Genesis System

Hi DC2000, i am quite interested in the genesis system and have sent you an email as advised.
Could you tell me though if it is similar to the carmarilla equation and the tradestars system i keep hearing about.

Hi Atime
It is not based on either of these systems given my understanding that the

tradestars ( champion trader) is a trend following system based on traditional moving average that doesn't have an exit strategy.

Camarilla is a pivot point system that gives 8 levels without suggesting a direction or stop loss level and cost $179 per month
roberk - not quite. This is the "Trading Systems (Commercial) forum. Anyone who wants to post details on their commercially available trading systems can do so.

AFAIAA - DC2000 hasn't x-posted to any other forums - unlike the ET spam which was posted to 4 separate threads.

As for interested replies - only DC2000 has that data. He has asked for email indications of interest rather than cluttering up the board with them. Seems reasonable.

I'm not quite sure why you're posting an apparent response to a question that doesn't seem to have been asked "The difference between Elitetrader and trade2win?". Being that you're off topic in this forum, your post is even les entitled to be here than you thought DC2000's was.

Do you get my point?

As an aside, and in response to the question you implicitly asked by answering there are many differences between t2w and ET - the two that are most obvious to most t2w members are the signal:noise ratio and general quality.

And I almost forgot, the other is the quantity of sniping, whining and generally just plain negative for no particular reason posts ET get - t2w get some, but not that many in comparison.
Hi Bramble,
I have been caught out. Thanks, I didn't know it was a thread for commercial vendors- I worked back from the thread in elitetrader ( now deleted). In fact I didn't even know Trade2win had such a forum. Could have sworn there wasn't one when I joined up.

The reason I posted was to give a little warning flag to newbies. While buying such systems is almost part of the growing pains for traders, there are many who: after having been disappointed decide they aren't cut out for trading and retire from the game. Sad.

Me, I have the old systems I bought , Vantagepoint and the like, in a place of honor in my trading room where they remind me of my greed, laziness and gullibility. I now see they were in fact worth every cent for the character development they forced upon me.
I like what you said recently:
"When you pay money out for a course/seminar you start off immediately down. You've laid out trading capital on something which may or may not increase your trading ability and/or capital."
Yes, I understand where you're coming from. Pristine, Optionetics to name just a couple. And I gather (just from memory of one of your earlier posts) that you paid your 'newbie dues' as most of us have to the vendors of systems.

The thing is, regardless of your or my take on commercial systems, I thought your implication that DC2000 was either spamming and/or just peddling a system wasn't fair to DC. I don't think anyone has any info on it other the stats provided and I think it should bear the test of real usage before any objective evaluation could be attempted or given.

Plus, as DC points out the audience that might find it most useful would be those who currently have problems with establishing entry/exit. My take on those traders who are in that position is that ANY system is better than NO system. It could just help them develop the discipline they need in those vital early stages. Also, at the price DC has tentatively suggested, it's a lot cheaper than many and probably a bit less than your first SB loss... 😱

Even those who give trading systems for free (some of JonnyT's for example) get 'the treatment' which IMO is grossly unfair. Caveat Emptor even when it's free 😆 would be my advice AND 'nothing works all the time'.
Actually Optionectics gave my money back, no questions asked, so I have no complaints with them. And while Pristine seminars are expensive their cds are not bad value at all IMO. (As an aside Clickevents are outstanding in their return policy too).

One of the things that ELITE taught me was always ask for the trading statements. I've been doing that ever since - much to the annoyance of some vendors- and so far only one has fronted with them.
And when something sounds too easy ask yourself: What would a bank pay for a system that had a true edge? 1 billion $$, 5 billion?
I probably was been unfair but I felt someone should sound an alarm bell. I hope everyone who buys it becomes millionaires. Heck if it is as good as it sounds and you can't wait for the compounding take it to one of the megabanks and sell it to them. Give dc2000 half the proceeds.

