Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

Pazienza,i know you are coming from a good place and just want to warn me and i will think about what you are saying. but all the negative coments are from people that have not traded the system .
i would really like to hear from people that are trading this system .
Hi Marco Dean,
One thing that I continue to find disappointing is the lack of FT owners posting back with their trading records.

While I don’t own or trade GC’s FT system, I’ve had sight of it. I do, however, own two of his books “Options Made Easy” and “Volatile Markets Made Easy”. Some (BUT BY NO MEANS ALL) of the basics of his flag trader system are covered in VMME.

You could always check out a book or two while waiting for an FT owner to come back with some of their records?

Have fun
hi stevensri,
i too find that dissapointing as there is no feed back from FTowners .
as i said last night ,i do find the materials excellent but the website has a lot to be desired .
there is no forum on the website ,or any interaction between FT traders .one is left to trade
in isolation and that is not good for newbie traders.
Pazienza,i know you are coming from a good place and just want to warn me and i will think about what you are saying. but all the negative coments are from people that have not traded the system .
i would really like to hear from people that are trading this system .

I hope I haven't come across as an a$$hole.

Brewski raised some very good questions above that everyone considering buying a system should think about before they go ahead.
I have finally, after many years of extensive research uncovered the secrets of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and have coded these into MY secret moving average/stochastic oscillator method and am now trading the real system of the Illuminati (TM). For this you need a black eye mask and a big bag marked swag. When the moving average is pointing down and the stochastics cross out of overbought just go to your local MP and use the Illuminati (TM) "Hookers, Plastic Bag and Orange" setup.
Your risk control is a getaway driver in an old mk2 Jag.

Obviously without the secret settings of the indicators that only I possess you will not be able to succeed and you will have the Old Bill knocking at the door.

For a limited time only and to limit numbers, to the first 1000 enquiries only I will be selling this system for £5000. BUT for the first lucky few, for one week only I will let the system go for the massively reduced price of £999.

This system is GUARANTEED to make a profit
(for me)
Guy Cohen is a scam. He has never traded real money.
Hi quantgeek,
Assume you mean GC’s FT / IT systems are scams. As I’ve previously mentioned I’ve had sight of the FT system. I could see no obvious reason to condemn the system as a scam (I know, perhaps I need glasses!). If hard work and effort are put in, following his rules, applying strict money management, trade journaling etc ... I believe that the system could be profitable, for anyone of average intelligence. However, I’m concerned that NO FT owner has ever come back with serious records of their trading success. Also, I personally can’t justify the price of buying the system and its ongoing website costs.

As for the accusation “he has never traded with real money”. I’ve no paper evidence either way. However, my guess would be he has after all he only has to have traded the once, to have traded with real money. Instead, can I offer you the more interesting question I’d like answered. Can he conclusively show he has made consistent money, overtime, live trading his FT system (and not just selling it)?

I’d just like to see some hard facts and figures for once. Otherwise, yes you may well be right and the whole thing just so much scotch mist.

Hummm I must remember to book up for that eye test… 😱
Guy Cohen is a scam. He has never traded real money.
How do you know he never traded real money? What evidence can you produce to support this statement?

I've been following this thread for a while now and so far no-one has come up with any strong arguments (or hard evidence) either for or against Guy Cohen's Flag Trader.

Personally I remain open minded, but I suppose the only way to settle this once and for all is for either Guy himself or a Flag Trader user to produce a copy of a real trading account over a period of a year or so showing every single trade, winners and losers.

That's what would convince me.
How do you know he never traded real money? What evidence can you produce to support this statement?

I've been following this thread for a while now and so far no-one has come up with any strong arguments (or hard evidence) either for or against Guy Cohen's Flag Trader.

Personally I remain open minded, but I suppose the only way to settle this once and for all is for either Guy himself or a Flag Trader user to produce a copy of a real trading account over a period of a year or so showing every single trade, winners and losers.

That's what would convince me.

In other words if he could show verifiable proof that he has made money over a sufficient period of time you'd all be falling over yourselves to give him money. But he hasnt and he cant, now why do you think that is?

Instead of showing such proof he resorts to stories about secret boxes from the war being decoded. Just use some common sense, sorry but there is no free money.
i really hate to admit this ,and it causes me much pain .but i have bowed to the logical arguments of Pboyles and Pazienza ,and returned my copy of Flag Trader to Guy cohen.
The main reason for me was the website as there was no trading club or contact with other traders to verify trades .scammers or fraudsters keep people in isolation so they cannot find out the real truth about them.
i have no idea whether the system works or not but i had no confidence in the system top try it .
Many thanks to Pboyles and Pazienza for their advice and insights .no hard feelings for the spirited discussion that took place
i really hate to admit this ,and it causes me much pain .but i have bowed to the logical arguments of Pboyles and Pazienza ,and returned my copy of Flag Trader to Guy cohen.
The main reason for me was the website as there was no trading club or contact with other traders to verify trades .scammers or fraudsters keep people in isolation so they cannot find out the real truth about them.
i have no idea whether the system works or not but i had no confidence in the system top try it .
Many thanks to Pboyles and Pazienza for their advice and insights .no hard feelings for the spirited discussion that took place

There really is enough information on the web, plus a few good books, to formulate your own approach. The key is gaining enough experience cheaply enough to develop it properly.

