Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

Pazienza, I'm not a fool...

That you are considering this joker for a second means that you are a fool. That you think you can buy "secret" systems from those ridiculous websites for a few hundred quid means you are a fool.

Go ahead and waste your time looking for evidence, following these discussions etc. Whilst you do you will never make any money out of trading.

NOBODY is going to sell you a golden ticket. You can accept that or keep day-dreaming, your choice.
Do Flags Work?
To add some firmish data, on Flags, into the mix. I’ve re-skimmed Thomas N. Bulkowski's “Encyclopaedia of Chart Patterns”, (John Wiley & Sons, 2000).

Oddly, I’m not considering chapter 14 on “Flags and Pennants”, because TNB doesn’t make use of any breakout criteria when analysing these Flags. This is a key criterion in GCs FT system. The results for F & Ps here while positive were not stunningly so.

Instead I’ve chosen to summarise chapter 15 on “Flags High and Tight”, which has some slightly more relevant results. Here TNB identifies William J. O’Neil in his book “Making Money in Stocks”, (McGraw-Hill, 1988) as a popularizer of the Flag pattern. Using WJO’s criteria as his basis TNB obtained the following outline results against a database of 500 stocks, from 1991-1996:

Flags, High and Tight Found 81
Failure rate (without breakout test) 32%
Failure rate (with breakout test) 17% *1
Successful breakouts 81% *2
Average rise of successful formation 63% *2
Most likely rise 20-30% *2
44% have gains of over 50% *2
33% have gains of over 90% *2
Average formation length 20 days

*1, This includes Flags which produce less than a 5% rise above breakout and then fail.
*2, These sorts of results seem quite positive to me.

Obviously, plenty of caveats should be drawn on the above results not least their age. Also it’d be completely unrealistic to draw a direct comparison between these results and GCs FT system as they both use different selection criteria. Generally GC’s are more refined but allow a lot more Flags to be considered for trade. E.g. Bull and Bear Flags are available for trade.

What I’m trying to draw attention to is the wider implication that Flags may be a useful basis for a successful trading system. I’m not suggesting for one pico-second that this means GC’s FT is worth buying (unless you have money to burn and want to risk buying a short cut no one seems able to show working successfully). However, it does show that GC MAY, just May be on to something.

If flag patterns are still occurring in the market they may be worth developing a system around. Anyone can buy or borrow the above books, read, research, backrest, refine and develop their own trading criteria for almost nothing. My fee for drawing your attention to these results is also cheap, please just PM me your system and results :innocent:.

Good luck and good hunting.
i really hate to admit this ,and it causes me much pain .but i have bowed to the logical arguments of Pboyles and Pazienza ,and returned my copy of Flag Trader to Guy cohen.
The main reason for me was the website as there was no trading club or contact with other traders to verify trades .scammers or fraudsters keep people in isolation so they cannot find out the real truth about them.
i have no idea whether the system works or not but i had no confidence in the system top try it .
Many thanks to Pboyles and Pazienza for their advice and insights .no hard feelings for the spirited discussion that took place

Hi marco dean,
I'm curious to know how far you got through the training materials and what you honestly thought of the content. Was the system well explained and easy to follow regardless of your level of experience? Did you make use of the telephone or email support? In your opinion do you think 30 days is enough time to properly evaluate and test the system?
New to trading and this is slightly off-topic, but my son and I bought Guy Cohen's Turnaround Trader in November 2011 and for us the results have been phenomenal - copied below from our IG statement. We've recently started trading with his OVI indicator and that too has been very good, but our own "Turnaround" story is perhaps worth reading.

We only started trading near the end of November and from that time until early March, starting with £100, we made over £1,000 profit from 36 trades, 26 winners and 10 losers with IG Index. That's 1,000% in 3.5 months, something that we could never have dreamt of.

Between us, we've never traded before and found the Turnaround method to be very straightforward. We actually contacted Guy Cohen's support to say thank you, and a few days later, out of the blue we received a phone call from him personally! From the call we learned that by trading as a pair we may have an advantage as we strictly enforce Guy's checks and balances on each other before placing a trade.

We actually sent him in our IG statement and spreadsheet, and he immediately spotted two things we were doing that were contributing to our success. We only traded his "Strategy 1" as that was easier for us to understand, and also we were very conservative about taking our first profit off the table, something that is emphasised on the course.

