ForexMorningTrade System

this is true, Marc don´t folow his own rules... sorry for the bad english...jeje

it is not true. I wouldn't trade something else than I recommend.

There were two issues today:
- why I wasn't stopped out like some others
- why I made 39 pips instead of 35 pips

It was only pure luck, nothing else.

I trade with ProfitTarget=35 and BreakEven=20, just like I recommend.

The reason why I wasn't stopped out today is that on my broker the candle didn't hit the 1.6142, so the BE rule was not applied. The highest price it went was 1.61418. I have a PFG Best live account.

The reason why I got 39 pips today is a slippage.
When the price reached 35 pips the EA sent closing order to the broker, but while the order reached the broker the price moved up more, so I ended up with 39 pips.

Sometimes the slippage works for you instead of against you.

That's it. I have no intention to falsify my own results and I'll never do it.
Yes I went in at exactly 6.30 am UK / GMT time, at about 1.6122 . That was the price at which I bought, which included the broker's spread. As my broker's price just subsequently hit 1.6142 as a sell price I also adjusted my SL to BE, and I got stopped out. I did wonder whether it might have been OK to have a system where you trail the SL to 40 pips beneath (or above) the highest (or lowest) price the market has moved in your favour. Even that might not have have benefited me today because the price dipped more than 40 from the highest point it reached just around 7am, so by sheer fluke some people like Mark did not quite enact the BE adjustment and won because of the direction the market took fairly soon afterwards.

I suppose it's best we do the same thing day in day out, in the pursuit of long term rewards, and only adjust the settings if it is clear that trading conditions have permanently changed.
Hi Tenapenny,

What made you decide to stick with the 40 TP instead of Mark's new recommendation of 35 TP? I'm tempted to move back to 40 myself but just curious as to why you stuck with it?


Just seen your post Sam. I'm happy to use 40 TP at the moment, but I'm also forward testing the 35 TP on demo. We'll see how it pans out.
Am I reading this correctly? 6.00 is the best time with a 38 SL and 45TP? and is that 6GMT or adjusted for daylight in summer in UK? Thanks

Baldeagle, sorry, I didn't put in time . Alpari broker, 7.30 am= 6.30 uk time( for me anyway) which is now 6.30 gmt = 1 1/2 hours before london open. (all backtests on alpari - which I believe stays at gmt+1 hour throughout the year. I think Mark has mentioned this). So 7.30 in backtest is Marks open trade time. Time of 6.0 is 5.0 gmt.
Reason I put that post - if big dogs regularly trade at a particular time, it may show up in these backtests. (personally, it would be difficult to get up at UK 5am for a slight theoretical advantage-but an ea could easily do it!) What seems like fact - is often open to interpretation.
Right now,as a rookie fmt, I trade 40,40,24 and 6.30 gmt. (Thats 9 days or so!!)
I don't see what the broker has to do with the BE, since the EA adjusts the SL, not the broker. Under the default configuration, the broker is given a decoy SL.

Different brokers have differnt feeds as well as different spreads as well as slippage when entering the trade. All this adds up to a difference of a couple pips between brokers. So while we all have the same BE # set to 20 the slight differences in the feeds slippage and spreads caused some to hit BE some to hit TP.
I'm with IBFX and that happened to me once - no explanation that I could see. I also had a trade close out at 16 pips profit. I never figured that one out either. Others on this forum suggested I restart MT4 prior to trade time. I haven't experienced any further problems since I have been doing that. Also, my fills have been inline with the majority of traders.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, I will restart the MT4 on my IBFX account and see if that works.
it is not true. I wouldn't trade something else than I recommend.

There were two issues today:
- why I wasn't stopped out like some others
- why I made 39 pips instead of 35 pips

It was only pure luck, nothing else.

I trade with ProfitTarget=35 and BreakEven=20, just like I recommend.

The reason why I wasn't stopped out today is that on my broker the candle didn't hit the 1.6142, so the BE rule was not applied. The highest price it went was 1.61418. I have a PFG Best live account.

The reason why I got 39 pips today is a slippage.
When the price reached 35 pips the EA sent closing order to the broker, but while the order reached the broker the price moved up more, so I ended up with 39 pips.

Sometimes the slippage works for you instead of against you.

That's it. I have no intention to falsify my own results and I'll never do it.

As small as this issue about the 39 pips made ,may have seem to some. It was a very wise move tht you made to clear this up.

And yes with other EA that I have used ,there have been cases were during the closing of the time it takes to send and close a trade that a spike has happen in my favor too.
I presumed it must have been slippage, Mark seems like a genuine bloke. Mind you, to not get stop moved to break even and therefore not stopped out as well as 4 point slippage in his favour... You have to say Mark was lucky today! I felt lucky to get the 35!
With Jade this morning I entered long at 1.6122
My BE was 20 pips
I hit TP +35 pips
The BE was not triggered for 2 pips

my trade at JadeFX with BE 20 pips 😡

11.04.10 07:30 11.04.10 08:16 GBPUSD Buy 1.61225 1.61523 1.61225 1.61220 -0.35 46m
A few folks know they are indeed an hour early, it seems there has been some analysis which upholds that if a trend is already evident at 5.30 (or 6) GMT which is 2 1/2 hours pre London, it is unlikley the signal would have been different at 6.30 and they think they get in earlier at a better price and stand a higher chance of hitting TP

At the moment I am not one of them but this is under consideration
A few folks know they are indeed an hour early, it seems there has been some analysis which upholds that if a trend is already evident at 5.30 (or 6) GMT which is 2 1/2 hours pre London, it is unlikley the signal would have been different at 6.30 and they think they get in earlier at a better price and stand a higher chance of hitting TP

At the moment I am not one of them but this is under consideration

I apoligize was just trying to help thought they might have made a mistake. Going to follow the rulles myself but intresting idea. Thanks
More than 5 times a day every day this week the same comments have been made!

Time changes are of course confusing to a lot of people especially if they have EAs to adjust as well
You know I hate to gloat, but my stop is already at break even. I feel really bad for any of you guys that didn't take my advice. :clap:
You know I hate to gloat, but my stop is already at break even. I feel really bad for any of you guys that didn't take my advice. :clap:

and yesterday u were stopped out at BE when most of us following the rules hit TP. Getting to BE earlier in the Morning does not guarantee a winning trade.
and yesterday u were stopped out at BE when most of us following the rules hit TP. Getting to BE earlier in the Morning does not guarantee a winning trade.

It happened that today's GU is in a narrow range and the breakout coincidentally triggered at the time he went in.