ForexMorningTrade System

seems i am the only one who executed at 1.6078 .... this is not the first time! FXDD they always execute me late four pips!! for example on the chart the Ideal entry price is 1.6074 whereas the entry point was higher in four pips.
seems i am the only one who executed at 1.6078 .... this is not the first time! FXDD they always execute me late four pips!! for example on the chart the Ideal entry price is 1.6074 whereas the entry point was higher in four pips.

No I'm also at FXDD and got the 1.6078 fill.
wasn't able to get in till 1.6086 so i'm down nearly 200 already

The entry was just over 15 minutes ago when the price was in the mid-70's. Don't see how you got filled at ....86 ? You probably entered before the signal.
being on the east coast wasnt i to enter the trade at 2:15- 2:30 ???? or do i have that wrong???