Girlfriends and Wives and Trading.

Yeah; large collection - Thats why i'm sharing.

Do you shave your legs or are you like Bab's off league of gentlemen?

Thanks for everyone’s input and help with this.

I have found my answer which has been to only trade the dailies, no matter how tempting to trade hourly, 4h, news or screw down the entry.

Home/trading balance is now pretty good. Thanks again for advice and warnings.

I hope you have found/find your answers too.

Wow...I'm so glad I found this post. I've been searching for support as I am married to a day trader.

I am completely supportive of him. I have my own business and I work from home. I love that we are both home together. The only thing is that he yells. He gets so emotional. He knows it's a problem, but he does not know how to get past it. And it really upsets me. And now I find my patience of dealing with his anger is running out.

Any advice would be great!

get a new model... come to think of it i'm single i'm bald, fat, hung like a gnat and have bad breath.

whaddya say do i get the job, dunno why i just don't seem to have a lot of luck on any dating sites.
wow that was constructive.

I'd imagined your post was a wind-up.

If serious, then Arabian's advice is about as good as you'll get. If he's focussing on trading the last thing he needs is someone trying to interupt him. You like him being at home, while you work from home? Pretend he's gone to an office for the day and completely forget about him. As a quid pro quo, set some parameters so he's not all day at the screen, eg if he's trading Europe hours, make sure he packs up at a certain time. If you're both working from home, make sure you get out enough - one night a week to cinema, once a week for a meal etc. More helpful?
Wow...I'm so glad I found this post. I've been searching for support as I am married to a day trader.

I am completely supportive of him. I have my own business and I work from home. I love that we are both home together. The only thing is that he yells. He gets so emotional. He knows it's a problem, but he does not know how to get past it. And it really upsets me. And now I find my patience of dealing with his anger is running out.

Any advice would be great!


Tell him he's not a trading God, he's just a very naughty boy!"
Interesting, I never even mentioned that I interrupt him. I actually don't. I used to trade with him so I do know how important it is to be left alone to focus and concentrate. The only time I see him is when I bring him lunch, which I just leave on the desk and go away. I am extremely supportive. I guess I was looking for advice on anger management.

Yes, renting an office is an excellent idea. But unattainable right now.
Is he making money or losing money? How volatile are his returns? And not just what he tells you - do you really know? If his trading is the problem then that's a different thing to be addressed than if he is a trading god, but still has anger issues.

Assuming the latter, when does this come out - during or shortly after he's been trading, or any time like at the weekends? You should see the anger that comes out on a trading floor - phones, screens get thrown, the lot. Buy him a punchball or something - if it's coming out at any time then, yes, its an anger management issue and you probably need a very different forum...
Interesting, I never even mentioned that I interrupt him. I actually don't. I used to trade with him so I do know how important it is to be left alone to focus and concentrate. The only time I see him is when I bring him lunch, which I just leave on the desk and go away. I am extremely supportive. I guess I was looking for advice on anger management.

Yes, renting an office is an excellent idea. But unattainable right now.

sorry i dont mean to be nasty to you but even being in the same house is probably too much. Taking him lunch is a nice wifey thing to do but i promise there will be more levels to it than that. Like some days you will make special efforts for his favourite and other days you will just give him manky old pot noodle and put on his desk in a huffy way. He will then be more shouty and so on and so on.

you make it sound like he is the problem one because of his anger management issues but really you are probably driving him up the wall. He wont say it but i bet thats the case.
sorry i dont mean to be nasty to you but even being in the same house is probably too much. Taking him lunch is a nice wifey thing to do but i promise there will be more levels to it than that. Like some days you will make special efforts for his favourite and other days you will just give him manky old pot noodle and put on his desk in a huffy way. He will then be more shouty and so on and so on.

you make it sound like he is the problem one because of his anger management issues but really you are probably driving him up the wall. He wont say it but i bet thats the case.

I don't know about that Dash - perhaps his trading isn't really going well??
I don't know about that Dash - perhaps his trading isn't really going well??

yes of course it could be that... but the person asking the question is of the view that its her husband who has the anger management problems and its not that she is driving him crazy.

shouting and things like screens munched and keyboards smashed and shouting and swearing happen sometimes in trading. So because its not normal to happen in a house makes it a bad atmosphere but on a trading floor people understand a bit more.

i mean because he shouts and stuff doesnt automatically mean hes got an anger management problem it could mean hes got an interfering and judgemental wife. It probably doesnt help that the wife used to trade too.