Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

Guys software tracks where the smart monies (banks and institutions )is going in the market by tracking the options market with his own indicator the OVI.his approach is genius because it finds where the big instituitions are hidding their trades.
as for the nazi thing ?maybe he did decode it .why would he make that up?
Guys software tracks where the smart monies (banks and institutions )is going in the market by tracking the options market with his own indicator the OVI.his approach is genius because it finds where the big instituitions are hidding their trades.

Err. no it doesn't, and no it isn't. There is no indicator that does that - how on earth could it? One can see where big buying and selling is, but one doesn't need a bullsh1t indicator to do it.

as for the nazi thing ?maybe he did decode it .why would he make that up?

Err, no he didn't. As to why he'd make it up, probably because there's enough idiots about who believe in "secrets" and crap like that.
Guy cohen is one of the only system vendors that does not get bad press on the internet .i have done tons of due dillegence on him and he comes out very clean .
i have yet to hear from anyone who has lost monies with him ,or read a review to the effect.
and yes there are conspiracies and secrets in this world that are designed to keep the common man a slave to the you really think we would have such a world ,if that was not a fact ?
Guy cohen is one of the only system vendors that does not get bad press on the internet .i have done tons of due dillegence on him and he comes out very clean .
i have yet to hear from anyone who has lost monies with him ,or read a review to the effect.
and yes there are conspiracies and secrets in this world that are designed to keep the common man a slave to the you really think we would have such a world ,if that was not a fact ?

I'm starting to wonder if you can be as deluded and naive as you claim to be. Are you sure there's no ulterior motive here?
i would also like to add that in my experience so far, Guy cohen is a man way beyond average intelligence .it is easy to mock men of genius ,its been happening since the beginning of the human race.and im not at all naieve i just recognise genius when i see it .
my other business is all about recognising genius in other and at the risk of sounding imodest i have not done so bad
Well Marco you have managed to get this thread to number one in google when you do a search for 'Guy Cohen' so if you are trying to promote his secret Nazi avoiding box you have done a fine job.
why would you be so derogatory about someone and call them names (i dont curse ,its low level)when you have not even studied their materials?
there is no logic to your argument except that you do not like the copy .ok ,so you do not like the copy ,but that does not equate that the product or the material is is not.
Well Marco you have managed to get this thread to number one in google when you do a search for 'Guy Cohen' so if you are trying to promote his secret Nazi avoiding box you have done a fine job.

Number 1? Sweet!
why would you be so derogatory about someone and call them names (i dont curse ,its low level)when you have not even studied their materials?
there is no logic to your argument except that you do not like the copy .ok ,so you do not like the copy ,but that does not equate that the product or the material is is not.

I'm afraid that there is logic to it - and it has been explained - but you are either too blinkered to see it or you are telling lies and trying to drum up business for Guy Conman.
Pazienza ,we had the same argument about the TUFXP ,when you accused me of being the owner and inventor of that system.
You could not accept the fact that it produced +7000 pips in one year .I told you to go look at the screen shots on Casmaster and you never came back.
i guess you hate being wrong
anyway its been a fun evening but i am going to bed .you boys need to stop getting so personal and learn to argue the facts
Pazienza ,we had the same argument about the TUFXP ,when you accused me of being the owner and inventor of that system.
You could not accept the fact that it produced +7000 pips in one year .I told you to go look at the screen shots on Casmaster and you never came back.
i guess you hate being wrong

Why have you not been using that system to make millions then? How is it going, by the way, and why are looking for another system if that one is so good?

I haven't accused you of being connected to or being cohen. I have said either you are, or you are hopelessly naive. By your admission, I guess it's naive.

I do hate being wrong, which is why I am careful to avoid it. I wasn't wrong about the last one, and I'm not wrong about this.

Make sure you come back to me on this one - if that other system was so great, why are you looking for another, and how well did you do with?

By the way - cashmaster? Are you f***ing serious?
The reason i have changed the system is because i am busy with other business .i do not have the time to sit at the computer all day waiting on signals.
Guy cohens system takes 20 mins a day max and that works fine with my schedule .
Cahmaster,yes i am serious .the system we were trading was called the GG system and all the screen shots are saved in his produced +7000 pips in a year and all the trades are recorded.
The reason i have changed the system is because i am busy with other business .i do not have the time to sit at the computer all day waiting on signals.
Guy cohens system takes 20 mins a day max and that works fine with my schedule .
Cahmaster,yes i am serious .the system we were trading was called the GG system and all the screen shots are saved in his produced +7000 pips in a year and all the trades are recorded.

If it really did that you would not need any other businesses. Admit the truth - it didn't work did it? Which is why you are still searching for the holy grail in a sad, desperate attempt to get something for nothing.

And cashmaster is an absolute joke, by the way.
Pazienza,i see where you are coming from but you are wrong .i am not looking for the holy grail i am looking for a system that gives me an edge in longer term trading.
sitting in my room all day waiting for signals is not what i want to be doing with my life .my other business is a peoples business and i need to be out there conecting .i deal in the arts and day trading was detracting me from that.
as for trying to get something for nothing ,thats totally untrue .i have found that my other business has done much better since i started to trade ,maybe because i have to think in numbers and focus on critera has has made me much more detailed minded.
I really don't understand how people can be so easily led by promises of getting a lot for nothing. Every single person knows the phrase "if it looks too good to be true then it probably is", yet nobody listens to it.

Take a step back and think about it logically:

If this system is so good why is he selling it? Would you sell your own system or trade it in to the millions?
If this system is so good why hasn't every one heard about it and been trading it for ages already?
If everyone was trading it already, by the very fact you would know exactly what everyones next trade was going to be, wouldn't you get in to those trades early thus rendering this system useless?