the most amusing thing about all of this is that you believe i am the herd and as long as i am bullish you are correct.
new flash, im not bullish.
how deep into the red are you now? where exactly are you going to exit this trade? you have already broken your own "mental stop" like a true amateur. Just gona wait for the margin calls to come flooding in?
Im sure all will be fine when the next 30min trend line brakes and the dow plumits 2,000 points. how many times have you claimed a break of X trend line will start the down trend? you are such a fool its not even funny and the only reason im riding you is because you are about to blow up, nothing to do with my market outlook being different from yours.
Yawn. More vaginal effluvium.
Deadbroke is used to this - ET delivered this in spades. Yawn. 🙂🙂