Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

More on HERDING from deadbroke's collection .......

Remember the sub-prime mortgage disasters? Hehehehehehehe, they're at it again and this time in spades .....

Bloomberg headline (2/23):

"JPMorgan Places $72 Billion Bet on Global Homeowners"

JPMorgan Chase & Co...has more than tripled its holdings of mortgage securities without U.S. government guarantees to $72 billion as the nation’s biggest bank bets on borrowers from outside the country it calls home.

...The bank has primarily been adding debt from outside the U.S., including bonds tied to U.K. and Dutch mortgages...


deadbroke's sorem song for the TURN .....

When the music's over, cancel my subscription to the resurrection, send my credentials to the House of Detentiion 🙂

The Doors 08 When the music's over Absolutely Live - YouTube
Wow, this has been going for a while now, you must have lost some capital while racking up the bills for margin too!

When we eventually move into a downward cycle, it may be this year, it may be in 2015, and it is inevitable as the market is cyclical, we will get 'I told you so'.

But, 'deadbroke', what is the point in calling a bear market? You will not have any capital to participate.

The thread is irrational, and for the creator, well.
You speak some rubbish, don't you? When you started this thread the Dow was around 11800 (see first page of the post). So now you merely need 1200 points or 10% drop to be break even.

A smart trader would have continue the trend until 13000 (+1000 pts) and then join the downtrend when there are clear signals of a change. So if it gets to 11800 again he/she would have made app. 2000 pts profit.

In the meantime deadbroke after 34 pages of crap consuming three months of his time will be at plus/minus zero.

Do you understand now why nobody takes this thread seriously?😡

He's not just upset, he's infuriated.

HERD sentiment climbs yet another notch.

Welcome to the TOP aborning.

God, do I love crowd members so!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆
Just last week I received just 2 newhomeowner labels for the entire week for an entire zip code that many moons ago gave me 300+ names per week.

And this choke on HOUSING amidst the gangland bullishness in the stock market. 😆😆😆

DSI sentiment readings are off the charts and the other robustly accurate gauges time proven are in the chart below


  • Sentiment readings.jpg
    Sentiment readings.jpg
    38.6 KB · Views: 158
My errors notwithstanding .... a reminder

the downwave will draw the maximum number of participants in - it must do this first for the goal of the game is to bankrupt the maximum number of people possible. This it does in spades consitently thru' the years by generating 97% losing traders - oh no, but a TOP is a very special place and here its gotta generate near 100% losers.

It must draw them in wholeheartedly especially the large hedge funds.

Then the wave will break.
Always a pleasure to have the JOHN MURPHY in my corner 🙂🙂 Just got this in my email box.

For example, going back further on the chart, can you spot the exact moment where the current Deflationary environment began? The large jump into positive terrtory at the start of 2001 was the moment where the correlation changed significantly. The events at the end of 2001 and 2002 muddied the picture somewhat, but by late 2003 it was clear we were in a deflationary scenario - which we are still in.

$SPX - SharpCharts Workbench -
Always a pleasure to have the JOHN MURPHY in my corner 🙂🙂 Just got this in my email box.

For example, going back further on the chart, can you spot the exact moment where the current Deflationary environment began? The large jump into positive terrtory at the start of 2001 was the moment where the correlation changed significantly. The events at the end of 2001 and 2002 muddied the picture somewhat, but by late 2003 it was clear we were in a deflationary scenario - which we are still in.

$SPX - SharpCharts Workbench -

Wow, and gold has been up every year since then. that must be some kind of Bizarro world deflation right?
Wow, and gold has been up every year since then. that must be some kind of Bizarro world deflation right?

Another live one visits deadbroke 😆😆😆😆

starting from HERD-member Boombox's limited vision ...... and Dow priced in Gold has been crashing since 1999, Americans have been crashing since late 2007, Real Estate has been crashing since 2005 with no relief in sight, Americans' Savings Rate has shot up from 0% where it was for decades to past 7% now like a rocket.

That baby, is a DEFLATIONARY environment and within that deflationary environment the stock market is rallying.

Rallying to where, you might ask? Why, to trap the HERD and destroy them yet again as it has always done for aeons and aeons. 😆😆😆😆😆😆

What a place, T2W. 🙂🙂
Do you understand now why nobody takes this thread seriously?😡

>>>>> Do you understand now why nobody takes this thread seriously? <<<<<

Pay attention clowns - re-read that a few times. Do you see that NOBODY?

