Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

The dead one observes and then observes again and then again when it comes to Fundamental analysis.

Russia is now soy-tenly eliminated from the possibles of who will be the new superpower to overtake the US.

China is the obvious candidate, but not to the dead one.

The dead one is holding back until more evidence comes in.

But Russia is defo OUT.

Russia is seeing an emigration exodus - Los Angeles Times
You did it again, your 4/4. You place a trade and the market swiftly moves away in the opposite direction. How do you do it? What is it that you see that makes you time your trades so perfectly wrong. Ah.. but you will come out ahead in the long term. But why don't you scalp in the opposite direction in the short term? You would have made a killing already. Don't forget to let us know when you have puked out your shares, we need to know where the market top is. 😆
STAY SHORT - payday is close


Important lesson for newbies based on the OBSERVATION of a FREE resource such as EliteTrader or T2W. Both will give the same result in terms of GROUP or HERD SENTIMENT. Its a form or VIX and one that I love to use.

So pay attention please. Its a valuable lesson but its unlikely anyone will get it, but still there might might might be one or two who could get it.

Observation is the the only tool required.

Watching the various threads at EliteTrader and T2W the antediluvian pattern in HERD SENTIMENT is never never wrong.

At major tops and bottoms 99.9999999% are on the wrong side. History confirms this in spades.

And why I started this thread is to yet once again prove it, but this time in actual battle instead of via the past, namely History.
After that brief introduction to SENTIMENT methodology here is a freebie ....

no need to subscribe to Jake Bernstein's Sentiment readings letter @2k or more per month.

Just an unbiased observation of BOARDS and CHATROOMS suffices and is indeed quite accurate.
Current readings at EliteTrader and T2W are that 99.999999999999999999%
are so swept up by the rally in the Dow that all are aboard and swear by it.

Same-o, same-o, same-o in HISTORY at the May 2011 top, the 2007 top, the 2000 top and the Great Depression top.

The message is clear - following the HERD is the worst way to learn anything.

Therefore chatrooms, webboards etc., are always wrong at major events in the market but are very useful for gauging the mentioned valuable resource .....

When sentiment becomes so one-sided the turn is inevitable and the HERD becomes yet once again - WRONG.
Simple chart - when trendline breaks the SHORT is underway


  • Dow 30-min EDT Dec 23-11.jpg
    Dow 30-min EDT Dec 23-11.jpg
    336.3 KB · Views: 192
sorry to rain on your parade but just because a trend line breaks doesnt mean the up trend is over. look how many trend lines have broken and we are still higher. now i agree the markets dont have much more left in them before a down move but this analysis is dumb
Observation is the the only tool required.

kudos for the amount of energy youve put into this......mebe, a smidgeon more focus in other places may clean up your ardent bias.....afterall, up or down, there's dosh to be had.....

into your browser place this
In cases such as yours, mr deadbroke, a case of incurable backwards bias disorder (ibbd) there but one slim hope. Reverse the color of your candles and flip your monitor upside down. Place trades as normal. Reversal trades in your mind are now transformed in reality to continuation calls. Theoretically it should work.
Mr. Deadbrock, can you please let us know what you SL level is on the DOW? When you will throw the towel in case it continues going up?

I don't see the fundamentals supporting this rise for much longer, but we have to admit that at the moment the trend is up and it does not seems to be any change of trend in sight, at least for the immediate future.
Just a casual look at the Dow one would think it could hit 13,000 and if it blows off, it could make 13,500. Although it would take unbelievable imagination to see it beyond that point.
So I hope you have plenty of margin BrokeMan but then again you might not need it. I admire your conviction, that's why I cannot hold long term trades.
Your oil trade is looking good and we can't argue with your Euro.
Its the conviction of your plan that really matters along with your risk handling. Thats pretty much it.

It does not really matter if you are wrong 9 out 10 as long as YOU believe in your plan. That is the only way to become an independent businessman.
SHORT stance continues, no change in positions, NO CHANGE in DEFCON 4 status.

Upping the ante another notch with ....

Stay SHORT with verve.

Just added aggressively yet again to overall SHORT
SHORT stance continues, no change in positions, NO CHANGE in DEFCON 4 status.

Upping the ante another notch with ....

Stay SHORT with verve.

Just added aggressively yet again to overall SHORT

Hope you are using small incremental of your total account. Remember risk.