ForexMorningTrade System

TEST for 1 year 1 november 2009- 30 october 2010 (with winter and summer) Hour jade 6.30 (the default)
BE=24----Profit factor =1.70
BE=20--- Profit factor =1.75
BE=15--- Profit factor=1.88

I will ask Mark to take a look


I hope that Mark adds Money Management in the next version. Running this EA at 3% to 5% of equity(dependingon risk tolerance) should produce very good roi 👍
O.k. for FXDD I show that FXDD server time is now +3 to London time

So I've adjusted the indicator to 09:30 to11:30
And the start time for the EA is 09:30

yes FXDD says 00.21 right now, when GMT is 9.21 so that's 3 hours

Looks like Asia is already trading (it used to start at 10pm on FXDD in British Summer Time) so no changes yet in the time zones involved in the Tokyo/Sydney area etc I presume.
yes FXDD says 00.21 right now, when GMT is 9.21 so that's 3 hours

Looks like Asia is already trading (it used to start at 10pm on FXDD in British Summer Time) so no changes yet in the time zones involved in the Tokyo/Sydney area etc I presume.

I guess not. Next week the US moves their clocks back 1 hour.
I guess not. Next week the US moves their clocks back 1 hour.

Those of us who trade FMT manually will need to change the start time of the blue bar on MT4 in FXDD to 09.30 to equate with 6.30am (Mine used to be set at 8.30 to come right).

That's if we follow the usual FMT system, although on a slightly different subject I believe if a trend is already forming those who begin their trades on GBPUSD before 6.30 may actually stand better chance of achieving the 40 pips TP
I am using IBFX and it appears I do not need to change my setting based on checking platform and GMT clock. Anyone else have IBFX and see a change? Thanks
I think the v-clock is wrong right now for London. It should match GMT time.
Just be ready to trade at 6:30 AM London time which is GMT time at present.
O.k. for FXDD I show that FXDD server time is now +3 to London time

So I've adjusted the indicator to 09:30 to11:30
And the start time for the EA is 09:30


So on the east coast It's 09:30 to 11:30 am on the indicator and 09:30 on the EA.
I am using IBFX and it appears I do not need to change my setting based on checking platform and GMT clock. Anyone else have IBFX and see a change? Thanks

I changed my start time on IBFX to 6:30. IBFX did not change their clock on my platform. Since GBP is setting their clock back 1 hour we need to change our settings to 1 hour later. This is my understanding. Anyone, please comment if you think different about IBFX.
My broker's time is GMT...
should i change the settings in manual and EA??

Pierre2 explains it some pages back:

London always open at 8 london time(in winter is 8 gmt, in summer is 7 gmt)
Europe and London have changed hour this morning; if the broker change also, we dont have to change nothing; if the hour broker dont change we have to add one hour at our old EA setting
My broker's time is GMT...
should i change the settings in manual and EA??

my broker is also the same as GMT time. I have IBFX. I was set to trade at 5:30 last week and when I checked today I saw no change needed because broker and GMT times still matched. All I can tell you is what I have found. Hope it is correct
If your broker is GMT then set everything up to start at 6:30. That is 1.5 hours before London open.
My broker's time is GMT...
should i change the settings in manual and EA??

Find out what time it is in London, compare it to your time from... anywhere.
Trade starts 1.5 hours before London open at 08:00.(06:30 london time for long/short/no trade).
I changed my start time on IBFX to 6:30. IBFX did not change their clock on my platform. Since GBP is setting their clock back 1 hour we need to change our settings to 1 hour later. This is my understanding. Anyone, please comment if you think different about IBFX.

My platform shows 1:15 and when I check GMT time it is 1:21...I am thinking IBFX did change...Thank you for the reply....not sure what to do but for now I am staying with 5:30