Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

Please forgive me for the long post!

If I recall, earlier in this thread, Guy indicated that since getting negative feedback about the style of marketing for his systems (having followed his publisher's/marketer's recommendations) he's thinking of changing it. It's quite possible that the ad copywriters took photos from an image site and stuck them alongside e-mail quotes from system users. That's not good but it doesn't directly reflect on whether or not Guy's system works (i.e. more profits than losses over time).

I'm probably as sceptical as most on here. My first response to anything that looks 'too good to be true' is to dismiss it outright and tell everyone else to avoid it. I don't believe in 'get rich quick' schemes. I have never knowingly fallen for a con in my entire life. Yet, having done literally days of research on GC's Flag Trader system, I can't find any negative feedback anywhere (from actual, paid-up users) which is quite astonishing.

Long story short, I've decided to give it a go. There's currently a 50% discount (this probably isn't a discount at all, but there's no way I would pay the supposed full price of a grand for this) and a 30 day free trial. Your direct debit for the purchase price isn't activated until the end of the 30 daytrial period, so you can cancel your DD (a couple of days before the trial is up, to be safe) and return the course material 'in any condition' and you've lost nothing. You've got your bank's Direct Debit guarantee if your money is taken improperly - if you've never used this guarantee before it's an almost immediate, automatic refund - so your money is completely safe. You can paper trade before chucking money at it, so I really can't see what I have to lose here.

I've got no connection at all with Guy Cohen or his publishers, etc. And I'm not expecting miracles. I just like the idea of a system which presents me with potentially great opportunities every day that I can then decide to trade or not. Yes, I know I could probably find some of these myself, but I'd rather pay someone else to do the hours of legwork here. It's as simple as that.

I'll let you know how I get on 🙂

Hi there, this is Guy ... apologies for not being on here for such a long time, and thank you for giving FlagTrader (FT) a try.

I want to address a couple of points that others have made recently on this board.

First, Agora are truly presenting FT at a 50% discount right now - the original price was £997, and FT now includes a big update with my OVI indicator and scanner. The OVI is a very cool piece of work that tracks options transaction data - but it's important to realize that FlagTrader is NOT an options product.

Second, we honour all refunds within a few days of the refund period, always have and always will. Agora are also generous in this regard in that if you're a few days late they'll still honour a refund. The same applies to me. This is one of the reasons why our feedback is so good. I think it's fair to say that people who engage with us only have positive things to say, even if they didn't gel with the system itself.

Customer service is something I'm very hot on, and we record all communications. Anyone who's dealt with us directly will only have positive feedback in this regard, and there's also plenty of good feedback about my systems themselves too. We are simply not allowed to make false testimonials and these do get properly vetted.

I realize that there are many unscrupulous operators out there. Unfortunately this creates problems for the good guys, but I guess it also means I try doubly hard to provide (a) great systems (which many out there agree I have) and (b) top class support.

One obvious and fair question is why create these systems and release them to the public? It's mainly a business decision based on the fact that R&D, software development and support is expensive and time consuming. Remember, for the OVI we're crunching hundred-of-millions of rows of data every night.

As for my trading methods, these are dynamic yet risk averse, based on sound trading principles advocated by some huge trading legends. What I've done is to create algorithms and courses to emulate their methods - this makes it easy for others to use, and we have a lot of success stories. My OVI indicator is endorsed by some of the top traders in the US, so it really is the real deal, but as we all know, trading is as much a mind game as it is a technical game.

This is where my trading plan comes in and this explains partly why we've had such good feedback. One thing I've noticed on here is that the little negativity that there is on this board is actually not about my methods or my customer support, but a more general (and totally understandable) cynicism about the industry itself. To the cynics, I'm with you! There's a lot of junk out there, but I've never heard or read anyone say that about my stuff.

Just a brief word about my trading plan. It allows for a quick partial profit on the first half of the trade, and a windfall on the second half. The latter will happen when a trend materializes. This is what drives up our batting averages, and in some cases we've seen several hundred percent in a matter of weeks. This only occurs when stocks are trending. When the market is churning you won't see those kinds of returns, but my trading plan keeps you pretty safe during those times too.

