Genesis System

hi chow mate, decided to take the plunge over the weekend.

system is unbelievably simple, and yet seems to work from an eyeball check of the last few weeks of the DOW.

the manual isnt what it could be, but DC has been very helpful in his replies by email.

im going to be fwd testing it for the next couple of weeks, may even resurect my journal to see what happens..

drawdown seems limited...

BUT, the one reservation i have, (apart from the slightly confusing manual) is that the stop loss is set at about 100pts for the DOW, but depending on the day the orders are triggered, the profit target is set at approx 70 points, or approx 110 points. although the stop is rarely hit by the looks of things. this whole R:R of 1:1 isnt terribly clever.

still with a hit rate of 80-odd %, you cant really complain.

lets see if it works now that i have got my hands on it. 🙂

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FetteredChinos said:
hi chow mate, decided to take the plunge over the weekend.
FC - That's amazingly brave of you mate.

From the lack of response from any previous purchasers of said system/manual, I was thinking it was dead on its feet.

I'm glad it, DC and you are all still very much in business.

With so many crap systems and cons around it's good to hear that someone is offering a system which produces immediate and substantial results.

With a R:R of 1:1 and a stop of 100 points - even with an 80% hit rate (wow!) I would have thought this was marginal at best.

Look forward to feedback on how it shapes up.

How'd the exams go....?
I bought the Genesis system on Day 1, and I have to say it realy looks good (But) I cant use it, the manual has been rewritten but I still find it way to complicated, I think it makes sense to the Author and to the experts, but for most it is way over their heads, no disrespect to DC he has been very helpful, but I think the only way I will ever actually use it is if some one who really knows what they are taking about, but understands that everyone has to learn, could go through it with me point by point.

stewartsoftware said:
I bought the Genesis system on Day 1, and I have to say it realy looks good (But) I cant use it, the manual has been rewritten but I still find it way to complicated, I think it makes sense to the Author and to the experts, but for most it is way over their heads, no disrespect to DC he has been very helpful, but I think the only way I will ever actually use it is if some one who really knows what they are taking about, but understands that everyone has to learn, could go through it with me point by point.


I too was (and still am) interested in Genesis, but from what I have heard and read, I agree with ur sentiments entirely. I have seriously considered purchasing it and have little doubt that it works, but it seems it is far from simple for the uninitiated 🙁 As u say even the re-written manual seems (from other comments such as urs) to be far from easily understood. However it would appear that if u can get the hang of it, it does work, and that, added to the reasonable selling price and DC's willingness to respond to queries makes it an attractive proposition, so I hope in time he can simplify the manual for the numpty's like me 😉
I would have thought that as dc2000 has backtested this 'system', it should be fairly straightforward to explain. There have been several people who have purchased Genesis and haven't been able to understand the manual and how to apply it to real trading. I don't think it is because the people who have bought it are not intelligent enough to understand it. I hope that anyone who considers buying Genesis waits until someone has been able to verify the backtested results.
Bigbusiness said:
I would have thought that as dc2000 has backtested this 'system', it should be fairly straightforward to explain. There have been several people who have purchased Genesis and haven't been able to understand the manual and how to apply it to real trading. I don't think it is because the people who have bought it are not intelligent enough to understand it. I hope that anyone who considers buying Genesis waits until someone has been able to verify the backtested results.

stewart et al

I'm sorry that you don't understand the manual that was issued by dc. I found it easy to understand, together with the excel workbook.

In fact, i have gained so much confidence with it that i'm now considering returning to swing type trading. At the moment i am more comfortable with taking lots of small trades and using genesis for confirmation of market direction.

try reading through it again.

good luck
I think you are right there Sledgehammer

Not all of us can grasp things instanteously.

I use to feel totally indequate at school when the majority use to understand what the teacher was saying and I was still bewildered but was afraid to put up my hands -in fear of looking a complete idiot!

