robber said:
Carpe, Very kind of you to publish your trading principles and congrats on cracking EW. I have tried and found it's not for me.
Like you I'm working so am looking around for systems that allow me to 'fire and forget'. I'm currently playing around with a trading system which includes a metatrader indicator called the ATR channel (which I think is just a keltner channel under a different name). This looks a bit like Bollie bands and I'm using it to give me a simple target value.
When it comes to trading I'm using CMC at the moment, once I've opened a position I immediately set fixed stop and target orders as OCOs. Thus I can walk away from the trade and let it do its thing.
You will be surprised how simple the EW indicator can be. The plug-in I am using with FXCM includes lots of different indicators but the EW is based on numbers so all you have to do is learn what the numbers mean and trade on them.
People like to make you think it’s difficult but it is not. The only thing I need to do is work out entry and exit on my daily chart so if you know any apps I can use to help me plot entry/exits on analyzing charts please let me know.
Also just to let you know i have placed the following trades this morning.
EUR/USD - sell 1.2241
GBP/USD - Sell 1.7878
EUR/GBP - Buy 0.6827 - This trade has been open since yesterday but still my system is showing a Buy so i have left it running.
when i first opened the GBP-USD it moved against me by about 12pips (i have faith in my EW indicator..hehehe) but now I am at work and updating this post the pips on the above are as follows
EUR/USD +11pips
GBP/USD -4pips
EUR/GBP +10pips
Let me know what you think
Update: i will update this part of the post each time i close of a trade today
EURUSD closed @ 11.12am @ 1.2211 = +30pips
GBP/USD Closed @ 13.45pm @ 179.28 -50pip (error on my part, think an
FA was made, the price was jumping
all over the place).
thats what i get for not checking the
FA's calendar, there is a lesson learned
GBP/USD-re-entered sell @ 1.7983 current pips @ +18
EUR/GBP is open @ -1pip