Is it possible to tell which market we're in, trending or choppy? Well the OVI does a pretty good job in that regard, but I can't claim that I or the system has any kind of hindsight. However, the trading plan I teach does a really good job of keeping you safe (and quiet) during the choppy markets, and getting you busier when the neat patterns start to show up.

Many systems really don't have a properly worked-out trading plan. The trading plan is all-important and mine is thorough.

The problem with many trading plans is that they have you either exit too early (which means you stay too long the next time!) or have you stay too long (and then you exit too early the next time!).

By taking partial early profits and staying in for the ride (should it materialize) we pretty much get the best of both worlds. But it does require the discipline of accepting you really don't know in advance what's about to happen next.

Those of you who receive my emails may think (positively!) differently because we've made some pretty good calls on the market. This is down to the composition of chart patterns in combination with my OVI indicator. This is what I teach you to do and many of my students report a far greater intuition with the markets after a time with me and the OVI.

Ok, I'm rambling now - many apologies, it's easy to get carried away!

The main point is to say hello to everyone here. I've never hidden from anyone and my contact details are available for anyone to get in touch.

I hope this helps.


thanks ,Guy thats a great post and cleared up many of my doubts.if i should want to sign up to your new offer(which i do)where is the link or address i can go to?
a fool and his money...

Hi pboyles

As I mentioned, both I and Agora are scrupulously fair when it comes to refunds - far more so than anyone else I'm aware of. So it's not really a fair post you're making there, and I dare say it doesn't seem to be based on any experience you have had with my systems.

It's very easy to make generalized sweeping statements ... and I'd probably agree that in the majority of cases you'd be right. But in our case we really do look after our students whether they succeed and stay, or otherwise.


Hi pboyles

As I mentioned, both I and Agora are scrupulously fair when it comes to refunds - far more so than anyone else I'm aware of. So it's not really a fair post you're making there, and I dare say it doesn't seem to be based on any experience you have had with my systems.

It's very easy to make generalized sweeping statements ... and I'd probably agree that in the majority of cases you'd be right. But in our case we really do look after our students whether they succeed and stay, or otherwise.



Guy, why have you been putting up fake pictures of people giving testimonials or pretending to trade/learn your system. It reeks of deceit. Why should anyone trust anything further you have to say before you have adequately explained this? If you are UK based, you should know that deceptive advertising is both a civil wrong and potentially can also constitute criminal fraud in the UK.

I look forward to your explanation.


I am all for someone to give this a go and report back. It would not be acceptable if the person then comes back and say yes it works and he made money from it. We don't know who is or isn't a stooge here. So the person coming back should provide a few real time trade signals to prove he can really make money from it. In fact, I think the operator of the website should provide a few real time signals to convince people they can do what they claim. Sadly, though, I don't think we will get to see these signals.
Hi pboyles

As I mentioned, both I and Agora are scrupulously fair when it comes to refunds - far more so than anyone else I'm aware of. So it's not really a fair post you're making there, and I dare say it doesn't seem to be based on any experience you have had with my systems.

It's very easy to make generalized sweeping statements ... and I'd probably agree that in the majority of cases you'd be right. But in our case we really do look after our students whether they succeed and stay, or otherwise.



I'm not making a sweeping statement, I'm stating that you have published positive testimonials on your website along with photographs to encourage people to pay you for training. The photos are not of your customers they have simply been copied from other websites. Why should anyone trust you with their money when you use these sort of tactics to fool people? You should read Section 2 of the Fraud Act and familiarise yourself with the offences concerning false advertising.
Guy, why have you been putting up fake pictures of people giving testimonials or pretending to trade/learn your system. It reeks of deceit.

Dont get me wrong, I despise vendors more than most, but I think you need to take a more balanced view.

Surely its common practice in marketing and advertising to use images of people who may not necessarily be users of a particular product. Actors are commonly used in TV adverts, do you really believe George Clooney drinks a particular brand of coffee ?, or is he probably being paid a 7 figure sum to imply he does ?

There's a whole industry based around selling stock photographs precisely for this reason.

I probably agree that implying that the person in the photograph was the person giving the testimonial is crossing an ethical line, but where should that line be drawn ?