It wasn't until I left school and went to college that I found out that it was ok to take things at your own pace and you finally come to understand it.

I usually have to read through things at least three or more times before I start to understand it.
Hi TheBramble

I was not referring directly to the manual itself !

I was just trying to encourage others that are using it as I know from experience - being an accountant -that it is difficult grasping manuals at first glance.

I am interested in the Genesis System but I am waiting to see how FetteredChinos get on- I know he is very through in his tests having read through his pasts research on systems.
Thanks RRG, misunderstood you.

Yeah, I'm also keen to see how FC makes out. Apart from back-tests, I'll be even more interested in how people who have bought the system are doing with actually trading it.

As said previously, it's been a bit quiet on that front. Even SledgeHammer isn't using it standalone, more as a confirmation of their swing trading approach.
evening all, looks like i have kicked up a bit of a fuss once again. funny how that happens on here..

comments on what has gone before..

the manual isnt that confusing, just poorly worded, and is crying out for some actualy example trades. it took me several evenings of reading to work it out (its only 12 pages long, and the rules only take up 3 of those).

i guess the main problem is that it APPEARS to leave a lot up to the trader's discretion. upon closer inspection this isnt the case..

what the manual is crying out for is a simple day-by-day, blow-by-blow account of what to do. ie,

if main trade is triggered on monday. where is your entry, exit, and when do you wait for next entry?

if main trade is triggered on tuesday. where is your entry, exit, and when do you wait for next entry?

if main trade is triggered on wednesday. where is your entry, exit, and when do you wait for next entry, if at all?

im half tempted to draft up a revised version of the trading rules and send it to DC to see what he thinks. as im certain he is getting emailed the same questions over and over..

with regard to the exams, i passed the only one i sat, so its CIMA final level for me in november, or perhaps May, if i can be bothered lol....

good trading one and all.

oh yes, Brambs, one more thing..

the 100-point stop is more there as a disaster stop..

from what i construe from the manual, the actual exit (usually on a thursday) is considerably less than these 100 points, and occurs when the required patterns fail.. so the real R:R is probably closer to 2:1 , which is a lot easier to deal with.

time will tell though, and there is no point getting excited about this sort of thing..

now the test match is another matter altogether.....🙂
FC - thanks for the details. I perhaps should make clear that I have no interest, vested or otherwise, in DC's system. I'm sure the vast majority who purchased it are happy, or we would have heard all about it!!! And I'm pleased DC is offering something of value.

It's just the original r:r and stats you posted made it look a little more risky than I personally would fancy. But then again, I'm so risk averse it's not surprising I'm so poor....
I have a few questions about Genesis. DC has been kind enough to send me a mail explaining a little more about his system but if anyone who has purchased it can answer this, I would be most grateful

Are the trade’s just daily trades or are they held over a few days etc (unless you are stopped out)

Do you need to be at your screen all day to make any changes that need to be made or is it a case of set the open stop order/open limit order and let the rest do the work?

If I remember reading correctly in a previous post, was it not said that no TA is needed with this system? If that is the case, how can you find/see your entry signal for the trade?

Is it based on Pivot Points?

The final question and concern is the manual, me being a newbie I need the step-by-step, blow-by-blow help as someone else mentioned.

If no one can answer the above questions I will email DC direct, I thought I would try the board first, as I am sure DC is a busy man.

im half tempted to draft up a revised version of the trading rules and send it to DC to see what he thinks. as im certain he is getting emailed the same questions over and over..

Maybe that's not such a bad idea considering all who appear to be struggling with it......make sure ur on commission tho 😉
It's good to get an unbiased and expert view of a commercial trading system.

Unfortunately, it ties in with similar unofficial reviews that have been doing the rounds.

This would be a good time, I guess, for anyone using the Genesis system who (a) does understand it and (b) has found a way to trade it without constant emails to the developer and (c) has made consistent profit from it - to come forward.