Genesis System

ajnath said:

I think it would be interesting to understand why you think the system is a waste of time and money – I do agree that the manual is vague and leaves you asking many questions.

In DC’s defense he does tell you how to calculate the targets and always promptly replies to questions


the reason I think it is a wate of time is because after testing it for a few weeks it did not work for me. as for the calculations, yes he does tell you how to work them out but based on the BASE% that will change and DC told me this himself.

I tried it and did not like it because it did not work. at the end of the day it was not for me. I have found FX more enjoyable to trade and seem to be doing better with it, my FX system is more hands on and the free chart plug-in for FXCM is just unbelivable

Please remember this is my opinion, i am not slating DC's system as form your post i assume youa re trading it and it is working for you. I am happy to stick with my 35/50+ pips a day

Hi CarpeUK,

I have the FXCM plugin and have looked at the 3 EW oscillators - how do you interpret buy/sell signals from them?
Well I think FXCM and the EW inds deserve a thread, but for the moment, does anyone who is using DC's "Genesis System" (apart from DC) actually (a) know how to use it and (b) make any money from it?
TheBramble said:
Well I think FXCM and the EW inds deserve a thread, but for the moment, does anyone who is using DC's "Genesis System" (apart from DC) actually (a) know how to use it and (b) make any money from it?


Well that would be a no from me.


Sorry i have not replied to you yet but before i go into how i came cross the 3 EW indicator i will be posting a thread on its own to share it with everyone.

TheBramble said:
Well I think FXCM and the EW inds deserve a thread, but for the moment, does anyone who is using DC's "Genesis System" (apart from DC) actually (a) know how to use it and (b) make any money from it?

Hi Bramble - the answer to your questions - (a) = sort of (b) = No

I use part of Dc's system as S&R areas, but found the whole system, which really is 3 methods rolled into 1 too complicated to use as a standalone system. DC is obviously completly relaxed & expert in using his system, and, as someone else has pointed out on this thread, probably doesn't realise that his manual & explanations are too difficult for most normal people to fully understand. Dc has also taken trades that are not within the scope of the system, this will annoy many users as they are doing nothing or losing money as he says he's raking it in. Dc obviously enjoys trying to predict the market, as other less experienced traders try to follow this they are getting into trades that they may not be able to handle. Having said all this, I believe Dc is no con man & the cost of the system, if used as a learning tool to incorporate into your own system, is not excessive - I've easily saved the £149 using exits derived from Genesis. - Regards Phil
Phil, I agree with you completely. Fortunately I bought the sys out of an interest of calculating the targets, not for use as a complete trading system, but for incorporating into my own.
For instance earlier this week it was calling for a top in the DOW of 370ish, the actual figure was 364. Certainly for those who had set limit sells then it failed, but if you were watching like me having the 370 target in mind, when it hit CM's beloved 64 😀 , accompanied by ND and diverging ES volume, it had to reverse 🙄 , which it duly did.
When you consider that DC sends all the purchasers weekly e-mail updates and answers e-mail and PM's I reckon £149 reasonable value, despite the complicated nature of the system itself.
Some sensible eall advice please

Will anyone please tell me what this Genises System is all about, I keep seeing it everywhere, is this yet another con out there and yet another failed trader trying to make a few quid, or does it infact have some validity to it. I appreciate everyone comments,
dc2000 has made some remarkable calls over on the Live Cable Trading thread.
I presume he is using Genesis, or an improved version of it.
He forecasts targets and turning points ahead of time, with regularity and some precision. ( relative to time-frame )
cool..was more interested in what the other purchasers had to say. I have spoken to a few..some use it in parts some not at all..some have adapted it. Just wondering if there were any other opinons out there.
trendie said:
dc2000 has made some remarkable calls over on the Live Cable Trading thread.
I presume he is using Genesis, or an improved version of it.
He forecasts targets and turning points ahead of time, with regularity and some precision. ( relative to time-frame )

Do people remember the good calls and forget the bad ones? I have the opposite problem, I remember the times when it went wrong and don't take too much notice of the good calls. There are enough bad calls by dc2000 in the Dow threads to put me off e.g. the 10,408 one here:-
Hiya BB . the bad ones always stick out with me too. Not just on genesis but on others too. I did always feel the pattern that Genesis uses did work well in ceratin market conditions. The calculations to get the % to derive the targets was pointless..I believe standard %ages would have been just as good.