ForexMorningTrade System

London, England, United Kingdom
London is the capital of United Kingdom
London is capital of the constituent country England
Current Time Monday, November 1, 2010 at 1:21:11 AM GMT
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UTC/GMT Offset
Standard time zone: No UTC/GMT offset
No daylight saving time at the moment
Time zone abbreviation: GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
Daylight Saving Time DST started on Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 1:00 AM local standard time
DST ended on Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 2:00 AM local daylight time
Daylight Saving Ends in Europe on October 31, 2010
See time changes/daylight saving time in other years

London Forex opens at 8:00 AM so 6:30 if your broker is same as GMT and London time.
Thanx for all ur efforts in finding out the time..
Has Marc posted any comments about this time change??
It would be nice to hear from the Master himself!!
Instead of all getting confused and rolling our heads..
Hi everyone,

I'm one of the original users of FMT (was posting under the name of lotterbe, but have changed it so that you know I'm female!). I've had fantastic results with FMT using Mark's default settings, and posted quite a lot of stuff about time settings earlier on in this forum.

Since then I've made a spreadsheet to help people work out their FMT settings and would like to get some feedback to help improve it so that Mark can add it to his web site later. I've made it compatible with Excel 2003, so have kept the colours basic. The first worksheet is a tempate which I've protected, so you can't accidentally lose the formulas (you can unprotect it if you want, it doesn't have a password).

There are also 3 example worksheets for different brokers which are not protected.

The period of time when the US and UK are out of sync with their daylight savings is very awkward - I haven't built this into the spreadsheet, but am thinking of doing it somehow.

If you're at all confused, just follow the trading times given at - top left, just click on the city names for the correct session times - and make sure that you trade FMT 1 1/2 hours before London Open.

Hope this spreadsheet helps.



Thanx for all ur efforts in finding out the time..
Has Marc posted any comments about this time change??
It would be nice to hear from the Master himself!!
Instead of all getting confused and rolling our heads..

He already has. Just repeat the steps to setup time from the manual.
Hi everyone,
I've just posted a spreadsheet to help you work out your correct settings - but I changed to a new username (penny-a) and it's waiting for approval by the moderator. If it doesn't get posted soon, I'll post again.
In fact I'll post it again now to be sure you get it. Sorry for the duplicate posts coming up!

... I've made this spreadsheet to help people work out their FMT settings and would like to get some feedback to help improve it so that Mark can add it to his web site later. I've made it compatible with Excel 2003, so have kept the colours basic. The first worksheet is a tempate which I've protected, so you can't accidentally lose the formulas (you can unprotect it if you want, it doesn't have a password).

There are also 3 example worksheets for different brokers which are not protected.

The period of time when the US and UK are out of sync with their daylight savings is very awkward - I haven't built this into the spreadsheet, but am thinking of doing it somehow.

If you're at all confused, just follow the trading times given at - top left, just click on the city names for the correct session times - and make sure that you trade FMT 1 1/2 hours before London Open.

Hope this spreadsheet helps.



In summary, this is what you must do today now that London has changed their clocks:

Change your FMT to one hour later


a) If they are a UK broker and change their server time today:
Do Nothing - your FMT setting stays the same all year round

b) If they are a US broker and change their server time in a week's time:
Change your FMT to one hour later FOR ONE WEEK ONLY (then change it back again when your broker changes their server)

Hope this helps - I have to go out for a couple of hours, but will be back before FMT trades today if there are any questions re the spreadsheet...
I think the v-clock is wrong right now for London. It should match GMT time.
Just be ready to trade at 6:30 AM London time which is GMT time at present.

clock_v1_2 is working. You can check by editing it to show the "local" time. 🙂
I happen to think the biggest test for today will be whether in an hour and a bit, on present trends and there is a buy on GBP/USD are there really another 40 pips to be had in today's market?

We are already 130 pips over where we were this time Friday morning, the pound is at a height not seen since mid January 2010 and in the short term how much further does it have to run?

Here's to hoping this Monday will be a better day than the start we had to last week.
I like the nice spike low a few hours back. I think we are in for a good bullish run once we get started. 🙂