ForexMorningTrade System

Stats for 03-28-2011

Live Accounts:

FMT 4.3, EA standard settings: 40 SL, 20 BE, 35 TP
5:30 UK Time, FXSolutions..., Short/Profit, +35.0, Stats since 11-08-2010: Total= +144.0
5:30 UK Time, IBFX.........., Short/Profit, +36.6, Stats since 01-04-2011: Total= +347.6
5:30 UK Time, PFG Best......, Short/Profit, +38.3, Stats since 03-01-2011: Total= +159.8

Demo Accounts:

FMT 4.3, EA standard settings: 40 SL, 20 BE, 35 TP
5:30 UK Time, PFG Best......, Short/Profit, +35.5, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +429.2
5:30 UK Time, FXCM.........., Short/Profit, +35.8, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +467.2
5:30 UK Time, Alpari(US)...., Short/Profit, +36.2, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +422.9
5:30 UK Time, FXDD.........., Short/Profit, +35.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +351.7


All pip totals include slippage
FXSolutions is the only dealing desk broker

Just shows how close this can be sometimes.

Got two trades running - two brokers both with the EA.

One hit BE (20 pips) on the 7.15 candle, the other didn't.

Anyone got the same?
Re: Be?

Just shows how close this can be sometimes.

Got two trades running - two brokers both with the EA.

One hit BE (20 pips) on the 7.15 candle, the other didn't.

Anyone got the same?

Yeah, alpari UK did but Oanda didn't😀
Re: Be?

Just shows how close this can be sometimes.

Got two trades running - two brokers both with the EA.

One hit BE (20 pips) on the 7.15 candle, the other didn't.

Anyone got the same?

Morning All

Was just wondering the same thing.

I'm long FXDD Live EA, and I missed BE by 0.6pips. (And thought I wonder if anyone had moved to BE).

Only time will tell whether that will help us or whether it will get us out early.

hit t/p on Turbo FMT nice!

Morning FX girl, slightly confused as to how you hit 35TP, entry on both my accounts was 1.6021 and the 7:15 candle on hit 1.6042, surely had to hit 1.6056 to get +35? - unless Turbo FMT works differently from standard FMT? 😕
Morning FX girl, slightly confused as to how you hit 35TP, entry on both my accounts was 1.6021 and the 7:15 candle on hit 1.6042, surely had to hit 1.6056 to get +35? - unless Turbo FMT works differently from standard FMT? 😕

I think FX Girl uses the setting on Turbo, not meaning it was hit today🙂
Re: Alpari US?

How do you like trading FMT on Alpari US' platform, please? I am considering opening a live account with Alpari US myself. What are Alpari US' spreads on GBPUSD during the FMT trading time? What about their EURUSD spreads in general?

Thank you in advance!

I've been trading Alpari US for about 6 months. I haven't had any problems. Usually, the spread runs 2, 2.5, sometimes 3, during FMT time. EUR seems a little tighter, but I don't trade it, so I'm not sure.