ForexMorningTrade System

Marc Fric sent and email and released a new version of FMT. He also sent new recomended settings. Check your email.
Today my results with FMT:

GU hit SL
GJ hit SL
EU, NY open, No Trade

better luck tomorrow !

I did not get it e-*mail from Marc. When did you get it'

Came in around 8:00 AM today NYT,

Read like this

I made some more tests during the October and I found out that we'd
be better off by trading with slightly smaller Profit target.


StopLossPips = XX
ProfitTargetPips = XX
BreakEvenAtPipsProfit = XX
TrailingStopPips = XX

I'm going to use these settings from today
Depends how you trade, I use tick charts, EUR/USD has given me numerous trades today. just my opinion

If you followed the SAME rules for the GBP/USD and used them on the EUR/USD then there was no trade if anyone forgot to update there time zone with the time shift in London since based on the 'old time" Indy #1 was just a little above the allowed limit, But based on the "new" London time shift there was a trade on the EUR/USD also.

But anyone can finds trades all day long based on their own trading style and would not have a need for FMT, so your comment is mute
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I got the email and will be trading the new settings. Also there's a new version of EA in the members area. Somenice new features. Thanks Mark!
I did not get an email, but thanks to members of this forum I learned there was a new EA posted. Have just downloaded it and set it to suggested parameters. Hoping for positive trade tomorrow (tonight?).
I did not get an email, but thanks to members of this forum I learned there was a new EA posted. Have just downloaded it and set it to suggested parameters. Hoping for positive trade tomorrow (tonight?).


Did you join Mark's mailing list? There's an option somewhere in the Members' Area.

Happy pips 🙂
Anyone using Alpari-US? Did you have to adjust FMT starting time for London DST change? Do you expect to have to change for next week's USA DST change? Thanks in advance for info!

Anyone using Alpari-US? Did you have to adjust FMT starting time for London DST change? Do you expect to have to change for next week's USA DST change? Thanks in advance for info!


I use Alpari-us and no changes needed since server is GMT+1. Local time in US is not relevant. 1.5 hours prior to London open is still 07:30 for FMT.
i did not take this mornings trade as it looked like a triple top was forming. however, this is the best ea and program i have worked with yet and i hesitate to try and second guess it.
I use Alpari-us and no changes needed since server is GMT+1. Local time in US is not relevant. 1.5 hours prior to London open is still 07:30 for FMT.

Thanks Massa

That's what I thought, but it never hurts to double check! I assume no change will be necessary next week either?
I use Alpari-us and no changes needed since server is GMT+1. Local time in US is not relevant. 1.5 hours prior to London open is still 07:30 for FMT.

This is incorrect. Alpari(UK) is +1 UK time, but the manual states that the trade entry time is 05.30 GMT which is 06.30 on Alpari server.
If you use the 07.30 candle then the rules in the manual are changed to entry 06.30 GMT. I have sent email to Mark to point this out.
This is incorrect. Alpari(UK) is +1 UK time, but the manual states that the trade entry time is 05.30 GMT which is 06.30 on Alpari server.
If you use the 07.30 candle then the rules in the manual are changed to entry 06.30 GMT. I have sent email to Mark to point this out.
the entry time is 1h30 before london time and not before gmt (in the manual)

Londontime is 8 gmt today; last week was 7gmt
Then If alpari is gmt+1 today you have to put 7.30 which means 6.30 london time
Hi Guys
New on FMT old in Fx...
GMT/FMT : do it simple !
What is London time ?
Ok got it ?
Now if you had read all official stuff about FMT you should know that FMT"works" minus 1h30 before London Time...
That's all..
Forget about GMT, Dubai time or Fidji time (with no offense!)
My 2 c