I agree with this. I am part time & I do not give up a trading day for anything. I have one pot of cash. It took me my whole life to build up and I am NOT blowing it up for anything. I simply do not take the kind of risks that would make this possible and I am also doing OK as i have learnt the gentle arts of focus & repetition.
Let's say someone in my position had for example, $250k. That person would want to protect that and be trading VERY small positions until perfection had been achieved. None of this 1% per trade nonsense. More like .01%.
For the 100 quid a day. It's interesting but I'll need to be averaging about $20k a month to give up the day job. I have a few other irons in the fire which may contribute to that $20k but until I am at that point and am 100% confident I can take care of my family through trading, I'll keep the day job.
Part time is tough - but my job is easy & some weeks there is little for me to do. I simply do not miss trading days. I don't go out with friends from Mon-Fri evenings. I get home, have some family time and then go to work for 3 hours. Last year this brought me a car, which a bus then went and wrote off!
I care little about the opinions of others as to whether part time to full time is possible. I do know other traders - a few that came up through the industry and a few that went part time to full time. I don't bug these people but they have helped immensly with some of the finer details.
You just have to draw your own conclusions.