Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

the most amusing thing about all of this is that you believe i am the herd and as long as i am bullish you are correct.

new flash, im not bullish.

how deep into the red are you now? where exactly are you going to exit this trade? you have already broken your own "mental stop" like a true amateur. Just gona wait for the margin calls to come flooding in?

Im sure all will be fine when the next 30min trend line brakes and the dow plumits 2,000 points. how many times have you claimed a break of X trend line will start the down trend? you are such a fool its not even funny and the only reason im riding you is because you are about to blow up, nothing to do with my market outlook being different from yours.

Yawn. More vaginal effluvium.

Deadbroke is used to this - ET delivered this in spades. Yawn. 🙂🙂
By now is pretty clear to me that this trade only exists in his imagination. I even doubt exists in demo trading. I have asked him several times for concrete details on the trade, or how he calculates that this trend break is going to go so deep and is not only a correction. These posts he carefully ingnores.

Honestly I think we are just helping this thread to be up. I bet if we let it die he will come with another mad prediction and an outrageous title to go with it. We should stop wasting time on this and move to read something more productive.

Another SENTIMENT gift for deadbroke. Thank you Pferd. 🙂 More music for deadbroke's ears. 🙂

Beginners pay attention now - this type of education is worth trillions. Inherent in this poster and Rothschild is the stuff of TOPS. Master this and you have the Sentiment of Tops well within your grasp.

A corollary of this SENTIMENT is that this is an anonymous board with fake names - yet the emotion is stunningly real. 😆😆😆
Is there any point in putting up charts and trying to WIN? Not at this place and defo not at EliteTrader.

But who cares? Lions and wildebeest can never be friends. 😆


back to work .....

Dow Jones long-term magnificent trendline shown caused 2 massive bearmarkets, 1937 and 1966 (lasted 16 years). Dow broke out above this line in 1996 and then used it as support in 2002 but look closely and note how the line sagged as in busted meaning it gave up a good deal of the Coefficient of Restitution which therefore caused a bounce - this bounce gave us the 2007 bullmarket TOP.

What happened then? We got the bearmarket crash right thru' this line and guess what? WE have rallied right back up to it.

Now do you cats uinderstand why deadbroke will not make the mistake of liquidating and taking his loss NOW? It would be the most foolish place to do so because the odds are now in deadbroke's favor. A few more thousand dollars loss is not going to affect deadbroke's life one iota. 🙂


  • Dow LT trendline resistance.jpg
    Dow LT trendline resistance.jpg
    198.1 KB · Views: 174
Im sure all will be fine when the next 30min trend line brakes and the dow plumits 2,000 points. how many times have you claimed a break of X trend line will start the down trend? you are such a fool its not even funny and the only reason im riding you is because you are about to blow up, nothing to do with my market outlook being different from yours.

If it plummets 2000 points I am in the green, right? And you're still complaining???? 🙂🙂

And if I blow up, what's the big deal? Don't we all know that it is cast in stone that every single trader blows up at one time or another? Don't we know that it is cast in stone that any and every successful trader who has ever made it - did certainly blow up at least once?

Well, I have news for you Rothy - I am yet to blow up - so it would be my first time. The odds therefore of me not blowing up are strongly not in my favor.

So I persevere. Its a beautiful thing to turn out to be if and when truly successful as a trader to have never had a blowup.

If it don't happen now it never will because this time I have truly a heck of a lot on the line.
SENTIMENT = the ally of deadbroke

and god bless Rothy for his his off the charts emotion. 🙂

Now I will leave you fellows with this profound thought for the weekend. read it 10 times, no read it a 1000 times and give it more thought ....

The # of bears now is even less that at the 2007 Dow Jones TOP.

(Forgive them Father for they know not what they do or say)

God, do I love it so.

Now I will leave you fellows with this profound thought for the weekend. read it 10 times, no read it a 1000 times and give it more thought ....

The # of bears now is even less that at the 2007 Dow Jones TOP.


Sorry to weigh in and rain on your parade but that is not true, neither empirically or anecdotally. No positioning indicators or surveys I see suggest that (in fact the one I look at most carefully suggests longs in Treasuries are still increasing), while on the anecdotal side I don't know anyone in my firm who is a 'bull' in the same way that they were in 2007, merely covering extreme bear positions now the fundamentals appear to be improving from the lowest of bases. You may yet be proved right, but I fear your trading is driven by emotion not fact.
really dont understand how you get massive bullish sentiment that shows a top from my post.

you have been saying the top is in for over 1,000 points now. you are an idiot troll. bye!
SHORT continues as-is NO CHANGES. Losses continue. There is now nobody left who is bearish - so I am alone. Its truly a beautiful thing to be this alone and labeled the dumbest man on Earth. 🙂🙂

I am now going to take this bearish stance further by putting a power thrust on it, a sort of afterburner with the following perspective .....

