience and 0-20 messages.
I dont' know FF very much but on BP it is the same story.
At BP moderators make a "question of the week" to engage users.

How can T2W better serve its community?​

By vetting ads that appear on the site.


Really !


How can T2W better serve its community?​

By vetting ads that appear on the site.


Really !

Sorry about that! Those are google adsense ads, and they can be pretty much anything that google deems relevant. They're supposed to do their own vetting so if you spot anything suspicious then report it to me and I'll add it to a blocked list in the app.
I think it's time to get some more feedback on this thread. The past few years have been super quiet on T2W, which little in the way of improvements made on the site, but with a change of circumstances (all positive thankfully!) I'm able to devote more of my time to it now. I'm also more actively investing and trading than ever before, so there's an added incentive to support and improve my knowledge with like minded folk. So do share your thoughts, and I'll do my best to respond to any comment and suggestions...
Originally I had a trading team - consisting of members of T2W.
We collectively traded our 'team account' and shared the profits but as life got in the way, people having health and family problems, the 'impetus' faded and we disbandoned.
Many years later, and now too old to trade regularly, I offer this indicator to those who would day trade.
I believe it to be an outstanding indicator with support and resistance LEVELS (loosely based on Fibonacci) as well as showing divergence, as in the illustration.
If I were to start again this, or similar, is the first indicator I would consider using.
If ever T2W started up a 'collective' of 'trading groups' consisting of members then a LOT of traders/investors would be interested - and with 2 or 3 pairs of eyes on every trade it should be impossible to make a daily loss - and certainly never a weekly loss.
For those who do not like to pay tax - then this is NOT for you as this would be a 'business' in the eyes of the UK law but the more tax you pay the more you are making and the better trader you will become.
I still have my own paperwork for a legal 'template' if it is to be progressed - a legal necessity for each trading group.


Thanks for the feedback TEAMTRADER and very kind of you to share your MetaTrader indicator. I don't use MetaTrader myself, but I'm sure other's here will be keen to experiment with it.

As far as a trading business goes, I have very little idea of how you'd structure it in the UK. I know for example Interactive Brokers offer many different account types, inc. for Small Business: - I actually have a Family Account myself as I find it easier to manage my wife's investments, as well as my own.

I'd be interested to know how you made the collective trading work in practice, for example is one person assigned to make the actual trades. Also if any other members have experience of trading groups like this.
Thanks for the feedback TEAMTRADER and very kind of you to share your MetaTrader indicator. I don't use MetaTrader myself, but I'm sure other's here will be keen to experiment with it.

As far as a trading business goes, I have very little idea of how you'd structure it in the UK. I know for example Interactive Brokers offer many different account types, inc. for Small Business: - I actually have a Family Account myself as I find it easier to manage my wife's investments, as well as my own.

I'd be interested to know how you made the collective trading work in practice, for example is one person assigned to make the actual trades. Also if any other members have experience of trading groups like this.
It was conducted through a Skype group and a minimum of two, preferably three, sets of eyes were primarily on two charts - the Dax and the Dow as they provided good profits and all our indicators at that time were purpose made for 1m and a 5m charts to day trade. Each person had to agree a trade and the one person who controlled the broker account traded it and waited for the screams to exit. 95% of the time there were at least 3 sets of eyes on the trade and at the end of the week we decided whether to take a draw or leave it in till the middle of the month - we had to draw once a month. The money went into the nomiated account and the share was made immediately to the other 4 members - there were 5 of us initially, three traders and two investors. Traders invested only £100 each but took 30% of the profit from the pot before drawings to investors.
I had legal papers drawn up to cover everyone (in case of death or misuse). Everyone had daily access to view the trades so there was no chance of manipulation.
There was a lack of numbers so when it got down to 3 we decided to call it a day as none of us could guarantee we could be there the next day.
We needed a 'pool' of dedicated traders to cover, when one or two dropped out, and that is the lesson I learned.
If there were several people interested then there could be more than one group, all trading differing instruments - but we had no such reserve.
Not sure where to post this (why it's here!)
Can anybody help me with formatting posts. If I leave spaces on a line of text (for clarity), when the post is submitted the spaces are removed. Is there a way to stop this happening?

For example, there were 10 spaces between here: and here.

Put in .................. and then change colour to white!