A key component of successful advertising is to show people how they aspire to be (hence pictures of people sitting on yachts in extic locations with fit totty etc). Many of the customers for these types of products will be fat ugly mingers living on sink estates ! would you really want to put pictures of these types of people on a website.
Yes but if you didn't have any happy customers and just made up testimonials with stock photos then that would be dishonest. I'm not saying that's what happened here but it did happen on another site which had only existed for a month yet claimed to have trained 200 people. They produced testimonials with photos to support this claim but the photos were copied from another website.
I don't think you should get too upset if people fall for these things. They will have learned something afterwards whether it's trading skills or something else. Look at it another way, if people didn't go for this, they might have gone for something even more expensive.
I don't think you should get too upset if people fall for these things. They will have learned something afterwards whether it's trading skills or something else. Look at it another way, if people didn't go for this, they might have gone for something even more expensive.

I think you're right, some people are destined to fall for these things and have to learn the hard way.

From the desk of the TradeDiddler

Yes, they will have learned they 'ave been diddled!

Lots of love

The TradeDiddler
Guy, why have you been putting up fake pictures of people giving testimonials or pretending to trade/learn your system.

I look forward to your explanation.



Hi there ... while not wanting to get into a big public thing, I'm really not aware of that being the case with any of our ad copy for FlagTrader, Illuminati-Trader, etc. Accordingly, only some of the testimonials have pictures because they are the actual people in question.

I am aware there are other affiliate websites which even carry my name "" and I've asked the proprietors of those to remove the sites and/or content. It's a hazard of affiliate marketing. In some cases something to do with my name is highlighted in a headline or Google link, but something completely different or of a competitive nature is being sold. When it's pointed out, we find the owner, ask them politely to remove it, and in one case I took it to Google.

All our testimonials had to be vetted in order for the likes of Agora - who are very thorough with their due diligence - to publish them.

One thing that is common though is that many don't like their identities to be revealed. My most successful student is in the US and he's written many glowing emails about his trades, but asks for his name to be altered because he doesn't want his wife to know he's trading as they are Moslem, and she considers it gambling. In such cases we forward the original email to Agora for approval, along with the request to have the name altered. This certainly does not invalidate a genuine testimonial.

I hope that's answered your question candidly. The one link that has been posted on here isn't my site, and I've requested it to be removed.


Hi there ... while not wanting to get into a big public thing, I'm really not aware of that being the case with any of our ad copy for FlagTrader, Illuminati-Trader, etc. Accordingly, only some of the testimonials have pictures because they are the actual people in question.

I am aware there are other affiliate websites which even carry my name "" and I've asked the proprietors of those to remove the sites and/or content. It's a hazard of affiliate marketing. In some cases something to do with my name is highlighted in a headline or Google link, but something completely different or of a competitive nature is being sold. When it's pointed out, we find the owner, ask them politely to remove it, and in one case I took it to Google.

All our testimonials had to be vetted in order for the likes of Agora - who are very thorough with their due diligence - to publish them.

One thing that is common though is that many don't like their identities to be revealed. My most successful student is in the US and he's written many glowing emails about his trades, but asks for his name to be altered because he doesn't want his wife to know he's trading as they are Moslem, and she considers it gambling. In such cases we forward the original email to Agora for approval, along with the request to have the name altered. This certainly does not invalidate a genuine testimonial.

I hope that's answered your question candidly. The one link that has been posted on here isn't my site, and I've requested it to be removed.



Which websites are your official ones then?
Hi pboyles

That "" site isn't one of ours and I've asked for it to be removed. Just so you have the full picture - that copy was used by an affiliate for a seminar back in 2009. None of the links work.

I must admit, I cringe looking at copy like that, but if the independent statements and testimonials back it up then it's the copy-writer's job to make it appealing. At the seminar in question, those who requested refunds at lunchtime got them with no questions asked. And at that seminar I made a pretty big mistake in focusing largely about options, which the attendees really weren't equipped for. The problem was I'd promised it and had to stick to the agenda even though I could see a bunch of attendees were lost.

As such, I don't really cover options in UK workshops any more as there simply isn't the appetite for them, and it can be a sticky topic.

Also, just glancing at that piece before it comes down, what they did was put a row of picture-snaps of people above the testimonial section - none of them are adjacent to anyone's actual testimonial. I think it's pretty clear that those would have been taken from Getty Images or something similar, and most people would realize that. If you look at them, they're all nice looking people with every demographic covered - that says something in itself!

