FTSE100 Intraday Trading - September 03

  • Thread starter Thread starter bonsai
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fridays charts
Notice the crossing trend lines.


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if you haven't used crossed trend lines as a signal before
it may be worth storing away for the future ?
but it must be matched by a surge at the crossing point.
more crossing lines tonight.
trend line from 4045 and trend line from 4284
also late surge on Ftse.
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Anyone around? Looks like we could be in for a retracement downward this week after yesterday's new high.
could be we just need to work off the overbought position
before a run up into expiry ?
Looks like the crossing lines signal has worked again.
This time it was the start of a down move and should have
been profitable for you.

Apex points do very often signal the start of something !
Scraping points out of this, about 10 a day, but it's hard work with the Ftse. Making more on the Dow with small bets on the SB account!
glad to hear you are making money Hb.
I have 22 so far, but maybe more to come.
just waiting for it to drop again.
but I agree with your sentiment, its more like scalping today.
glad thats over !
it now looks as if they were wating for direction and
were not going to make a new low before the Dow did.

well, they shouldnt have any problem with that tomorrow.

but as today, the mm's will probably steal the best of it ?
50% at 4229.
even looks a likely spot on the chart !
after that we will have to see what's what.

Your MACD on the first page- what parameters are used- it seems long term?

on the first page ?
it's what it says it is on the chart - 60/100.
Is it long term ?
Its been selected to pick off the FTSE mood swings which
it seems to do pretty well ?
hope everybody is in the money today !
who says fibs dont work !
but remember to close when your pot is full.

After a lot of trial and error and reading a book about basic internet skills and hmtl,I have 6 charts refreshing.
All thanks to you.
LOL and keep out of the horse road.
you are very welcome.
glad to have helped.

dont forget its rollover day. So we dont really know what is going on.
but if its any help I have a resistance line now about 4270.
I agree, Fibbs do work and I use them on my EOD charts.
They work nice on the FTSE 100 charts and I trade using fibbs.
In fact I find fibbs quite accurate and remarkable.
Hi BONSAI, i would like to start Intradaytrade the FTSE with the help of your charts/threads etc., could you tell me how to download, please. I have been trading forex recently, with bad results, so i would like to trade the ftse with a more relaxed atmosphere, Thanks, JONBOY.
what exactly is it you want to download ?
do you not have your own feed and charting package. ?
please be more specific.
Hi Bonsai, thanks for the reply, i have now sorted
it out by going back over the threads. i can now
follow your comments and look at the charts. It's
a new day tomorrow, so we'll see what it brings.
cheers for now, Jonboy.