Full time trading does it really pay

I agree with this. I am part time & I do not give up a trading day for anything. I have one pot of cash. It took me my whole life to build up and I am NOT blowing it up for anything. I simply do not take the kind of risks that would make this possible and I am also doing OK as i have learnt the gentle arts of focus & repetition.

personally i was always prepared to take a bit bigger risk and i lost some money initially but i came back with 3k and an edge.

i now have a mentor and funnily enough he has this same boring textbook approach you do. shame really that he bets a small % on such good setups, its a waste of his incredible chart reading skills. my belief is if you have a big edge you need to go for it and make the most you can asap, since it probably wont last forever.

unless you have a large account you arent going to make a living as a full time trader risking 1%. even 5% is probably not going to cut it unless you trade very frequently. i bet 20% per trade and took my stake from £3k to about £70k in 6 months. now im making decent money trading at about 5-10% risk. last month i made 14k.

so the answer to the question is yes it can be done, but you have to be realistic. if you have a tiny account its going to take a long long time unless you bet very aggressively
personally i was always prepared to take a bit bigger risk and i lost some money initially but i came back with 3k and an edge.

i now have a mentor and funnily enough he has this same boring textbook approach you do. shame really that he bets a small % on such good setups, its a waste of his incredible chart reading skills. my belief is if you have a big edge you need to go for it and make the most you can asap, since it probably wont last forever.

unless you have a large account you arent going to make a living as a full time trader risking 1%. even 5% is probably not going to cut it unless you trade very frequently. i bet 20% per trade and took my stake from £3k to about £70k in 6 months. now im making decent money trading at about 5-10% risk. last month i made 14k.

so the answer to the question is yes it can be done, but you have to be realistic. if you have a tiny account its going to take a long long time unless you bet very aggressively

ARE YOU MAD?, you are risking a lot!, if what you say is true you are a big leaguer, but it would take just one bad trade to erase your account!.
I have a small account, it varies from 2 to 5 k but i make from 30 to 60% each week, and i risk only 0.3% per trade, i make not less than 1000 pips each week so, lets say you have a 10,000 account, you would be making anything from 3,000 to 6,000 each week, i guess anyone can make a living with that, well i mean normal people....., dont risk beyond your recovery possibilities.🙁
Its not funny, just do the math.
We have a theoreticall account with 10,000 usd
Each position will be of 10,000 * .003 = 30.00 usd
With a position of 30 usd each pips is worth 3.00 usd
You make 2,000 pips each week, so your profit is 2,000 * 3 = 6,000
So your return is 6,000 / 10,000 = 60%
These depends on your ability to make 2,000 pips each week.
To make that amount of pips you have to follow at least 20 pairs because the opportunities you are looking for are not shown each day at each pair, so your goal will be to make 100 pips / pair / week.
Is that difficult?, i dont think so, i am telling you just making 1,000 pips / pair / week would give you back 30%, so again, is it dificult to make 50 pips from each pair each week?, again, i dont think so.
In my case i start the week setting the way at wich i will be looking for my opportunities, maybe some pairs will not show any chance but others will give you a lot more than a single chance and i am not looking for 30 pip trends.
It should be easier for you than for me because when the real motion at the market starts its 8 am for you it is midnigth for me, so i have to be more carefull because sometimes assian markets can change the whole picture and i can have troubles to realize a specific position.
Anyway, i have made over 1,000 in a single day, so i am not talking nonsense, i am talking about the method i follow with an exellent income for me, and with a sucess rate of over 95 %, whats the funny thing here?
These depends on your ability to make 2,000 pips each week.
Is that difficult?, i dont think so,

Come back and tell us once you have been doing this every week for one year and I will be impressed. Currently you are on a par with people that have just discovered excel and post that you can compound a !% increase in their account per day and realise that in 3 years they will own the World. After all 1 % a day every day is easy right??
Its not funny, just do the math.
We have a theoreticall account with 10,000 usd
Each position will be of 10,000 * .003 = 30.00 usd
With a position of 30 usd each pips is worth 3.00 usd
You make 2,000 pips each week, so your profit is 2,000 * 3 = 6,000
So your return is 6,000 / 10,000 = 60%
These depends on your ability to make 2,000 pips each week.
To make that amount of pips you have to follow at least 20 pairs because the opportunities you are looking for are not shown each day at each pair, so your goal will be to make 100 pips / pair / week.
Is that difficult?, i dont think so, i am telling you just making 1,000 pips / pair / week would give you back 30%, so again, is it dificult to make 50 pips from each pair each week?, again, i dont think so.
In my case i start the week setting the way at wich i will be looking for my opportunities, maybe some pairs will not show any chance but others will give you a lot more than a single chance and i am not looking for 30 pip trends.
It should be easier for you than for me because when the real motion at the market starts its 8 am for you it is midnigth for me, so i have to be more carefull because sometimes assian markets can change the whole picture and i can have troubles to realize a specific position.
Anyway, i have made over 1,000 in a single day, so i am not talking nonsense, i am talking about the method i follow with an exellent income for me, and with a sucess rate of over 95 %, whats the funny thing here?

