With all due respect, I don't think anyone is debating whether it is difficult to make 100 pips a week. It's not.
I think people are a little skeptical that you can make 60% a week risking 0.3% per trade which sounds, I have to say, completely ludicrous.
Its your opinion and i respect that, but who said i was using a stop?, the last time i used a stop was more than a year ago.
By the other hand, they can debate anything they want, after all that what these site is for, but, as i guess you have already realized, noone have really asked about the method insights.
I have made over 1,000 pips in a single day, obviously that week was of about 1,500 pips - i wish i could make 1,000 pips each day -.
These week i have made, untill now 1,060 pips, so here goes the math.
2000 usd at the beggining of these week
0.003 * 2000 = 6 usd each position i have entered at
With 6.00 each pips i make is worth 0.60
1,060 * 0.60 = 636 usd
Weekly return 31.8%
The highest quantity of positions i have held at a specific time is 6
So i never took a risk higher than what i can recover.
These week, the graphs have shown tricky to my method so i have not entered into many positions and to make 1,060 pips under these situation speak good of my method, to me.
People can debate whatever they want, but they will not succeed in these field unless they really learn to trade, to learn they should be a little more curios - not skeptical - and instead asking for proof´s they should be asking about the insights.
I have no need to proove anything to anyone, not even my wife questions me these way.
But Dante, these is their problem, if i offer some help and the criticism aims to disqualify me just because its not what they want to hear, or what i say goes beyond their understanding, let them to keep talking, and i guess it was you - i am not sure in these moment - who some years ago told me words like these.
So, the real deafness is in our mind. I just tried to help, but guys like these are the reason by which we all understand how hard it can be to help someone.