Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

On a certain date about 8 weeks ago the OVI issued a signal. I responded in the appropriate manner and my IG Index account now contains unrealised profits of + 100%. If I close all positions at the open tomorrow I am very likely to have doubled my account.

I can live with that.
Received an email for Guy Cohen's Follow the Money and was vaguely interested till I read the comments here. Thanks y'all.
I have seen several threads on Guy Cohen’s Illuminati Trading System and some of his other products but nothing on what seems to be his latest offering, Smart Money Indicator.

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere – I am new to the forum and new to trading, still finding my way around here and cannot find any reference to it.

The price is around £300 for Smart Money Indicator and I am wondering if it is worth trying. I see mixed reviews on other Guy Cohen products on T2W threads and the jury seems to be still out on the guy himself (no pun intended). My gut feeling is leaning towards positive vibes about him but then again, I am easily duped and hence your experience would be much appreciated

Is it OK to post this here or should I start a new thread?