Biggest pile of sh1t I've read in a while.

I'm not even going to bother dissecting it.
ARE YOU MAD?, you are risking a lot!, if what you say is true you are a big leaguer, but it would take just one bad trade to erase your account!.
I have a small account, it varies from 2 to 5 k but i make from 30 to 60% each week, and i risk only 0.3% per trade, i make not less than 1000 pips each week so, lets say you have a 10,000 account, you would be making anything from 3,000 to 6,000 each week, i guess anyone can make a living with that, well i mean normal people....., dont risk beyond your recovery possibilities.🙁

no i am not mad and i am not risking as much as people claim. my results are real, over a reasonable period of time. yours are hypothetical and meaningless
Ok pals, you can say whatever you want, i really dont care.
You can keep dreaming on the way to become rich in short, on how to avoid the many risks these market shows, and that betting - that is what you do - will always work at your favor, its your money, its your life and after all your dreams.
I am not new neither here or at trading and i have been working for years on how to do what i actually do, for your information i´m not stupid and i am not trying to make excell to give me the key to my success, in fact i dont use excell for trading, but for example, these week i have made through now 1,060 pips - its bad, charts have been tricky these week - but thats enough for me.
Ive been working these method for almost a year now with very, very good results.
So my friends, keep laughing, keep making entrances of 15 - 20% - ha! ha!, i will keep making money in the meanwhile.
Good luck anyway
You measure your performance in "pips", seriously? Do you always risk precisely the same monetary amount per pip? Do you realise that pip size is relative, and bears no connection with underlying volatility?

Yup, good luck with watching 20 pairs and making 60% a week, risking 0.3% per trade.
I know people always buy easily what they want to buy, so here it goes.
Full time trading does not pay at all, dont waste your time and your money. These is a scam!
Keep working hard as clerks, bookkeepers, lawyer assitants, or whatever, waste your money cheating your wives - at least you will enjoy that -, and if you want some fun i can suggest a sportbook, at those places you will waste your money too but you will have two or three hours of excitement and fun, at the end you will go back home pennyless anyway, but with a lot of fun you had while you saw how your money went to the drain.
So, i am a many years experinced trader and my professional opinion was at the beggining of these post.
You measure your performance in "pips", seriously? Do you always risk precisely the same monetary amount per pip? Do you realise that pip size is relative, and bears no connection with underlying volatility?

Yup, good luck with watching 20 pairs and making 60% a week, risking 0.3% per trade.

I stablish the amount each week at the beggining. The amopunt per pips depends on the pair and its value, you migth know that, as an average i am considering 1 usd per pip per 10 usd entrance, it would be very difficult to make an average because you dont know which pairs will show an opportunity and you dont know the specific value of the specific pair.
What i understood, after many time, is that following just one pair will never pay enough to amke a living.
if youve been making all this easy money for years then post 1 month of good results. i bet you cant
I did not made that amount last month, i said my account varies from 2000 to 5000 usd and that is because i always withdraw money, last month i made about 10,000 usd following these method.
At my begginings i used to complaint about the same everybody does here, "its difficult", "its a scam", "nobody can make over 100 pips each week", but at some time i was telling a friend "believe me, that pair will go up in some hours", he answered back "its not me who has to believe you, it is you who must believe yourself".
Then i realized i had the clue i had been looking for years, i just had to work out on how to minimize the risks that my method involved, and i did.
Some members of these site, at other forums, gaved me the clue, so in conclussion, what i do its not the world´s best kept secret, its just a method that works fine for me.
Another thing, do you really believe that banks follow one pair?, no my friend, they follow each available pair, the techniques and methodologies which can be applied to one pair are the same, and have the same meaning at any other pair, so anyone can make over 1,000 pips each week, in fact there is a forum regarding that subject in these site, you can read it, anyone can.