Does your system really work?


Junior member
I am really interested hearing what people are doing in the world of system, programmatic and algorithmic trading and especially to find out how many people have actually developed a system that works be it based on algorithms, technical's or fundamentals.

I am a professional trader. I design my own trading applications that have specific roles based on various technical's and fundamentals. I develop high speed, algorithmic trading applications and have everything that is needed to facilitate trading at exchange level.

This is a very hard business to operate in at a professional level so it must by excruciatingly difficult at a retail level.

I may be able to offer some guidance and or encouragement. You can post here or you can send me a private message.
I am in the prosses in creating a fully automated trading system that will be trading the YM.

Its still in the testing mode, but its working really well and performing beatifully. What i have choosen to do different from other people who create their software, its not dependent on the marked condition.So if marked condition changes it will still work.

I basicly use the relationship betwen the longterm term investors and shortterm traders and take trades of that.I would love to hear morefrom you about algorythms as i know little or nothing about it and how that works.

I will not go much into how i do that, as i am still testing this and i keep tweaking it and make it work more optimal in sideways and chopp areas. It is so far giving me mostly breakevens on choppsideways markeds, the goal is to sqeeze a few ticks out of each of those trades rather then go breakeven and cover comission.

Just wish i had a more advanced software that i could use to program it, what i am using righy now is bascily excel woorkbook.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

I currently operate on a fully automated maner some systems I designed and programmed on my own.

The worked in the past and keep working now. I've a +10year and +1600 trade track record to demostrate that.

They work on paper and on real trading and their simplicty suggest they will (hopefully) keep working forever (or at least till I can retire 😀)

I'm currently automating them with a spanish futures broker that works pretty well and are actually seeking to expand this business model off shore.

I'f I can be of any help please don't hesitate to contact (although you'll have to bear my english).

