Genesis System

I have posted trades before but when they were downloaded 600 times in 3 hours it did freak me a bit. I have posted targets on chartmans dow thread and on the FTSE thread so far today I am out by 1.3 points on the FTSE and 2.9 points on the Dow.

I may get a couple more buyers on that fact alone
DC. When are the emails now being sent.? Also please could you clarify one thing for me. I have seen the backtested percentages posted etc and they are amazing but you have stated in one reply to me that the entry point is variable in that if you use limit orders you can sometimes miss out by a few points of getting into the trade which you said is very frustrating if the market then reverses. My question is how can you measure the accuracy of the system if the entry point is not set in stone and open to interpretation by the individual taking the trade.

Thanks ,Mark.
Anybody purchased and received the Genesis system yet, and if possible initial impressions?

pkfryer mentioned (on another thread) that he had purchased it. Hopefully he will post his thoughts here soon 🙂
Anyone know if this system is still for sale? I've e-mailed & PM'd DC, but have had no response for over a week.
Atime - have you sent for/received yours?
philto37 said:
Anyone know if this system is still for sale? I've e-mailed & PM'd DC, but have had no response for over a week.
Atime - have you sent for/received yours?

I know pk said he had bought and received the system and was testing it, but it seems that both he and dc have gone very quiet on the subject! 🙄 Did anyone else purchase it?
Hi Peeps
Phil have PMd over on the other channel
I havn't gone quiet far from it, Im doing a lot of work behind the scenes

Those that have the TT channel will know I am alive n rockin :cheesy:
Thanks for replies - especially link to TT. As he says, Dc has contacted me. Have sent payment for the system - 1st time I've bought one so too late for any regrets now!!
dc2000 said:
Hi Peeps
Phil have PMd over on the other channel
I havn't gone quiet far from it, Im doing a lot of work behind the scenes

Those that have the TT channel will know I am alive n rockin :cheesy:

Hi dc, good to hear from we just gotta locate pk... 😉

Is TT channel summat on Tactical Trader site?

Hope the system exceeds ur expectations...would be good if u can give us a review sometime and let us all know how u get on with it pls..........tia!
If it proposes to make over 50% a year then it's nothing but a get rich quick scheme.

Why is it that most professional money managers view consistent risk/adjusted returns in excess of 30% a year as truly remarkable, puts you most probably in the top 1% of all money managers in the world.

But then the majority of the public take the view that 50% a year is pretty much an insult when you buy a 'system' for £100-£5000.
anley said:
If it proposes to make over 50% a year then it's nothing but a get rich quick scheme.

Why is it that most professional money managers view consistent risk/adjusted returns in excess of 30% a year as truly remarkable, puts you most probably in the top 1% of all money managers in the world.

But then the majority of the public take the view that 50% a year is pretty much an insult when you buy a 'system' for £100-£5000.
Hi Anley - I've been struggling for over two years to make decent, consistent profit from trading, I've come up with some "great" systems of my own, but, as market conditions change, these systems become less effective.I hope in DC's system that it is more mathematical/ fibonacci/elloit based, which should continue to work in many markets for most of the time. I now don't have the willpower or mental capacity to sit in front of a screen all day every day as I've done in the past. Hopefully DC's system will put me on a shorter road to what I want to acheive. If it's a "get rich scheme" & I get rich quickly I will be surprised & delighted 😉

Alliance - will try & do a review in the (reasonably) near future Regards to all Phil
Good morning Anley and how are you today

I agree totally with your statement "most professional money managers view consistent risk/adjusted returns in excess of 30% a year as truly remarkable, puts you most probably in the top 1% of all money managers in the world. "

But of course you are not comparing like with like.
Fund managers have to be fully invested at all times, their risk is far far less than the 1 or 2% of capital that would be considered good money management for daytrading and my guess is they wouldn't think of investing in some of the high risk derivatives that daytraders use other than for hedging a portfolio.

For Example
I think most daytraders on this board would view an average of 60 points per week off the dow or forex to be below the norm yet thats 3120 per year and using 1% of capital I would say you would increase your capital by a larger percentage than most professional money managers.

Alliance I refer to tactical trader as the TTchannel
anley said:
If it proposes to make over 50% a year then it's nothing but a get rich quick scheme.

Hi anley, maybe I am missing something here...pls feel free to tell me if I am...but I have not read any claims. either in the public domain nor in my pvt communications with dc that his sytem proposed to make over 50% per year. However what I have been told, very explicitly by dc, is that it is not a get rich quick scheme:

Quote from dc's em@il

"Now for what the system is not, it isn't a get rich quick scheme nor is it
to be regarded as a fast track to trading riches".

Now perhaps it would be naive not to at least consider that the above extract may just be dc "covering his ass" but if it is, then at least he is also ensuring that he is not promising the moon which some of the 3k-5k systems "promoters" do. I remain neutral in my view whilst awaiting comments..good or bad..from those who have purchased it and are trading or testing it for themselves.
Good points one and all.

Buyers of commercial systems are not obliged to disclose their success or otherwise with those systems.

The fact that so few (none?) of DC's system purchasers have decided to 'come up to the plate' might indicate that they are too busy raking in the moolah.

Of course, it might indicate something else as well.

The proof of the pudding and all that....
I am intrigued by the stats for this system that dc has provided. There are so many things to spend money on that I can't get enthusiastic about this until a few people who have back tested it or used it for a while let us know what they think. My hunch is that it isn't as easy to implement as it seems. Just reading dc's posts, I get the feeling that some subjective decisions are being made and while I think he is a good trader, it might not be as easy for me to make the correct choices. There also seem to be a few times when it doesn't work at all and I am not sure how the loses are kept to a minimum. I like firm rules and if Genesis uses firm rules, I think it is probably worth waiting for someone to verify the stats for the system that dc has provided.

I haven't read all the posts this is why I said 'IF it proposes'

DC, good luck anyway with what you've got. If it makes people money then great, but if they lose then they can hardly argue that a gun was put to their head in order to buy.

But if you gave me the choice then I'd rather have the safer money for selling the system/strategy rather than the potential far larfer returns on offer.
Bigbusiness said:
I am intrigued by the stats for this system that dc has provided. There are so many things to spend money on that I can't get enthusiastic about this until a few people who have back tested it or used it for a while let us know what they think. My hunch is that it isn't as easy to implement as it seems. Just reading dc's posts, I get the feeling that some subjective decisions are being made and while I think he is a good trader, it might not be as easy for me to make the correct choices. There also seem to be a few times when it doesn't work at all and I am not sure how the loses are kept to a minimum. I like firm rules and if Genesis uses firm rules, I think it is probably worth waiting for someone to verify the stats for the system that dc has provided.

Hi BB - I think you're right in that the system will be not totally without subjective input. DC has not touted it as a "black box" system. I guess buyers will have varying levels of success according to their own emotional capabilities & trading style. Dc has promised support & the system's success may well depend on how good that support is.
If anyone's been using Genesis on the DOW &/or FX recently, I'd be grateful for a performance update: max drawdown, %wins, Av pts/pips per trade etc.
