Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now


Exactly so at the historic 2007 top.


Rothschild\right-click\send to\Duffer-Colony.

Your Honor, I'm done with this clown. He gets no more time.

At EliteTrader I could put him on Ignore. Here?


One more high volume vaginal content poster gone for good.

Any more? Stay out of my thread, please. You are not welcome.

Exactly so?

Commercial positions arnt at record highs. there at average levels.

something seriously wrong with you
I found the Ignore feature. 🙂

Adios Rothschild. Gone for good! 🙂

I am disappointed deadbroke. I really thought your skin was thicker than that. You've been here only a few months and you have someone on your ignore list already. I've been here 6+ years and I am proud to say that nobody is on my ignore list...yes, I know you think that is impossible in this place but it is true.
Tops take a longer time to form. The underlying instruments need to break down first which is followed by the indexes.

If out of 500 stocks in S&P 500 the majority are failing or stalling then you should be looking to short S$P 500.

Market breadth is important to understand.
His name at Elite Trader is Grandsupercycle. He started posting here because over there his BS market analysis gets called out immediatly and his incompetence and idiocy is well established. He has been short for about two years. He has had one margin call.... Office Depot wants him to pay for his paper.
He is a reverse genius, he has an uncanny ability to get it wrong every time. He believes that he believes that he is one tweak away from mastery. Each tweak, however, in an expression of his already perfected idiocy. He is:


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His name at Elite Trader is Grandsupercycle. He started posting here because over there his BS market analysis gets called out immediatly and his incompetence and idiocy is well established. He has been short for about two years. He has had one margin call.... Office Depot wants him to pay for his paper.
He is a reverse genius, he has an uncanny ability to get it wrong every time. He believes that he believes that he is one tweak away from mastery. Each tweak, however, in an expression of his already perfected idiocy. He is:

that name rings a bell from zerohedge..
I don't believe this trade even exists.

He's just talking the talk, trying to be a hero by calling a top and subsequent crash.
A significant event will be most likely be the catalyst to start the reversal to the downside.

SHORT continues unabated.
A significant event will be most likely be the catalyst to start the reversal to the downside.

SHORT continues unabated.

That took some thinking......😴

Do you mean a significant event like a world war, world recession, etc? The impact of one of those is difficult to forecast, isn't....??

Please check you are not watching the inverse chart of the DOW, the problem for you might be there.....😱

And if you have a bit of self respect please stop this non sense and let the thread die. Even if the market plunges tomorrow, by now we all know that you was wrong with your prediction.

For sure the market will go down again in the future, but that does not make you right.
the dow would need to trade limit down for him to be even slightly back in profit lol, so if if you got the crash your whining about it wouldn't benefit you much. clown.
Remain SHORT.

(side note 1: Overall eval of T2W as a learning center for improving trading is now complete. Result is that it is no better or worse than EliteTrader but BOTH are totally useless for the trader who wants to be successful. One aspect that both sites have in common is that they are a Poser Haven)

(side note 2: I will see this thread thru' to its completion whether right or wrong, so far wrong, after that its Adios for me.)


Gold and Silver 1H downside bars nice but we need Dollar Index upside bars on 1H to break above and stay above the 1H 200-pd. Dow Jones will follow if this occurs - watch for a break of the 30-min. 200 ma on Jones. That'll be it.


cast in stone in deadbroke's mind re: bulletin boards .... the same statistic that is extant in the real world, namely 95-97% of traders lose and lose consistently is oh soooo thoroughly valid especially on ALL bulletin boards - deadbroke guarantees this with all his might. 🙂🙂

[Blog] Summit 2011 Video: Bob Prechter Explains How Investors Herd
More on HERDING from deadbrok'es collection ............

remember the huge 2007 TOP and the CRASH that followed? Here are the dumbest things said just before the TOP by the United States Treasury Secy., Hank Paulson and FED Chairman Ben Bernanke .... enjoy 🙂

The Black Flag Cafe© • View topic - Paulson/Bernanke Quotes: Timeline of Mismanagement

At the same 2007 TOP try to look up the massively bullish picture the US Govt. was painting, ditto for Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and almost all business magazines.

At the 2007 TOP deadbroke was attacked for even suggesting there was going to be a reversal - and a few just outright stopped talking to him because he mentioned the word CRASH 🙂🙂😆
More on HERDING from deadbroke's collection .......

Then as the CRASH of 2007-2009 was nearing an end, the bearishness was intense, the gloom and doom was so palpable, death was in the air everywhere ....

and in that month of April and March 2009 amidst the gloom and doom deadbroke was calling for a reversal to at least 38.2% - 61.8% of the drop. (In hindsight we know the rally went farther and deadbroke is mistiming it and not doing well at the moment)
More on HERDING from deadbroke's collection .......

Then as the CRASH of 2007-2009 was nearing an end, the bearishness was intense, the gloom and doom was so palpable, death was in the air everywhere .... some headlines that occurred at the bottom of the BEAR

•S&P 500 is at risk of hitting a new low as angst persists (USA Today)
•VIX Premium Shows Stocks Bear Market Lasting 2 Years (Bloomberg)
•Why Stocks Still Aren't Cheap (New York Times)
•"February's consumer confidence numbers were the lowest on record, going back to 1967. ...there can be no market turnaround until the consumer is confident once again" (Forbes)


Re-read previous post .......

against that backdrop of super bearishness in early 2009, I mean real gloom and doom, deadbroke was called a loony for calling a reversal and a bullrun to 38.2%-61.8% retracement. One fellow even asked me how I could possibly be so super bullish (February 2009)
You speak some rubbish, don't you? When you started this thread the Dow was around 11800 (see first page of the post). So now you merely need 1200 points or 10% drop to be break even.

A smart trader would have continue the trend until 13000 (+1000 pts) and then join the downtrend when there are clear signals of a change. So if it gets to 11800 again he/she would have made app. 2000 pts profit.

In the meantime deadbroke after 34 pages of crap consuming three months of his time will be at plus/minus zero.

Do you understand now why nobody takes this thread seriously?😡
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OK that was 2007 Top now we have the 2012 TOP (?? 🙂 )

here are the SENTIMENT results for 2012 ....

Market Vane's bullish consensus among Advisors and Investors


AAII Sentiment Survey


DSI sentiment Index

all now exceeding last year's sentiment top and dig this, higher than also the 2007 alltime top.

Even Doctor Doom has turned bullish. 😆😆
My posts are going thru' 3 or 4 levels of security checks before being posted by Admin. 😆 😆


More on HERDING from deadbroke's collection .......

Bloomberg headline (2/23):

"Consumer Comfort Highest in Almost Four Years"

(I marked it in red because its from HERD PSYCHOLOGY 101)

deadbroke's corollary ...... Complacency is the most dangerous element in any aspect of LIFE, even more deadly than an outright frontal enemy assault that one, because the latter is seen coming, the former is when it arrives is such a shock that it paralyzes the participant - this explains why investors HOLD after the top is in and keep holding till they give it all back and then some - as they've done in HISTORY since antediluvian times. 🙂🙂🙂