(1) By the time the Depression low arrives, Stocks, Commodities and real estate will have lost 93% and CASH will buy 13 times more than it does now. Throw in the currency coefficient and CASH ($) will buy 21 times what it does now internationally.

(2) By the time the Depression low arrives I will have ironed out all my inadequacies in TIMING by improving/sharpening my technique.

(3) By the time the Depression low arrives I will be one of the very few who not only will still be alive, rather THRIVING.

(4) By the time the Depression low arrives I will be one the very first to announce BUY BUY BUY for not only the coming decade but for the next century.
This is no ordinary BUY BUY BUY instead it is a true BUY & HOLD.

The current pain compared to such rewards as depicted? .... akin to a novocaine injection. 🙂🙂😀😆:whistling
SHORT continues as-is NO CHANGES. Losses continue. There is now nobody left who is bearish - so I am alone. Its truly a beautiful thing to be this alone and labeled the dumbest man on Earth. 🙂🙂

I am now going to take this bearish stance further by putting a power thrust on it, a sort of afterburner with the following perspective .....

(1) By the time the Depression low arrives, Stocks, Commodities and real estate will have lost 93% and CASH will buy 13 times more than it does now. Throw in the currency coefficient and CASH ($) will buy 21 times what it does now internationally.

(2) By the time the Depression low arrives I will have ironed out all my inadequacies in TIMING by improving/sharpening my technique.

(3) By the time the Depression low arrives I will be one of the very few who not only will still be alive, rather THRIVING.

(4) By the time the Depression low arrives I will be one the very first to announce BUY BUY BUY for not only the coming decade but for the next century.
This is no ordinary BUY BUY BUY instead it is a true BUY & HOLD.

The current pain compared to such rewards as depicted? .... akin to a novocaine injection. 🙂🙂😀😆:whistling

Wouldn't you be better off at ZeroHedge? You wouldn't feel quite so alone there. There are plenty of people who are firmly in the bear camp and both more enlightening and entertaining to read to boot. Bob Janjuah at Nomura for one, Albert Edwards at Soc Gen as another. You'd like Albert, he's borderline barking. Thing is, you're not half as unique as you like to think you are, bears are everywhere, just a little bruised. Hell, I'm one over the timescales your talking, but not so blind as to not enjoy a risk-on rally while it lasts. I do like the preciseness of your 93% though.
I've been short GOLD @ $200.
Must be going well, my broker keeps asking me to invest more money.
I'm holding on in case the market crashes. I don't want to miss out.


And remember .......

30 years of bullmarket i.e. upward can be wiped out in 1-2 yrs.

The entire runup from the March 2009 low, a total of almost 3 years will be gobbled up in a mere few weeks.

Bear markets move much faster, much, much faster than Bullmarkets.

The gains from the downside are so swift that the RATE OF RETURN dazzles and titillates.

The gains from downside moves are where the true champions reside - that is, all except deadbroke, hahahahahaha.

That is what I am after.
at what level will the margin calls start? just so we can all have a chuckle when it happens.

you might want to check out the commitment of traders (although this would be detrimental to your delusion).

small speculators (i.e idiots like you who trade 1 e mini) are net short.
large specs (big traders who trade 100s of lots) are net short.

so how exactly are you the only bear standing? you keep crying about bullish sentiment when the sentiment in the ES is bearish and has been for some time.

you, are, a, moron.
at what level will the margin calls start? just so we can all have a chuckle when it happens.

you might want to check out the commitment of traders (although this would be detrimental to your delusion).

small speculators (i.e idiots like you who trade 1 e mini) are net short.
large specs (big traders who trade 100s of lots) are net short.

so how exactly are you the only bear standing? you keep crying about bullish sentiment when the sentiment in the ES is bearish and has been for some time.

you, are, a, moron.


I noo it. Total misinterpretation of SENTIMENT studies and looking where all HERD members who think they are smart - look.

Bulletin boards aka Loser Haven. 😆😆😆
you might want to check out the commitment of traders (although this would be detrimental to your delusion).


Exactly so at the historic 2007 top.


Rothschild\right-click\send to\Duffer-Colony.

Your Honor, I'm done with this clown. He gets no more time.

At EliteTrader I could put him on Ignore. Here?


One more high volume vaginal content poster gone for good.

Any more? Stay out of my thread, please. You are not welcome.