ForexMorningTrade System

Can you please sell me your pounds when you get in? I need to take my profit pretty soon. lol :cheesy:

Show a little class and stop taunting and bragging. We all read your rationale for trading an hour earlier than the system calls for and your logic is just plain wrong. Dumb, emphasize dumb luck will come back to bite you in the long run.
I like Mark's money manager. It almost always insures a profit. It might not be 40 0r 35 pipis but still a profit.
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Show a little class and stop taunting and bragging. We all read your rationale for trading an hour earlier than the system calls for and your logic is just plain wrong. Dumb, emphasize dumb luck will come back to bite you in the long run.

Don't take it so personally Massagedoc - I hope you make a profit today also. North America changes it's clocks this Sunday, so I'll be trading at the same time as you next week.
Show a little class and stop taunting and bragging. We all read your rationale for trading an hour earlier than the system calls for and your logic is just plain wrong. Dumb, emphasize dumb luck will come back to bite you in the long run.

Totally agree on this one. I couldn't have said it better.
NFP today - so no trade for me. Hope you guys all hit your TP's but I'll wait till next week rather.
Was a winner last month on NFP day.

Yes - and maybe today's will also be a winner and maybe next month's too... Still won't change my decision to stay out... Mkt's more likely to go sideways till the announcement with a break up or down (or both). It's not a "conventional" trading day for me - kind of like a banking holiday...
+20 hit. so free trade. 2 losers this week so a win would be nice today. Fingers crossed. Good Luck everybody
Yes - and maybe today's will also be a winner and maybe next month's too... Still won't change my decision to stay out... Mkt's more likely to go sideways till the announcement with a break up or down (or both). It's not a "conventional" trading day for me - kind of like a banking holiday...

I had the same thoughts innitially until i did a few back tests. In my opinion this is a system that should be traded everyday (except public holidays) because it is measuring the strength and momentum of the GU prior to LON open and news announcements coming out during the day hours later should not influence your decison to trade the FMT. If the signal is there trade it.
Show a little class and stop taunting and bragging. We all read your rationale for trading an hour earlier than the system calls for and your logic is just plain wrong. Dumb, emphasize dumb luck will come back to bite you in the long run.

Thank you!
I had the same thoughts innitially until i did a few back tests. In my opinion this is a system that should be traded everyday (except public holidays) because it is measuring the strength and momentum of the GU prior to LON open and news announcements coming out during the day hours later should not influence your decison to trade the FMT. If the signal is there trade it.

Thanks Jash - but I'm risking $1000 on a trade... And as I said earlier - the market is more likely to move sideways today, then breakout. So the indicators are less likely to swing the odds in my favour today. I just feel that those "tools" are inappropriate on a day like today. A successful trade today is more likely to be as result of luck and not due to the indicators.
