ForexMorningTrade System

The last time the clocks changed we had a sticky period, maybe losses on the first day or two. But I think the signal is clear enough today to trust the system is right. It usually is 70 to 90pc of the time, so stick to the rules!
Good luck guys
Let's hope there is no serious bounce of 1.6000 level, as there may be a lot that are trading daily levels have that in as a support level

For those interested in long term performance.....

If you've got data going back a bit ( 2007 or before) - and you're concerned about poor performance in previous years (the dreaded when will it happen again) - put 'Volumes' on your daily chart and keep clicking '-' to zoom out view - you should see that the increased 'volume' has enhanced the performance of FMT (ie since 2008 -2009). IMHO the increased 'volume', 'volatility' , has made FMT what it is. I'm working on the idea that low volume, volatility in the Asian session reduces the reliability of FMT. If you look at the last few hours of Asia during Christmas , you'll see the reduced activity.
Possibility is a filter based on this low activity in the Asian session. It's kind of credible, low activity pre the signal time, will reduce the effectiveness of any signal.

Regards, Chris

For those interested in long term performance.....

If you've got data going back a bit ( 2007 or before) - and you're concerned about poor performance in previous years (the dreaded when will it happen again) - put 'Volumes' on your daily chart and keep clicking '-' to zoom out view - you should see that the increased 'volume' has enhanced the performance of FMT (ie since 2008 -2009). IMHO the increased 'volume', 'volatility' , has made FMT what it is. I'm working on the idea that low volume, volatility in the Asian session reduces the reliability of FMT. If you look at the last few hours of Asia during Christmas , you'll see the reduced activity.
Possibility is a filter based on this low activity in the Asian session. It's kind of credible, low activity pre the signal time, will reduce the effectiveness of any signal.

Regards, Chris


That is exactly I was trying to convey in my last post. This systems edge is the volatility and also up to some extent ATR of the pair during a given market cycle.

Good day today +35 pips
Stats for 03-25-2011

Live Accounts:

FMT 4.3, EA standard settings: 40 SL, 20 BE, 35 TP
6:30 UK Time, FXSolutions..., Short/Profit, +35.0, Stats since 11-08-2010: Total= +109.0
6:30 UK Time, IBFX.........., Short/Profit, +35.3, Stats since 01-04-2011: Total= +311.0
6:30 UK Time, PFG Best......, Short/Profit, +35.7, Stats since 03-01-2011: Total= +121.5

Demo Accounts:

FMT 4.3, EA standard settings: 40 SL, 20 BE, 35 TP
6:30 UK Time, PFG Best......, Short/Profit, +35.7, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +393.7
6:30 UK Time, FXCM.........., Short/Profit, +36.2, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +431.4
6:30 UK Time, Alpari(US)...., Short/Profit, +35.9, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +386.7
6:30 UK Time, FXDD.........., Short/Profit, +35.2, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +316.7


All pip totals include slippage
FXSolutions is the only dealing desk broker
Hi all,

I am currently using spread betting firm to trade Mark’s system. With IG Index there is the typical spread of 3 pips between ask and bid price, and this adds up to take a large percentage of your profit for example if you trade a 10,000 account and risk 2% and trade 16 times on average a month, the cost would be as follows:-

3 (spread) x 5 (amount per pip = 2 % risk) x 180 (trades per year) = £ 2,700

Does anyone know a cheaper way to trade Mark’s system?

In this zero sum game the broker is the only certain winner!
I am using City Index with a 2 pip spread (20 to 5 points decimal) and find them great, but they don't use the MT4 platform. Every little helps
Jacques => it's still 6h30UK time, an then you have to adjust it with your broker time 😉

Ex. on alpari uk 6h30uk = 7h30 (gmt+1), but not on all brokers 😉
Jacques => it's still 6h30UK time, an then you have to adjust it with your broker time 😉

Ex. on alpari uk 6h30uk = 7h30 (gmt+1), but not on all brokers 😉

Thanks. Difference between London and my time is 1 hour. So I will start at 0730 again and not 0830 anymore. basically 1 hour back.