Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

On what grounds can you call Guy A Scam artist ?He has been published by Financial times and is an authourity on options and flags.
Guy teaches nothing new when it comes to flags , as its a well known trading method that is profitable .He teaches you to trade them well and has software that finds great set ups ,apart from that ,its discretionary.
His money management is excellent and if i just learnt that two years ago i would have saved myself a lot of time .If you going to call him a scam artist then back it up with facts and your experience with his materials ,otherwise its just being negative for the sake of it.
and in regards to Guy preying on my greed i would have to say quite to the contary ,if anything Guy is healing me from my greed.his section on profit taking showed me how greedy i have been in my trading and why to this date i have been unprofitable.
whether i continue with Guy or not ,i will not be asking for a refund because i have learnt a lot which i would take with me .i dont believe in free lunches or trying to get something for nothing.
On what grounds can you call Guy A Scam artist ?He has been published by Financial times and is an authourity on options and flags.

Absolutely classic! Is that a serious comment?

Guy teaches nothing new when it comes to flags , as its a well known trading method that is profitable .He teaches you to trade them well and has software that finds great set ups ,apart from that ,its discretionary.

No method is profitable.

His money management is excellent and if i just learnt that two years ago i would have saved myself a lot of time .If you going to call him a scam artist then back it up with facts and your experience with his materials ,otherwise its just being negative for the sake of it.

Seriously, just have a look over the website below (the escaped from the Nazis, secret box one). Are you honestly telling me that it doesn't like like every get-rich-quick scheme in the world, with a slightly modified wording, and that alarm bells aren't ringing all over the shop? Honestly?

If you can't see through crap like that, you have a serious problem.
and in regards to Guy preying on my greed i would have to say quite to the contary ,if anything Guy is healing me from my greed.his section on profit taking showed me how greedy i have been in my trading and why to this date i have been unprofitable.
whether i continue with Guy or not ,i will not be asking for a refund because i have learnt a lot which i would take with me .i dont believe in free lunches or trying to get something for nothing.

Good God, you really are a lamb to the slaughter. One day you will wake from your trance, considerably poorer, and wonder how you could ever have been so naive.

And listen, you may not believe in free lunches and something for nothing, but this muppet obviously does - he's getting a lot for nothing from people like you. A lot of your post above sounds like someone who is in the grip of a dodgy religious cult.
Just wondering if you've managed to place successful trades following your course completion.

Is system worth time/money for a newbie investor?


My broker said to me. in the late seventies "If I had a thousand to spare, I'd buy EMI calls". I trusted my broker and saw that EMI calls were to be obtained for 4p. I sold them for 34p! Would you believe that I was so innocent that I held them for several weeks, probably months, and I cannot remember the exact details because I was so naive, in those days, that I bought and sold on the advice of my broker and did not bother with records? The broker was Mitton, Butler & Priest and they went under the hammer a few months later. I mention this because my account was protected and got transferred to another broker who, today, does not exist, either. Mine was blind luck, no skill involved, at all. I believe that my broker gave an honest opinion because he was someone with whom I bought shares, normally. EMI was a dangerous share to buy at that time but the options? Good for a punt. That is, frankly, the advice that I would give you, today. Takeover possibilities could be worth a punt, otherwise be careful unless you have the cash to spare.
On what grounds can you call Guy A Scam artist ?He has been published by Financial times and is an authourity on options and flags.
Guy teaches nothing new when it comes to flags , as its a well known trading method that is profitable .He teaches you to trade them well and has software that finds great set ups ,apart from that ,its discretionary.
His money management is excellent and if i just learnt that two years ago i would have saved myself a lot of time .If you going to call him a scam artist then back it up with facts and your experience with his materials ,otherwise its just being negative for the sake of it.

Can you post a link to one of the articles he wrote for the Financial Times?
his books Options made easy and the Bible of option stratergies are both published by the financial times .check it out
pboyles ,i have given you the title of the books which are published by the FT .check it out ,do your due dillegence before you slag peoples products off.
you have not even tried out the course or the software so your comments are without foundation.
So what if Guy markets his products with an engaging story as long as it makes money thats all that matters
and you Paizenza ,slag everything off on the forum , but i do respect your 00 trading system .

I don't slag off everything, just try to warn people when I see them getting taken for a ride.

What 00 system is this? My system is the "Bada$$Ninja Commando Prime Mover Love Dictator Christ in Shades Napalm God Motherf***er-to-the-Max" Method.

I developed it by deciphering the trading clues in Hitler's diary.
fair enough that you are trying to warn people, thats a good thing.but i would repect it a lot more if you had actually done the course and tested the software
fair enough that you are trying to warn people, thats a good thing.but i would repect it a lot more if you had actually done the course and tested the software

If I had done the course and tested the software you should have no respect for me because that would mean that I am an utter mug. Fair enough, I can just about understand a total noob getting caught by one of these scams once. After that, well you almost deserve to be robbed of your money by these cohen artists.
i really do not beleive that anyone with Guy cohens credibilty and background needs to con anyone.
if they did and that was there real motive ,then it would be real sad.he seems a very honest man to me
So you're completely convinced that he has decoded the secret box that was smuggled out under the noses of the Nazis during the war? You believe that?