What we found was that many of our trades reached the "P1" target and then reversed. This meant that many of our trades never reached Guy's "P2", but we were consistently bagging profits and then protecting the other half of the trade. After winning 15 of our first 18 trades - and two of those losses were "pennies" - we got a bit over-confident before getting our feet back on the ground!

About only trading his "Strategy 1". When we spoke to him he related the history of the method which was also interesting. Basically, "Strategy 2" is a professional strategy, but Guy altered it by insisting on a "Doji" as the extreme bar. He then made changes to the entry and exit mechanism, and because this was much simpler than the professional strategy, he called it "Strategy 1", and that's the one we stuck to. Many of our trades wouldn't have executed or fared as well if we'd employed Strategy 2, so he basically took a professional strategy and made it simpler and better.

In conclusion we are delighted with the Turnaround Trader. It's definitely genuine and most importantly it has worked consistently for us. One thing Guy mentioned to us was that if he'd known we were only starting with £100 he'd not have allowed us to use it! But we've been consistent at a time where we really needed the extra cash, so it has been a godsend.

We've now started with Guy's OVI trading method too, and that is proving just as good. Maybe it's beginners luck but trading with my son is definitely better and more profitable than trading on my own where I've made some mistakes.

In case anyone's interested in the trades we've made here they are.

23/11/2011 L683GZAU Lowe's Cos Inc DFB 2310.7 £ -0.35 2273.3 13.09
28/11/2011 L9Q68AAK Dell Inc DFB 1460.77 £ 3 1485 72.69
28/11/2011 L9JDUEAS Wall Street DFB 11387.7 £ 1 11450 62.3
29/11/2011 L9Q67SAK Oracle Corp DFB 2970.6 £ 0.3 2981 3.12
30/11/2011 L99RHNAR El Paso Corp DFB 2501.5 £ -1 2563 -61.5
01/12/2011 MAQUKQA2 General Electric Co DFB 1549.13 £ 1 1576 26.87
01/12/2011 L99U5QAC 5th 3rd Bank DFB 1148.53 £ 1 1186.8 38.27
07/12/2011 MCSSQPAT US SPX 500 DFB 1254.83 £ 10 1254.78 -0.5
07/12/2011 MBLRUQAK Textron Inc DFB 1909.3 £ -0.7 1865 31.01
09/12/2011 MDE3HRAR US SPX 500 DFB 1237.77 £ 10 1251 132.3
13/12/2011 MD28U4AN Spot Gold DFB 1661.66 £ 5 1663 6.7
14/12/2011 MEZAV6AZ Spot Gold DFB 1584.68 £ -5 1576.9 38.9
14/12/2011 MEUP4PAJ Spot Gold DFB 1620.98 £ -3 1587.85 99.39
14/12/2011 MEWX94AC Spot Gold DFB 1604.65 £ -2 1584.84 39.62
14/12/2011 MER6Y2AN Spot Gold DFB 1630.15 £ -5 1630 0.75
14/12/2011 MEK44GAU Wall Street DFB 11987.3 £ -1 11990 -2.7
15/12/2011 MEH5BMAF Spot Gold DFB 1656.85 £ -2 1587.36 138.98
16/12/2011 MEVAM9AJ Safeway Inc DFB 2089.7 £ -0.5 2059 15.35
16/12/2011 MFGFRDAH Forward AUD/JPY DEC-11 7765.2 £ 0.5 7755.4 -4.9
19/12/2011 MFVLC6AN Wall Street DFB 11804 £ 1 11869.5 65.5
19/12/2011 MFXTPBA4 Wall Street DFB 11904.5 £ 1 11876 -28.5
10/01/2012 MLHK8DAZ Spot Gold DFB 1640 £ 2 1634.6 -10.8
10/01/2012 MLFXDHAE Spot Gold DFB 1633.9 £ 2 1635.01 2.22
10/01/2012 MLD2LSA4 Spot Gold DFB 1625.75 £ 2 1635.53 19.56
11/01/2012 MLLU3SAY Spot Gold DFB 1630.88 £ -1 1644 -13.12
12/01/2012 MLYDV7AG Spot Gold DFB 1638.19 £ -1 1656.19 -18
28/02/2012 MZYHXFAG Spot Silver DFB 3583.9 £ 2 3628.9 90
29/02/2012 MZ6RAXAG Spot Gold DFB 1787.3 £ 3 1767.3 -60
29/02/2012 MZ6CKMAQ Spot Silver DFB 3646.9 £ 2 3660 26.2
01/03/2012 M2HDDAAM Nabors Industries Ltd DFB 2225.7 £ 0.7 2184 -29.19
02/03/2012 M3DR9QAG Kroger Co DFB 2416.7 £ 0.5 2405 -5.85
06/03/2012 M35BRYAC Spot Gold DFB 1685.52 £ -2 1674.42 22.2
06/03/2012 M3TWDQAV Spot Silver DFB 3381.3 £ -2 3302.5 157.6
07/03/2012 M296FHAH Spot FX EUR/USD DFB 13245.3 £ -0.5 13143.3 51
07/03/2012 M2XWXHAR Spot FX EUR/USD DFB 13309.3 £ -0.5 13143 83.15
08/03/2012 M4QFSSAX Ford Motor Co DFB 1229.88 £ 1 1240.8 10.92
New to trading and this is slightly off-topic, but my son and I bought Guy Cohen's Turnaround Trader in November 2011 and for us the results have been phenomenal - copied below from our IG statement. We've recently started trading with his OVI indicator and that too has been very good, but our own "Turnaround" story is perhaps worth reading.

