rite, in the beginning, nothing I said or asked can be answered by "Yes there is" or "no it isn't". so that dont make no sence.
next, its about surface area. Like get 2 massive potatoes, a black potatoe and a white potato. If you keep them as one (how do you keep two potatoes as one), and put them in the bowl to peel them (Do you peel them before or after you put them in the bowl?, they only touch over a very small surface area - a tiny amount of the black potato and the white potato are mixing (doesn't this depend on how big the bowl is? How big is the bowl considering we are talking about 2 massive potatoes..
Now, chop each potato into 8ths, and put them back in the bowl Why not do this before you put them in the bowl. You are obviously not German as your efficiency sucks big time.. The surface area where black potato is touching white potato is more watwatwat? How / What / Where / When did you calculate this? Surely they are the same. Is one massive potatoe bigger than the other? !
conflict comes from difference in beliefs (no it doesn't - otherwise there would be perpetual wars all over the world? . bundle everyone with the same beliefs in teh same potato and youll have less arguments from potato to potaot. You prolly get more intra-potato arguments but similar principal applies Heard of civil wars? Wakey wakey... Helloooooooooo anybody in there????? .
So what I am sayin is that, if you put all the people in the world and coloured them with their beliefs (like the raindow), and let everyone mince about until they found theire happy place, looking down on it from the sky would look like a spectrum; it wouldnt all be higgledy piggeldy of all colours of beliefs everywhere, the reds would stand next to the yellows, then the pinks and then the greens. After that the purples, the oranges and then the blues. I like this picture you paint... 👍
And america IS a bad example (and Canada) because they are both a nation of immigrants.