It's just a long, hard road and I don't know of any short-cuts.
i really hate to admit this ,and it causes me much pain .but i have bowed to the logical arguments of Pboyles and Pazienza ,and returned my copy of Flag Trader to Guy cohen.
The main reason for me was the website as there was no trading club or contact with other traders to verify trades .scammers or fraudsters keep people in isolation so they cannot find out the real truth about them.
i have no idea whether the system works or not but i had no confidence in the system top try it .
Many thanks to Pboyles and Pazienza for their advice and insights .no hard feelings for the spirited discussion that took place

Brave of you to post here rather than just disappearing. Do you now have to ask for a refund or what was the deal?
best to admit ones mistakes ,helps one learn for the refund ,you just send it back and they do not debit your account .
Here is the evidence:

If you need any more evidence than the fact that that is his website, you are an utter mug.
Unfortunately this is NOT evidence that Guy Cohen's Flag Trader system doesn't work. It's just an ad for the system.

Alternatively, you could be the type that mysteriously appears in support of some scam vendor, making a first post like the one you've just made, briefly trying to argue in favour of the scam vendor, and then disappearing never to be seen again.

Actually if you read my post again you will see that I am not arguing in favour of Guy Cohen. What I'm asking for is hard evidence to prove if his Flag Trader system actually works or not, something (strangely) that no-one seems to be able to produce!

A member since 2005, and this is your first post?
What exactly do you find funny about that?

i really hate to admit this ,and it causes me much pain .but i have bowed to the logical arguments of Pboyles and Pazienza ,and returned my copy of Flag Trader to Guy cohen.
The main reason for me was the website as there was no trading club or contact with other traders to verify trades .scammers or fraudsters keep people in isolation so they cannot find out the real truth about them.
i have no idea whether the system works or not but i had no confidence in the system top try it .
Many thanks to Pboyles and Pazienza for their advice and insights .no hard feelings for the spirited discussion that took place
Sorry to hear you've given up. Personally I didn't find Pboyles' and Pazienza's agruments logical at all. I was hoping you would be one of the first traders to report your findings on how the system actually worked. It is disappointing that there is no forum for Flag Trader users and that raises suspicions with me also.

So come on guys (excuse the phun) give us some real verifiable evidence.
Get a grip, do you really think he decoded the secret nazi box? Do you still believe in Santa as well?

Unfortunately this is NOT evidence that Guy Cohen's Flag Trader system doesn't work. It's just an ad for the system.

Actually if you read my post again you will see that I am not arguing in favour of Guy Cohen. What I'm asking for is hard evidence to prove if his Flag Trader system actually works or not, something (strangely) that no-one seems to be able to produce!

What exactly do you find funny about that?

Sorry to hear you've given up. Personally I didn't find Pboyles' and Pazienza's agruments logical at all. I was hoping you would be one of the first traders to report your findings on how the system actually worked. It is disappointing that there is no forum for Flag Trader users and that raises suspicions with me also.

So come on guys (excuse the phun) give us some real verifiable evidence.
when i brought flag trader i was under the impression that the private traders club(98 pounds a month)was a place where i would meet other traders. all it was ,was a website with a few testamonials and software to find the trades.
there was no interaction with other traders who have traded this system and therefore i lost confidence and focus.
most successfull trading systems that are available seem to have a live trading room or forum where traders can learn from one another .
Get a grip, do you really think he decoded the secret nazi box? Do you still believe in Santa as well?

I don't know if Guy Cohen uncovered the seceret of Nicolas Darvas's box system.

What I want you to show me is PROOF that his Flag Trader system DOESN'T work, or for someone to offer proof that it DOES work.

How many times do I need to spell it out for you???
I don't know if Guy Cohen uncovered the seceret of Nicolas Darvas's box system.

What I want you to show me is PROOF that his Flag Trader system DOESN'T work, or for someone to offer proof that it DOES work.

How many times do I need to spell it out for you???

...and I want proof that this Nigerian General who e mailed me to help him move some money isnt a scam. So far nobody has been able to PROVE to me that he is going to rip me off but I've also never heard from anybody that got paid by him. Now if I used a bit of common sense I'd know the answer because there are many indicators that it is a scam but I'm not going to do that.
How many times do you need it spelling out for you? Either you are very stupid or you are schilling for this chump.

Anything that looks like that is utter, total, unmitigated bullsh1t. If you really need to prove it to yourself, you are a fool that is destined to get conned over and over again until you discover some common sense.

Pazienza, I'm not a fool and thankfully I have never been conned and hope never to be caught out in a scam. That is why I'm trying to do my due diligence on this.

There are a lot of very obvious scams out there and some very well presented ones that do sound plausible. But with the help of the internet you can usually find lots negative information very quickly to set alarm bells ringing. Greg Seckers Knowledge to Action is one example.

But what has intrigued me about Guy Cohen and his Flag Trader system (as pointed out in some other posts on this discussion) is that there is no real negative information about him or his system on the internet.
Hi quantgeek,
Assume you mean GC’s FT / IT systems are scams. As I’ve previously mentioned I’ve had sight of the FT system. I could see no obvious reason to condemn the system as a scam (I know, perhaps I need glasses!). If hard work and effort are put in, following his rules, applying strict money management, trade journaling etc ... I believe that the system could be profitable, for anyone of average intelligence. However, I’m concerned that NO FT owner has ever come back with serious records of their trading success. Also, I personally can’t justify the price of buying the system and its ongoing website costs.

As for the accusation “he has never traded with real money”. I’ve no paper evidence either way. However, my guess would be he has after all he only has to have traded the once, to have traded with real money. Instead, can I offer you the more interesting question I’d like answered. Can he conclusively show he has made consistent money, overtime, live trading his FT system (and not just selling it)?

I’d just like to see some hard facts and figures for once. Otherwise, yes you may well be right and the whole thing just so much scotch mist.

Hummm I must remember to book up for that eye test… 😱

Stevensri, I agree with what you say here and share your concern that no-one has shown any proof of their trading success. It's not beyond the bounds of possibility that there is a good trading system out there that does work. But we need verifiable proof.

So I remain open-minded and will keep an eye on this discussion.