It is not the fact of being "too lazy". It is more to do with not being interested enough. Everything is said to have a value and the Greek , or any other situation, in this capitalist world is priced into the market. hhiusa, being American, would not know anything about that, of course.
They know the price of everything and the value of nothing
Actually, the saying is: "Everything you want in life has a price connected to it." Sometimes abbreviated to "Everything has a price".
Value is more subjective whereas price is more objective.
That is quite true. I remember when one of my sons was a little kid. He had a toy that he was in love with. His grandfather tried to offer him more and more money for it, but my son would have none of it. Money had no value for him, then,
The only hope imho for Greece and other faltering countries is to put up with an authoritarian regime for 10 years to get them back on track.
1. Rigourisly stamp out crime and corruption
2. Require all domestically owned foreign assets to be declared to the country or are forfeited plus loss of domicile status for any who refuse.
3. The wealth is shared out fairly. Not equally but fairly so effort is rewarded.
4. Tourism and inward investment encouraged.
4. The wages start off equal at the rate the country can afford but earnings/wages are given reasonable maximum and minimum levels later when affordable.
5. Everyone between school leaving and 70 has a job to do, however menial.
6. Reclaim money lost or squandered by people in power.
Not too bad really considering the alternative of borrowing more and being left to fester while the crooks make off with the windfall. No sadism, concentration camps or Gestapo either.
Kalimara to you too
That basically sounds like Venezuela.
The above may seem a bit severe to greedy capitalists but I prefer " we are all in it together " approach than the greedy elite owning everything and enforcing their rules by bully boys. That's why Latin America was plagued with revolutions demanding their rights.
That answers the question as to whether you are a successful trader in my book. Maybe everyone else should just worker harder as it sounds like you want a government hand-out. Why don't you move to Venezuela?
Entitled socialism vs. greedy capitalism
Alright I have taken the trouble to suggest a possible solution.
Perhaps NT and cowboy would like to give their right wing solutions ??
I have a feeling it might involve stealing their land or assets under your versions of regaining some prosperity. Prosperity for yourselves that is. Nothing nice or altruistic about those 2 imho.
NT feels its necessary for him to revert to personal abuse. Almost always a sure sign of someone who has lost the debate, which was about Greece, not my trading.
Alright I have taken the trouble to suggest a possible solution.
Perhaps NT and cowboy would like to give their right wing solutions ??
I have a feeling it might involve stealing their land or assets under your versions of regaining some prosperity. Prosperity for yourselves that is. Nothing nice or altruistic about those 2 imho.
NT feels its necessary for him to revert to personal abuse. Almost always a sure sign of someone who has lost the debate, which was about Greece, not my trading.
That's exactly how I see it too! My guess is Pat494 hasn't been successful in anything in life and has become so bitter about it that he thinks anyone who has more than him is "greedy". These types of people always feel that society owes them something and they demand that the Government get it for them.
If you tell me that this does not go on in the UK and USA, then I will tell you that you are blind. I cannot justify to any of my friends how Rajoy can keep cutting budgets and not show some common humanity. This year he is spilling over with human kindness---elections in six months!
Alright I have taken the trouble to suggest a possible solution.
Perhaps NT and cowboy would like to give their right wing solutions ??
NT feels its necessary for him to revert to personal abuse. Almost always a sure sign of someone who has lost the debate, which was about Greece, not my trading.
Here the arrogant toad says his piece answering Splitt and about how moronic the general public are.
It seems neither has a solution - just hot air, 2 old windbags.
Do you honestly not have anything better to say than these ad hominem arguments. Since I am certain you do not know what an ad hominem fallacy is, I will explain.
Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making.
Logical Form:
Person 1 is claiming Y.
Person 1 is a moron.
Therefore, Y is not true.
Arrogance does not preclude an argument from being true.
Additionally, altruism is not a moral value. The ultimate moral value, for each human individual, is his or her own well-being. Selfishness is a virtue. I subscribe to the rational egoism philosophy.
Yes, there is some mud-slinging going on but it is not, all, in one direction. Your use of Latin phrases is patronising, in the extreme, and you have used it with me, on occasion. If you were standing on an orange box at Speakers Corner you would be covered in tomato juice by now. Most of us are too occupied to have to consult a phrase book every time that we read a post.
Drop the Latin. You have told us that you go to university. Point taken. Some of us have been, too.
. Selfishness is a virtue. I subscribe to the rational egoism philosophy.