We only started trading near the end of November and from that time until early March, starting with £100, we made over £1,000 profit from 36 trades, 26 winners and 10 losers with IG Index. That's 1,000% in 3.5 months, something that we could never have dreamt of.

Between us, we've never traded before and found the Turnaround method to be very straightforward. We actually contacted Guy Cohen's support to say thank you, and a few days later, out of the blue we received a phone call from him personally! From the call we learned that by trading as a pair we may have an advantage as we strictly enforce Guy's checks and balances on each other before placing a trade.

We actually sent him in our IG statement and spreadsheet, and he immediately spotted two things we were doing that were contributing to our success. We only traded his "Strategy 1" as that was easier for us to understand, and also we were very conservative about taking our first profit off the table, something that is emphasised on the course.

What we found was that many of our trades reached the "P1" target and then reversed. This meant that many of our trades never reached Guy's "P2", but we were consistently bagging profits and then protecting the other half of the trade. After winning 15 of our first 18 trades - and two of those losses were "pennies" - we got a bit over-confident before getting our feet back on the ground!

About only trading his "Strategy 1". When we spoke to him he related the history of the method which was also interesting. Basically, "Strategy 2" is a professional strategy, but Guy altered it by insisting on a "Doji" as the extreme bar. He then made changes to the entry and exit mechanism, and because this was much simpler than the professional strategy, he called it "Strategy 1", and that's the one we stuck to. Many of our trades wouldn't have executed or fared as well if we'd employed Strategy 2, so he basically took a professional strategy and made it simpler and better.

In conclusion we are delighted with the Turnaround Trader. It's definitely genuine and most importantly it has worked consistently for us. One thing Guy mentioned to us was that if he'd known we were only starting with £100 he'd not have allowed us to use it! But we've been consistent at a time where we really needed the extra cash, so it has been a godsend.

We've now started with Guy's OVI trading method too, and that is proving just as good. Maybe it's beginners luck but trading with my son is definitely better and more profitable than trading on my own where I've made some mistakes.

In case anyone's interested in the trades we've made here they are.

