Forex trading live calls and set ups

I am thinking of closing this thread (Beachtrader voted a No)

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Christ on a bike, I've just visited your website, did you write that copy yourself? If so change it, it's is your tired concept which has been done to death a million + times...

Is your interest on the presentation or the product? The same shallow mind the becloud our vision.
Pls great trader dont even look at that site. Maybe one day in future you will.who knows
chf/jpy 8626 long stop 8580 target open

Very Nice entry, out of interest, (without revealing anything), I don't trade chf/jpy, but the entry you took, fits in very well to where I would have taken the trade (14:04), good luck.:)

As I type, away she goes, well done sir
BS, why the personal attack, can't see any justification, guy has placed 3 trades, 1st nzd/usd which if looking at the charts was up +34 by around 6am here, don't know if he closed it. 2nd, also checks out, +32, and one trade in motion so to speak.

Guy has placed the calls, whats the issue, does it matter whether he has his own site, he hasn't asked anybody to subscribe to the site as far as I can see and I doubt any of us on here would subscribe anyway, we all appear to be seasoned traders

I would not have given a second thought to viewing his site, until I saw your post, then looked out of interest, but never in a million years would I trade anybody elses signals


Reasonable and rationale is your approach to issues. keep it up!
Very Nice entry, out of interest, (without revealing anything), I don't trade chf/jpy, but the entry you took, fits in very well to where I would have taken the trade (14:04), good luck.:)

As I type, away she goes, well done sir

Tks. Hope it holds ..if it doest shold be 8800ish.
Good luck too!
BS, why the personal attack, can't see any justification, guy has placed 3 trades, 1st nzd/usd which if looking at the charts was up +34 by around 6am here, don't know if he closed it. 2nd, also checks out, +32, and one trade in motion so to speak.

Guy has placed the calls, whats the issue, does it matter whether he has his own site, he hasn't asked anybody to subscribe to the site as far as I can see and I doubt any of us on here would subscribe anyway, we all appear to be seasoned traders

I would not have given a second thought to viewing his site, until I saw your post, then looked out of interest, but never in a million years would I trade anybody elses signals


Not really that interested in what good calls he has or hasn't made on this thread, never have been interested in anyone's calls tbh. I saw the link (well now it's not a link that's been removed by the mods) and thought I'd have a curious look in. it's the same tired, completely unprofessional approach I've seen a thousand times on this suite of forums, but heh-ho..all good eh? :D
This is a live call thread. All are welcome to call providing the calls are in real time with stops in place. In some ways I like the idea of vendors coming on here,its a good place to be judged. If theres a hidden motive it will soon be found out. So far his calls seem to have been placed at the time of entry. Time will tell.
Not really that interested in what good calls he has or hasn't made on this thread, never have been interested in anyone's calls tbh. I saw the link (well now it's not a link that's been removed by the mods) and thought I'd have a curious look in. it's the same tired, completely unprofessional approach I've seen a thousand times on this suite of forums, but heh-ho..all good eh? :D

I get your point, however, the thread title is "Live calls and set ups", he's made live calls and credit to him for doing that, and they have being excellent calls so far.

Why you want call his approach unprofessional, I don't know, he hasn't asked anybody to join his site. I ran a successful business for over 20 years until I sold out 12 years ago, and took up what was my hobby into my sole income, trading. My marketing guys had a free reign to explore unlimited marketing & PR opportunities to enable the business to exploit its potential, I cannot and will not criticise anybody for trying to make a go of a business venture, its a hard slog, to get customers and then retain customers in a competitive market, and any marketing opportunity to gain new business (investors) should not be sniffed at imho.

Just my 2 penneth.
I get your point, however, the thread title is "Live calls and set ups", he's made live calls and credit to him for doing that, and they have being excellent calls so far.

Have they? No idea, I'll take your judgement on it..I've yet to see anyone on any forum consistently make an FX income trading off small time frames..

Why you want call his approach unprofessional, I don't know, he hasn't asked anybody to join his site.

OK, so he's just here to make calls (as you call them) is he and not subtly promote his *site*? My bad

I ran a successful business for over 20 years until I sold out 12 years ago, and took up what was my hobby into my sole income, trading. My marketing guys had a free reign to explore unlimited marketing & PR opportunities to enable the business to exploit its potential, I cannot and will not criticise anybody for trying to make a go of a business venture, its a hard slog, to get customers and then retain customers in a competitive market, and any marketing opportunity to gain new business (investors) should not be sniffed at imho.

There's plenty of us that have run/are running good and bad businesses without reducing ourselves to touting for victims (customers) on forums but heh, perhaps its the T2W way and I need to get up to speed..

But if I'm going to be constantly sold to (on just about every other thread I look on) I'd like it to be done well and for once, just once It would be good to visit one of these 'bolt together' sites and see a decent job done, this plethora of 50 quid website efforts, with Paypal links, descredits the enlarged industry..But heh, why should I care..
My judgement is yes they have, the results (without visual evidence), but the live calls where made and where good

I''ve managed for over a decade trading the small timeframes, I personally like them ahead of the longer timeframes, just need to know what your doing, I have found over time, those that criticise the short time frame traders, do so, because they haven't being able to do it themselves,

Why you want call his approach unprofessional, I don't know, he hasn't asked anybody to join his site.