Or more realistically as Bramble said, Caveat Emptor. And don't set yourself up for disappointment - realize there is more to trading than buying a system. At best this will be just one small part of the puzzle.
Without wishing to appear frivolous why did you choose the name "Genesis" for your system ?

Good Morning Peeps

Roberk I smile gleefully and would like to thank ET for deleting the post, I did see the post you refer to and although laughed at my new found fame I thought the guy had a cheek to ask your members to solve my system, When he had one line answers like " he can't its impossible" it restored my faith in "ask a serious question you get a silly answer" with ET.

With regard to my system it isn't a get rich quick scheme I don't even regard it as a commercial venture. I trade, I am happy with the income I have, and I know what your thinking so why am I selling it why not keep it to myself, truth is I dont know! it may be an age thing Im past the gimme gimme years.

You sound like a seasoned and profitable trader I would leave you with this thought if bulletin boards would have been around in the good old days and two posters posted " I have a trading theory for the markets"

would they have been told go away with their get rich quick schemes?

Their names R.N.Elliott and W.D.Gann
Hi Chump it used to be affectionately known as the "Beermat" system but was changed to "genesis" just meaning from the begining.

Roberk A bank or trading house would not pay for this system they already have it and in actual fact if you had software to give an edge it is worth money six figs but not to use it but to keep it out of retail domain. As for account statements my trades have been placed on chartmans thread ahead of time.
LOL......."Beermat" .....right up there with "Back of a fag packet" ? 😉)
Beermat.... as in scribbled on the back of one DC? 🙂 A drunken inspiration one saturday evening down the pub or club?

I have a friend that does the software that banks use. They do use automatic risk analysis and trading systems. All automated and none of it commercially available. But from what I understand, unless you have several 100 million quid and lots of leverage and hardly any commission fees to pay, you wouldn't make any money on it!

I use to think that a trading system with a high probability of success was impossible too. But I am nearing completion of several systems I have been developing and testing for the last few months that are proving to be very robust and have a 70-80% success rate. Profitable on 3/4 of all stock in back testing over multiple time periods. Im not getting too excited though as its got to prove itself in paper trading! I think I might name them the Back of Envelope and Scrap of Paper Systems. Has a certain ring 😛

I'm looking forward to putting your famous system to good use DC, I'm glad you are making it available!
dc2000 said:
Good Morning Peeps
" it restored my faith in "ask a serious question you get a silly answer" with ET.

You sound like a seasoned and profitable trader I would leave you with this thought if bulletin boards would have been around in the good old days and two posters posted " I have a trading theory for the markets"

would they have been told go away with their get rich quick schemes?

Their names R.N.Elliott and W.D.Gann
dc2000 thanks for your good-natured response to my intrusion.I use a little of elliot wave and value it, but know the edge it gives is subtle enough that most won't benefit without long education etc. I know nothing at all about your system so it may be all that everyone here hopes it is. I appreciate you have been giving some good signals but the skeptic in me says this could be just a good streak ; and your experience probably allows you to interpret the system in a way better then most who buy it could. Statements count more because these can cover several years.
Anyway your system is not expensive so good luck to all who buy, it may be worth a punt.

ET has its share of ass-holes but it has some good traders too, the to and fro educates.
p.s.I still get a roasting with that seasoning once a week or thereabouts - so am not a success yet.
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Hi DC,

I've received your email regarding the genesis system. Have you done any testing with the Australian indices? Any way of doing a backtest to see the effectiveness?

I would guess, that indices would behave approximately the same. I've never looked at the US & UK ones so don't really know.

H Charles
I havn't done any testing on the asx but with the limited data I have it would work fine if you have some futures data for say the last contract I will run backtest for you
The online payment took slightly longer than I expected but I have been assured it will be inplace tomorrow then emails will be sent
Okay mate! No worries. Whilst I think about it, have you got some charts of your trades and a history of the last years trades? cheers... look forward to seeing if your strategy lives up to its reputation.