I don't suppose it bothers you one jot that all the recent unhappiness about the site expressed here and elsewhere is down to you and your constant drivel all over the place. Everyone is really pizzed off with it (and you). Can't you do us all a favour and go elsewhere and leave us with the peaceful T2W we enjoyed before you came on the scene.
Whilst I feel your pain (and share some of it) it seems highly unlikely that any of the culprits are either going to remove themselves or modify their behaviour - constitution/sense/courtesy notwithstanding. Since the rest ofus either have no need to modify our behaviour or could easily do so if not constantly needled then it is for us to remove ourselves.
I quite like Cbrads idea of the shared journal but in the interests of continuity perhaps the thread could be opened by a "new member" who would be a representative of a core group of say half a dozen lifers (or at least folk with a proven positive track record) who would jointly vet applicants and act as a moderating facility. Grass roots democracy at work within a constitutional monarchy🙂