Jezzz, I touted (marketed) for business through a complex and highly professional marketing division, exploring all marketing opportuniuties to identify potential opportunities to market the business, we looked upon customers new and old as "CUSTOMERS", not victims. If we didn't perform, we would lose there custom, if we provided an excellent service we, retained the custom and build business on word of mouth from that customer.

Don't want to speak out of turn matey, but get off your pedastal, concentrate on what you do, swing trade, and let the rest get on with it, serves no purpose critising others for no apparent reason, other than that they are making live calls, and looking for potential suitors, it may work for some, other nots.

My last word on the subject BS, I don't want to get drawn into an arguement with you, cheers


PS: the last live call he made is going great guns.
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I personally think vendors waste their time on this thread (if they are intending to promote themselves). We have all spent years trading/experimenting our methods and will be quite surprised if any of us would just pay someone else to follow their signals blindly.
I get your point, however, the thread title is "Live calls and set ups", he's made live calls and credit to him for doing that, and they have being excellent calls so far.

Have they? No idea, I'll take your judgement on it..I've yet to see anyone on any forum consistently make an FX income trading off small time frames..

.. [/COLOR]

Statement as above that no one makes a living off small time frame is just figment of one imagination or what they have told you. It is same as "no one can make a living playing pro football or even snooker..LOL) What do you think is the diff. btw long term and short term? Just make a call ad sit back for months or years? Have you taken time out to really listen to Conference calls of Brokerage firms such as GS, Barclays Capital, MS, particular about their trading activities? Have you heard the term "losing/winning days" ?
Dont be misled, army of folk make a descent living trading short term --myself included. If you like let me have your paypal to send you free money for lunch LOL

Common, open your mind to see. So many things are bad and few are good. Our acumen as business people let us see opportunities where 95% others dont. That is always the difference. Trading is a not only a business but a vocation. It is about opportunities and they are hard to see!
Statement as above that no one makes a living off small time frame is just figment of one imagination or what they have told you. It is same as "no one can make a living playing pro football or even snooker..LOL) What do you think is the diff. btw long term and short term? Just make a call ad sit back for months or years? Have you taken time out to really listen to Conference calls of Brokerage firms such as GS, Barclays Capital, MS, particular about their trading activities? Have you heard the term "losing/winning days" ?
Dont be misled, army of folk make a descent living trading short term --myself included. If you like let me have your paypal to send you free money for lunch LOL

Common, open your mind to see. So many things are bad and few are good. Our acumen as business people let us see opportunities where 95% others dont. That is always the difference. Trading is a not only a business but a vocation. It is about opportunities and they are hard to see!

You're winding me up now aren't you? It's now clear that your first language isn't English, heh, it's a lot better than my foreign language skills so all credit to you for making the effort.

I'm not going to labour this point and don't want it mistranslated, so let me make my statement perfectly clear to prevent confusion and then let the lads get back to their calls..I've yet to see any retail trader, on any forum, make a consistent living out of trading FX off what I class as small time-frames.
I personally think vendors waste their time on this thread (if they are intending to promote themselves). We have all spent years trading/experimenting our methods and will be quite surprised if any of us would just pay someone else to follow their signals blindly.

I support your argument 100%.
Though I earned graduate degrees in quantitative sciences, I am an ardent follower of Bill Gates for 20+ years now. Not because of his success but b/cos of the workings of his inner minds. He was decsribed once as " he who knows who need it and those that have it". Bill is a complete businessman when he was able to buy off 16bit OS from Peterson (the PHD developer) and sold to IBM..with smart lawyers of course. He always says " It is human to err, it is devilish to remain wilfully in error". He had ever turned all disappointments into a success.
Good luck and more grease to your elbows !
BS if you trade on technicals only I see no difference between small or high TFs....

At the end of the day a good price set up can be on a 1 min fx chart or a weekly share chart...In theory it should give the same result

If anything smaller TFs are an advantage as you dont have to sit on profits and then see market reverse coz of a fundamental news....
Just to add of course trading longer TFs gives you the advantage that you generally trade less, have more time to examine the set up, and naturally wont get trapped into overtrading...

but discipline permitting I still prefer short term
You're winding me up now aren't you? It's now clear that your first language isn't English, heh, it's a lot better than my foreign language skills so all credit to you for making the effort.

I'm not going to labour this point and don't want it mistranslated, so let me make my statement perfectly clear to prevent confusion and then let the lads get back to their calls..I've yet to see any retail trader, on any forum, make a consistent living out of trading FX off what I class as small time-frames.

English is the language for business communication the world over. One key jewels of te British empire, apart from scientific inventions. Unfortunately it is not th mother tongue of everyone and also differs from the use of english which I bet you ar not likely to stand taller than me.
Good luck