Anyway, my main point here is I will always try to answer questions and not hide, though as you can see I'm not much of a forum-guy either.

I hope I've answered your questions here. When you consider everything that's out there, one thing that stands out is that FlagTrader doesn't get negatively bashed from those that use it or those that have come into contact with us. Neither does our support get questioned, nor our fairness in treating customers.

It took me years to accept it, but ad-copy won't do its job unless it's a bit edgy and dramatic. But there's proper substance in my systems and fairness in the support that we offer, and surely that's the most important thing.

Lastly, can I ask if you want to be in contact, email me on [email protected] - I'm Forum'd out now!


Hi pboyles

That "" site isn't one of ours and I've asked for it to be removed. Just so you have the full picture - that copy was used by an affiliate for a seminar back in 2009. None of the links work.

I must admit, I cringe looking at copy like that, but if the independent statements and testimonials back it up then it's the copy-writer's job to make it appealing. At the seminar in question, those who requested refunds at lunchtime got them with no questions asked. And at that seminar I made a pretty big mistake in focusing largely about options, which the attendees really weren't equipped for. The problem was I'd promised it and had to stick to the agenda even though I could see a bunch of attendees were lost.

As such, I don't really cover options in UK workshops any more as there simply isn't the appetite for them, and it can be a sticky topic.

Also, just glancing at that piece before it comes down, what they did was put a row of picture-snaps of people above the testimonial section - none of them are adjacent to anyone's actual testimonial. I think it's pretty clear that those would have been taken from Getty Images or something similar, and most people would realize that. If you look at them, they're all nice looking people with every demographic covered - that says something in itself!

Anyway, my main point here is I will always try to answer questions and not hide, though as you can see I'm not much of a forum-guy either.

I hope I've answered your questions here. When you consider everything that's out there, one thing that stands out is that FlagTrader doesn't get negatively bashed from those that use it or those that have come into contact with us. Neither does our support get questioned, nor our fairness in treating customers.

It took me years to accept it, but ad-copy won't do its job unless it's a bit edgy and dramatic. But there's proper substance in my systems and fairness in the support that we offer, and surely that's the most important thing.

Lastly, can I ask if you want to be in contact, email me on [email protected] - I'm Forum'd out now!



Can you give us the URLs of your official websites?
Can you give us the URLs of your official websites?

Last post! These are the main official sites - there are other small satellite sites for the OVI as well.

Most of our ad-copy is in the process of switching to video. All "long" copy pages must be vetted by Agora first, and as such only FlagTrader is being actively promoted in that form at the moment and only to subscribers. There are undoubtedly other ad-copy pages "alive" right now, but they aren't being promoted and have no traffic going to them.



PS - Late addition: I just received this email this afternoon and had to post it! I've deleted his email address and chopped his first name to just his initial. We've mentioned RIMM a few times during its downtrend and it's had a persistently negative OVI since March, which is why it's been on everyone's radar.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: M Barry <>
Date: Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [SUPPORT #YUK-803984]: webinar
To: [email protected]

Hi - please tell Guy Cohen I love him dearly!!! A sudden jump in RIMM and the whole course is now paid for! A unique experience to me - the earth even moved!
Best wishes
M Barry
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in truth i think we are all knit picking at Guy .Guy has given an incredible proposition that makes the secret flag trader risk free for 28 days .no one has anything to lose by trying it out and i will certaitly be doing so.
what i have missed in my two years of trading is a rock solid ,robust trading plan whith a strong leader who has certainty in his system and can impart that confidence into his students .i pray guy cohen is that man.
whatever success i have had in other walks of life have all been down to me having a strong mentor in the early days whom i could emulate and copy and get to their level of success.
i am beginnig to see that trading is a mental game and if a number of people beleive in the same thing it will be successfull .
what will be intersesting is to see how clear it is when it comes to trading flags .Cashmaster pointed out in his review that what he saw as a clear signal may differ to what another sees as a clear signal .and if that is the case then it will lead to ambiguities in the system and thats where it could fall down.
Cashmaster also said that one would need tens of thousands to trade at ten pound a point as the stop loss on most trades were very wide .this also worries me as it would seem the starting bank would need to be at least 10k .never the leess im going to give it a try .
please excuse my lazy grammar but its 6am and i just got up .