ForexMorningTrade System

FMT for me this morning : (55-35-25-5)

6:15 start, short signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:30 start, short signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:45 start, short signal, hit TP +37 pips

total today +107 pips .. 🙂

How did you get 3 trades with FMT?
Currently world clock says 1.24pm My broker time is showing as 14:24

What time should I set my EA and indicator?

PS.....thanks a million everybody for your help on this!!!
(some threads when you ask questions people jump down your throat screaming RTFM)

Step 1: Find out current UK or London time by clicking HERE. Forget about World time or UTC/Zulu time. We want UK time ONLY.
Step 2: Now count how many hours and minutes until 06:30 a.m Local London time.
Step 3: Write that number down on a piece of paper.
Step 4: Now open your Meta trading platform or whatever platform you use to trade.
Step 5: Switch your chart time to the 1hr time frame so you can count the bars in hours.
Step 6: Now look at your notes and use that number and count how many bars on your chart from NOW to that time and add 30 minutes.
Now you know what to put in your settings for the START/END time for FMT.

Example: Lets just say you go to the link above and current London time is 01:00 a.m
How many hours and minutes till 06:30 a.m.?(writing that down, 5 and 1/2 hrs)
Now go to your chart and look at CURRENT BAR time, oh it says 23:00, now I add 5 and 1/2 hrs. =04:30 chart time.

BINGO, that's my new time setting for the next several months.

If your broker/server moves with UK time then you never have to change it. Only those annoying servers that move at a different time or don't move at all with the time change is the ones you have to worry yourself with.

Hope that helps. 😉
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Currently world clock says 1.24pm My broker time is showing as 14:24

What time should I set my EA and indicator?

PS.....thanks a million everybody for your help on this!!!
(some threads when you ask questions people jump down your throat screaming RTFM)

If the World Clock London time shows 1:24 PM and broker time shows as 2:24 PM, then your broker is one hour ahead of London time.
This means that FMT time with your broker is 07:30
If the World Clock London time shows 1:24 PM and broker time shows as 2:24 PM, then your broker is one hour ahead of London time.
This means that FMT time with your broker is 07:30

Gumrai and everyone else.....a big thank you!!

Lets cross our fingers that FMT continues on in this winning streak.

Re: Hidden TP/SL

Do You use hidden TP/SL?
Best wishes

I don't...on Mark's reccomendation. But then, I'm pretty happy with my broker Alpari US. I believe with some dealing desk brokers you might, at least, feel better using the feature.😉
Re: Hidden TP/SL

I don't...on Mark's reccomendation. But then, I'm pretty happy with my broker Alpari US. I believe with some dealing desk brokers you might, at least, feel better using the feature.😉

How do you turn the feature off? 😕
Hello Fellow Escapees:

After some time reviewing FMT, on this morning today I went live. So far, I've racked up a tidy +37. While using basic standard recommended settings 35 tp, 40 sl, 20, I'm still scratching my head wondering why my demo account with the same broker fired off a trade at 6:00am UK, while with my live account entered this morning's trade @6:30am UK at the normal time.

Anyways, I'm glad to have found Mark's FMT and fellow escape artists on this journey towards freedom and independence. I'm making this log entry not for my own self esteem but as part of my personal journal of professional development.
Thanks Mark.
Happy trading...
Alpari US?

I don't...on Mark's reccomendation. But then, I'm pretty happy with my broker Alpari US. I believe with some dealing desk brokers you might, at least, feel better using the feature.😉
How do you like trading FMT on Alpari US' platform, please? I am considering opening a live account with Alpari US myself. What are Alpari US' spreads on GBPUSD during the FMT trading time? What about their EURUSD spreads in general?

Thank you in advance!
tu es français ? 😉

En gros, le trade se fait à 6h30uk time, donc pour la France 7h30, mais dans les paramètres de MT4, tu dois parametrer le robot à l'heure de ton broker qui peut varier...
Mais, si tu passes le trade en manuel, physiquement tu devra etre présent devant ton pc a 7h30


c'est vrai
Yesterdays results trading 6:15 & 6:30 on IG Index, and all three on SLM:
6:15 Short Trade +35 pips
6:30 Short Trade +35 pips
6:45 Dito!
Hi I have a question, can some one with experience advise as i have bought ForexMorningTrade very recently.

The website used in MorningTrade Manual has just shifted to apply DST from 27 march. How does this affect the trading hour start?? What is the correct time at the website

that morningtrade should start trading?

we started trading about 1/2 hours ago.
Smart Live Markets typical spread is 1.5 now (used to be 1 pip)

I don't think that the loss in profit per trade is an issue, it's more a case that there may be times that TP is not quite hit or SL is hit whereas it wouldn't with a lower spread.
As far as I understand TP is 35 + spread to give a net profit of 35 pips

Thanks for reply. I think every pip counts and if you getting a tighter spread you could move your TP=36. I have notice with IG Index that very seldom has there been slippage and I wonder if this is the reason for the higher spread?

Is it cheaper to trade with a currency broker like Alpari UK than with a spread betting company in general?