FTSE 100 intraday trading - JUNE 2003

just found this
dont know if it helps or not.

DOW Prediction [8767-8879] Aggressive: [8765-8919]
<a href="http://wallstreetbear.com/board/index.php">I quite like Wall Street Bear</a>

non-delayed as in real time ?
1 min are available all over but real time ftse ?
I dont think so. Not without paying for it.
right thats me out for the day
went long at 4091 on bounce off 1 day again and higher low.
out at 20 for +29
somebody was asking about my charts ?
this is what my 2 min filter chart looked like at close of business.
nothing very special I dont think
the 2 trend lines are my resistance lines and the dotted line
is the gain line.
any number of systems would have worked today
including just drawing a line across the tops at 9am and 11 am.


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another chart to pour over ? never got the hang of these.
Volume n/a apparently
<img src="http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/SharpChartv05.ServletDriver?chart=$FTSE,pltc[pa][da][f!3!!]&pnf=y">
Time and vol are not relevant on P&F charts. They signify support/resistance and breakout for me. Where did the "trend" lines come from?

On the 2 charts posted today (10m and 2 m) what periods are the SMA's (at least that is what I assume they are).

Is that +29 on the day, if so what were your entry signals sorry if you have already covered this in a previous thread.

10m & 2m ?
cant find 2 charts posted today !

the chart posted at 4:58
sma's are 1 hr and 1 day.

yes on the day, but there was only one trade today

the trend lines come with the chart
assume they are 45 deg ?
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personally , I find the volume on these charts as telling as the charts themselves. Have a look at this.
<img src="http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/SharpChartv05.ServletDriver?chart=$indu,pltc[pa][da][f!3!!]&pnf=y">

that looks a lot like accumulation to me.
If you change the box size and/or the reversal you change the number and length of the columns. The total market volume
remains the same.
Hi Bonsai,

I can't see how you relate volume to the chart as there is no time element. The chart could take days,weeks before drawing another column, depending on box and reversal size, but the volume would be added on a time frame.


the volume relates to the individual column

so if we are x-ing you can discern the size of interest in the up move.
and if we are o-ing the size of interest in the down move.

That's my point. How can you apply a volume to something that has no time frame. Your up column of Xs might last any amount of time, for instance, 4 days 3 hours 10 mins, it can continue to go up and down in the same column before reversing to 0s. How can you apply the volume? 😕

how can you apply it ? These are end of day charts.
or do you mean how can you interpret it ?

interpretation of charts is in the eye of the beholder dont you think whether its P&F or RSI or Elliott