ForexMorningTrade System

Can I respectfully request that anyone who posts a result etc who is not using the standard FMT SL,BE and TP levels include those settings in their post. Time and time again we get replies asking what settings are you using?
Thanks for reply. I think every pip counts and if you getting a tighter spread you could move your TP=36. I have notice with IG Index that very seldom has there been slippage and I wonder if this is the reason for the higher spread?

Is it cheaper to trade with a currency broker like Alpari UK than with a spread betting company in general?

I have only been using Smart Live Markets for about 3 and a half months. So far I have never suffered any slippage. I have encountered requotes when entering at market price, but this is in my favour as often as not
I have only been using Smart Live Markets for about 3 and a half months. So far I have never suffered any slippage. I have encountered requotes when entering at market price, but this is in my favour as often as not

Trading EA on AVAFx. Moved my stop to b/e manually and busted now. No matter tomorrow is another day 🙂
Today's winners (at normal starting time) were only for TP no greater than 20
Those setting to BE @ 20 or less were saved a loss if the SL was less than about 60 (at time of writing)

Results from the last 100 trades (which coincide with almost precisely 6 months).
Some advantage might have been gained and might re-sort the winners where trading was abstained around Christmas

FMT 35TP/40SL/be@20 +525
Old FMT 40/40 +800
10/40 +650
28/40 +488
Deserteagle 43/65/20 +636
Does anybody know the begin & end times for Oanda (US) please?? I was with Alpari UK but changing. I live in the UK so need the correct time settings. Thank you
FMT for me this morning : (55-35-25-5)

6:15 start, long signal, hit SL -55 pips
6:30 start, long signal, hit SL -55 pips
6:45 start, long signal, hit SL -55 pips

total today -165 pips ... it's been a good run, this was expected.

total for the week -58 pips.
Does anybody know the begin & end times for Oanda (US) please?? I was with Alpari UK but changing. I live in the UK so need the correct time settings. Thank you

Step 1: Find out current UK or London time by clicking HERE. Forget about World time or UTC/Zulu time. We want UK time ONLY.
Step 2: Now count how many hours and minutes until 06:30 a.m Local London time.
Step 3: Write that number down on a piece of paper.
Step 4: Now open your Meta trading platform or whatever platform you use to trade.
Step 5: Switch your chart time to the 1hr time frame so you can count the bars in hours.
Step 6: Now look at your notes and use that number and count how many bars on your chart from NOW to that time and add 30 minutes.
Now you know what to put in your settings for the START/END time for FMT.

Example: Lets just say you go to the link above and current London time is 01:00 a.m
How many hours and minutes till 06:30 a.m.?(writing that down, 5 and 1/2 hrs)
Now go to your chart and look at CURRENT BAR time, oh it says 23:00, now I add 5 and 1/2 hrs. =04:30 chart time.

BINGO, that's my new time setting for the next several months.

If your broker/server moves with UK time then you never have to change it. Only those annoying servers that move at a different time or don't move at all with the time change is the ones you have to worry yourself with.

Hope that helps. 😉
I'm glad my FMT hit BE as the GBP dropped like a stone and would have hit a SL of 40 pips. Sometimes it's best to trade with the default settings.
I don't use BE and I'm out at -48 pips. Sometimes tempted to use BE but I think over the longer term it doesn't really add to profits, in fact costs you some pips where you often get a surge in the right direction then a retrace to below order price then the bigger move of the day. Had several wins this week/last week at +37 where BE would have left me with nil. Settings are always down to personal trading style and risk appetite. Good luck all for tomorrow
Does anybody know the begin & end times for Oanda (US) please?? I was with Alpari UK but changing. I live in the UK so need the correct time settings. Thank you

This is not rocket science.... If you live in the UK, then you simply need to check your broker time against your local time.
If your local time is 13:30 and your broker time is 14:30, then you know that your broker is UK time plus 1 hour. FMT time is 06:30 UK time, so on your broker FMT time would be 07:30
Whatever the difference between your broker time and UK time, you add or subtract the difference
There have been so many posts about the time in this thread over the last 2 weeks that I really don't understand why there are still people having problems.

I am sorry to be rude, but the instructions are quite clear in the manual how to set up the proper time with your broker. Doesn't anyone read the manual?
Results from the last 100 trades (which coincide with almost precisely 6 months).
Some advantage might have been gained and might re-sort the winners where trading was abstained around Christmas

FMT 35TP/40SL/be@20 +525
Old FMT 40/40 +800
10/40 +650
28/40 +488
Deserteagle 43/65/20 +636

Hi Wiseambitions
Thanks for sharing the last 100 and the settings. It does seem the old 40/40 settings had performed the best while the current default settings with BE is making the system more conservative.
What does 800 pips translate to in terms of growth to your account per month?
Also for the settings above, did you only trade once per day at 630 or did you have other timings as well? e.g. 615, 645 etc?
I'm toying with the idea of throwing the BE out the window and just going for 40/40 straight for a simple 1:1 RR and hopefully overall positive expectancy.

Thanks GumRai. I am really dyslexic with numbers so need more of an explination to help. The manual is like another language where any number is concerned. I would rather ask fellow traders doing FMT rather than bother a family member who has no real understanding of what I am trying to achieve.
Thanks GumRai. I am really dyslexic with numbers so need more of an explination to help. The manual is like another language where any number is concerned. I would rather ask fellow traders doing FMT rather than bother a family member who has no real understanding of what I am trying to achieve.

Got your PM Icepop , set Oanda to 01:30🙂