23/11/2011 L683GZAU Lowe's Cos Inc DFB 2310.7 £ -0.35 2273.3 13.09
28/11/2011 L9Q68AAK Dell Inc DFB 1460.77 £ 3 1485 72.69
28/11/2011 L9JDUEAS Wall Street DFB 11387.7 £ 1 11450 62.3
29/11/2011 L9Q67SAK Oracle Corp DFB 2970.6 £ 0.3 2981 3.12
30/11/2011 L99RHNAR El Paso Corp DFB 2501.5 £ -1 2563 -61.5
01/12/2011 MAQUKQA2 General Electric Co DFB 1549.13 £ 1 1576 26.87
01/12/2011 L99U5QAC 5th 3rd Bank DFB 1148.53 £ 1 1186.8 38.27
07/12/2011 MCSSQPAT US SPX 500 DFB 1254.83 £ 10 1254.78 -0.5
07/12/2011 MBLRUQAK Textron Inc DFB 1909.3 £ -0.7 1865 31.01
09/12/2011 MDE3HRAR US SPX 500 DFB 1237.77 £ 10 1251 132.3
13/12/2011 MD28U4AN Spot Gold DFB 1661.66 £ 5 1663 6.7
14/12/2011 MEZAV6AZ Spot Gold DFB 1584.68 £ -5 1576.9 38.9
14/12/2011 MEUP4PAJ Spot Gold DFB 1620.98 £ -3 1587.85 99.39
14/12/2011 MEWX94AC Spot Gold DFB 1604.65 £ -2 1584.84 39.62
14/12/2011 MER6Y2AN Spot Gold DFB 1630.15 £ -5 1630 0.75
14/12/2011 MEK44GAU Wall Street DFB 11987.3 £ -1 11990 -2.7
15/12/2011 MEH5BMAF Spot Gold DFB 1656.85 £ -2 1587.36 138.98
16/12/2011 MEVAM9AJ Safeway Inc DFB 2089.7 £ -0.5 2059 15.35
16/12/2011 MFGFRDAH Forward AUD/JPY DEC-11 7765.2 £ 0.5 7755.4 -4.9
19/12/2011 MFVLC6AN Wall Street DFB 11804 £ 1 11869.5 65.5
19/12/2011 MFXTPBA4 Wall Street DFB 11904.5 £ 1 11876 -28.5
10/01/2012 MLHK8DAZ Spot Gold DFB 1640 £ 2 1634.6 -10.8
10/01/2012 MLFXDHAE Spot Gold DFB 1633.9 £ 2 1635.01 2.22
10/01/2012 MLD2LSA4 Spot Gold DFB 1625.75 £ 2 1635.53 19.56
11/01/2012 MLLU3SAY Spot Gold DFB 1630.88 £ -1 1644 -13.12
12/01/2012 MLYDV7AG Spot Gold DFB 1638.19 £ -1 1656.19 -18
28/02/2012 MZYHXFAG Spot Silver DFB 3583.9 £ 2 3628.9 90
29/02/2012 MZ6RAXAG Spot Gold DFB 1787.3 £ 3 1767.3 -60
29/02/2012 MZ6CKMAQ Spot Silver DFB 3646.9 £ 2 3660 26.2
01/03/2012 M2HDDAAM Nabors Industries Ltd DFB 2225.7 £ 0.7 2184 -29.19
02/03/2012 M3DR9QAG Kroger Co DFB 2416.7 £ 0.5 2405 -5.85
06/03/2012 M35BRYAC Spot Gold DFB 1685.52 £ -2 1674.42 22.2
06/03/2012 M3TWDQAV Spot Silver DFB 3381.3 £ -2 3302.5 157.6
07/03/2012 M296FHAH Spot FX EUR/USD DFB 13245.3 £ -0.5 13143.3 51
07/03/2012 M2XWXHAR Spot FX EUR/USD DFB 13309.3 £ -0.5 13143 83.15
08/03/2012 M4QFSSAX Ford Motor Co DFB 1229.88 £ 1 1240.8 10.92

Give us a break, that's about as likely as his secret Nazi box.
New to son and I bought Guy Cohen's Turnaround Trader in November 2011 and for us the results have been phenomenal...We only started trading near the end of November...1,000% in 3.5 months, something that we could never have dreamt of...

Everything in your post is a lie. Come on Guy, do you really expect people to fall for this kind of made up first post testimonial?
statement presentation like that just don't cut it round here matey. how about posting a proper screen shot, rather than something you just typed up.
I suppose the general cynicism is understandable given what else is out there, but I can absolutely guarantee that Richard and Sam's record is 100% accurate.

They first contacted my support team in late November to say thanks for TT and their email was forwarded to me.

In mid-February they sent me an update, and to say they were still going strong would be an understatement. Their situation stood out because they started with so little trading capital - far too little actually, but their performance spoke for itself.

From then we corresponded back and forth, and they asked if there was anything they could do for me, which was a lovely gesture. My reply was that when they reached £1k in profits would they be willing to make a post about their experience.

Anyway, I do understand why forum posters are cynical, but these guys have been extremely generous in telling their story, which I asked them to do. I also asked to see their IG Index statement/spreadsheet, and what they've pasted in their post is verbatim what's on the original, net of the dividends, withdrawals and deposits.


Guy Cohen
I suppose the general cynicism is understandable given what else is out there, but I can absolutely guarantee that Richard and Sam's record is 100% accurate.

They first contacted my support team in late November to say thanks for TT and their email was forwarded to me.

In mid-February they sent me an update, and to say they were still going strong would be an understatement. Their situation stood out because they started with so little trading capital - far too little actually, but their performance spoke for itself.