That my friends is exactly how the HERD operates and therefore the top caller is always alone at the top when he calls a reversal.

I was hoping for the disappearance of the remaining 2 stars on the thread - this would improve the chances of a TOP. At the start of the thread when I got 5 stars I was so disappointed by that outcome that I gobbled up a bottle of wine and was considering canning the call. But the stars disppaeared quickly and I felt better.

Please remove those stars asap. 😆😆😆😆😆😆
Listen up clowns .....

At the 2007 top, just before the greatest CRASH since GD1 these were some of the headlines posted by your daddies and granddaddies ....

•Fed chief predicts economy will rebound despite housing woes (AP)
•IMF predicts an energetic world economy (
•Job Growth Strengthens Economy (Washington Post)
•Several Signs the Economy Is Reviving (New York Times)

Then, very near the CRASH BOTTOM and just before the major 3 year massive bull rally began, these were the headlines posted by your daddies and granddaddies ...

•S&P 500 is at risk of hitting a new low as angst persists (USA Today)
•VIX Premium Shows Stocks Bear Market Lasting 2 Years (Bloomberg)
•Why Stocks Still Aren't Cheap (New York Times)
•"February's consumer confidence numbers were the lowest on record, going back to 1967. ...there can be no market turnaround until the consumer is confident once again" (Forbes)
deadbroke's axioms ....

Being a part of the HERD is worse than DEATH itself and the essence of uselessnes.

All women like sex but the ones that have no money are supremely better than the ones that do.


2 are enough for now 😆 😆😆😆
But timing does come into Broke.
All positions would become profitable if we had enough margin and lived long enough.
Another live one visits deadbroke 😆😆😆😆

starting from HERD-member Boombox's limited vision ...... and Dow priced in Gold has been crashing since 1999, Americans have been crashing since late 2007, Real Estate has been crashing since 2005 with no relief in sight, Americans' Savings Rate has shot up from 0% where it was for decades to past 7% now like a rocket.

That baby, is a DEFLATIONARY environment and within that deflationary environment the stock market is rallying.

Rallying to where, you might ask? Why, to trap the HERD and destroy them yet again as it has always done for aeons and aeons. 😆😆😆😆😆😆

What a place, T2W. 🙂🙂

Whatever Deadwrong, you do your trade and I'll do mine, I wish you the best but I suspect your a retard, and possibly not even trading at all.
HERD members aka Herdies (i.e. all of T2W and Elitetrader) in deadbroke jargon have incredibly short memories. They just can't seem to learn the lessons from HISTORY. They repeat the same-o errors over and over again - every 70 years it reaches a crescendo level and they swear not to repeat such errors again - then a year or two later during a bear rally akin to the one after the first wave drop in 1929 they're back at the bad habits. These idiots need to be cured - cured they will not be, slaughtered, yes.

2005 - current real estate crash's house flipping habits have morphed into something new. Now most people will say this is a new era - not deadbroke. He knows this is madness, madness, madness and these clowns will surely be barbecued.

Lesson learned? Apparently not. Flipping has simply morphed into something else -- namely, bulk buying.

As the greatest real-estate fire sale in the history of the United States rages on, the bulk buy is the dead hot deal of the moment. In some of the most foreclosure-ravaged parts of the country, it is almost as if the housing market has become the new big box store, with investors wiping out whole shelves at a time.

Reuters, March 1
Whatever Deadwrong, you do your trade and I'll do mine, I wish you the best but I suspect your a retard, and possibly not even trading at all.

More evidence of Anger, Hate and childishness - all signs of a TOP aborning wherein HERDIES just cannot tolerate a dissenter.

And mind you, this is an anonymous board with fake names, hidden identities and yet ONE SHOWS REAL ANGER. 😆😆😆😆😆😆

By the way, Boombox, if you're going up against me at least have your weaponry greased and oiled - start with some basic English grammar "your a retard" - correct that phrase first then come have a drink and learn something.
But timing does come into Broke.
All positions would become profitable if we had enough margin and lived long enough.

Most of you come to he game with Milk Money and bolt and run with the tiniest wiggle in Price.

For any of you, to play the Daily chart, your rear ends would pucker up so intensely that any gas in the transverse colon would shoot out the 2-moon junction like an effluvium rocket and knock out a concrete wall.

Death in this game is an honor, Success is the equivalent of an afterlife afterburner. Either way deadbroke has it made although he prefers the latter by an overwhelming margin.