From then we corresponded back and forth, and they asked if there was anything they could do for me, which was a lovely gesture. My reply was that when they reached £1k in profits would they be willing to make a post about their experience.

Anyway, I do understand why forum posters are cynical, but these guys have been extremely generous in telling their story, which I asked them to do. I also asked to see their IG Index statement/spreadsheet, and what they've pasted in their post is verbatim what's on the original, net of the dividends, withdrawals and deposits.


Guy Cohen



I suppose the general cynicism is understandable given what else is out there,
Guy Cohen

I think the cynicism comes from people being told ridiculous secret Nazi box stories, plus of course you were caught making up testimonial stories and photos a while back.
I suppose the general cynicism is understandable given what else is out there...


Guy Cohen

You are right Guy, some of what else is out there is truly shocking - no wonder people are cynical. It is a great shame that honest vendors like you are tarred with same brush as people who put utter sh1t like this out there:

Flag-Trader System, Guy Cohen

Let's have a look at some of the things this idiot, whoever he is, says on his website:

"After Fleeing the Nazis, This Man Used His 'Secret Box' to Generate Two MILLION Dollars Cash!* Now After Fifty Years, YOU Can Get Your Hands on His Plans, Learn How The Box Works and Make Yourself a Killing"

If you can spare me five minutes I'd like to reveal how Nicolas made his money and FAR more importantly, why his 'secret box' is arguably ten times more powerful today than it was when he used it to make himself rich. I'm going to show you exactly how to get your hands on a specially updated version of his original plans and use them to make yourself a LOT of money ...

And this has nothing to do with wacky UFOs or other weird stuff! This is a tried and tested scientific system which is as valid today as it was back then ...

You see, while Nicolas's story became well known, his secret formula went with him to the grave ... until recently, when I decoded it.

My name is Guy Cohen, creator of the successful Illuminati Trading System ... but I'm not writing to you about Illuminati. I want to share something even more exciting.

When I launched Illuminati, I began to get letters from students who were making startling gains ... nothing unusual there ... but several of those letters also asked me if I had something quicker and easier than the full-blown Illuminati system.

My secret position was that I did - but I wasn't ready to release it as I was still testing and proving it. Now I'm ready and if you're quick you can get your hands on this early ...

"What I've been working on is a way of making money from the markets which is so quick, so simple and so profitable, it's almost immoral!"

So, by now you can imagine pulling-in £7k each month just by tapping a few keys on your PC! Around twenty minutes is all it takes - then you shut down the PC and get on with REAL life!

Just like Nicolas did, the amazing truth is ... you can decide how much money you want - and then make it in double-quick time. If you want more - no problem because this cash pile is HUGE (I'm talking billions of dollars).

So help yourself to as much as you want. I certainly am and so are my students! Now YOU can join them ... I made the same discovery as Nicolas and harnessed its awesome money-making power. I’ve also been able to test my methods thousands of times and make massive improvements to the system.

What I'm about to reveal is not the kind of thing that I would ever disclose in my books or seminars. This is a personal secret I've been using to build my own fortune on the quiet - and which I'm only going to reveal to a lucky few. It's fair to say I have helped a number of people transform their lives. Their success makes me very happy.

Once you've mastered this proven cash-generating technique, you'll always have a way of making as much money as you want.

And on and on and on it goes. Screeds of this crap. Go and have a look at it, it's a great laugh.

Who in their right mind could take garbage like that seriously? As you say, no wonder people are cynical.

I wonder who the numpty is who's behind that ludicrous one page website? Whoever he is, it's people like that that give honest eductors and system sellers like you a bad name.
Most UFO spotters and ET romancers are just harmless freaks, a bit weird but good for a laugh. However when they are trying to con one out of real money it's a different story.
Should the Law protect the gullible ? Maybe but it's a big ask if they really are Soooooooooo stooooopid !!

Leave well alone !!
Most UFO spotters and ET romancers are just harmless freaks, a bit weird but good for a laugh. However when they are trying to con one out of real money it's a different story.
Should the Law protect the gullible ? Maybe but it's a big ask if they really are Soooooooooo stooooopid !!

Leave well alone !!

You're right of course - people who get taken in by garbage like that are really beyond help.

I bet none of Guy's customers or students would be gullible, greedy, lazy and stupid enough to fall for the bucket of sh1te I linked to above.

I really must try to find out who is behind that awful website. It is making people cynical, that is hurting Guy, and it really isn't on.